Yes please

Yes please

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Other urls found in this thread: scandal


I find a good amount of Asian girls attractive but I’m not going to lie in this scenario I would definitely choose the white girl

only Incel soybois will disagree

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Chad: I'll have both

Japanese girl is ugly.


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You are ugly girl.

What men actually want

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co hoe hoe hoe pe

Weebs should be executed in death marches and they bodies could be used as food for pigs and other animals. Prove me wrong.

white women are very strong and independent. those characteristics make them look like men. therefore, if you like white women, you’re gay.

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calm down

Plastic. This stupid insect got butt implants so big it looks like it's wearing a diaper.
Plastic and caked in make up. You can tell by the skin color.

>let's pick a white neighborhood
things that never happened: the pic

You mean this? Yeah, they are real.
There are a fuckton of videos that gook women sucking Japanese cock. kek scandal

Homosexual is considered as the ideal relationship in ancient Greek which is the root of western civilization.


Serious question, why do you not just go out and try to get asian women instead of spamming cherry-picked images of asian models on Jow Forums?

What men actually want.

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Based Spaniard

Speak for yourself weeb

The right answer

You will be first Josef

>>white female

>wanting kids
>wanting to move to a white neightbourhood
>wanting to learn how to shoot

A med version of that brit bimbo is what I want

>let's pick a nice white neighborhood
>my dad taught me to shoot when i was a little
the incel that made this is delusional

omg it's alan dawa dolma

Cringe rice cookers not realizing that girls like that are common in rural America. I know Europe is cucked but you don't have to project that to the rest of the white world.

rural american girls are busy getting fucked up on meth.

> Europe is cucked but you don't have to project that to
>the rest of the white world.
Wait, what?

its also common to be batshit insane in rural america

girls in rural america are too busy getting fucked by black men and mexicans

The only white men that fuck them are their cousins

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What men actually want

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Yellow fever fags BTFO forever.

>Keeley Hazell
THE GOAT of page 3 slags


liking asian women means you're the lowest of the lowest in the foodchain, you go for the easiest most docile women out there

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What a pretty woman. r/asianmasculinity should be proud!


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عبد الرحمن الثالث would be proud

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Asians are generally far more ugly than any other race. Unless they literally take a bath in cosmetics or plastic surgery they look like shit. Japanese atractive women look like the indigenous people of my state in south mexico.

What is that kind of tumor called?

wouldn't you? anything else is wasted energy

>Japanese atractive women look like the indigenous people of my state in south mexico.
Jomon is better than latin niggas


nah only the ones from poor countries but that's quite common. Russian women for example are extremely easy if you have cash. They will disappear if you are left with no more cash or, worse, they'll stay until they hit the wall at 30.
On the other hand cute asian girls from rich asian countries are hard to conquer

>Incel soybois wants white hot women instead of loli little asian boys
yeah...i don't know about that one.

you spend too much time on the internet user

Are Asian girls actually crazier than other girls?

>Turning down prime Keeley Hazell for some gook.

Cual estado?


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