how big is the THOT problem in other countries besides america?
How big is the THOT problem in other countries besides america?
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stop obsessing over women it's not a problem attend to your own matters
Here some girls want to wear pants for heavens sake
why do american grills have to thin hair?
Thots are everywhere and it seems to be effecting every race here.
More liberal = more thots
That sucks, great mother material. FUCK THE SOCIETY
not my problem? since you're on Jow Forums im gonna assume you've felt the crippling feeling of loneliness
THOT magic
not gonna deny she looks nice, but she screams thot. a lot of women in the US do. not sure about france though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> crippling depression
anyone who pairs these two words together deserves what every suffering comes their way. your a oversocailized normie(faggot) and i hate you
you're haha
not what I fucking said you jew. how about you read what i said and not manipulate what i said. that might be hard though so you might just wanna complain about antisemitism.
Here is a map with the number of sexual partners for a young adult woman. Now keep in mind, they did a study on females and their self proclaimed sex partners and they tend to lie about this, upon taking a fake detector test the number rose up by twofold. So every number you see on this picture can be multiplied by two. Tell me Jow Forums, how different are you in this context to the average girl of your country?
This map is fake sweetie
Okay roastoid
Give source then. But you won't dind it. Because it's fake
So Turks are bigger whores than on the others but kikes are still big whores.
okay ahmed
t. 1000 cock stared IDF girl
>Japan 10.2
This is how I know the list is nonsense
only a problem in the city where girls are basically discount californians
Irish and Swedish women having the most sexual partners is no shock tbqh
4 years from wizardry lads
I'm more of a whore than the average woman of my country, if we double that number then I guess we're on par.
If you can't stand being alone you're probably shit company.
>'Thots' mass shootings = 0
>Incels = lost count
I can't picture myself ever becoming lonely, between my friends and my job I spend roughly 12 hours per day in the company of other people. I honestly don't remember what loneliness feels like.
Men in general always have more sexual partners then women
In the USA men averaged 14 sexual partners whereas women averaged around 7
I seriously doubt it, do the fags count in these polls or just heteros?
What’s hard to believe about it ?
I mean most guys I know go out partying and try to have sex with as many girls as possible. Whereas women tend to be more concerned with being called whores and sluts
How successful are those guys? I'm virtually the only one in my group of friends with 10-11 lays (post high school), I bet to your average woman that's a small number.