Our future :)

our future :)

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racemixing faggots

Post this in Jow ForumsAsianmasculinity and you start World War 3.

its happening whether u like it or not

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>all of them are below average sois

they are gonna start posting AMWF in this thread in about 10 mins

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It already started on /tv/, the chinks there are constantly spamming am/wf couples and cuck porn because of Bruce lee posting.

Fact: 90% of Asian American males are happily incel and focus on getting good at video games
Do not judge all Asian Americans by some fringe subredditors

And the girls are sea monkeys so it balances out

Bbbb but white fuels can only get brown sea monkeys. Go to East Asia and there are more Asian guys with white girls then the other way around.... oh wait

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Our future :)

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What's with Perú and Japan?

> asian women!

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And in Korea

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Right one could be a chad if not chubby

She cute desu

All uggos should be subjected to mandatory race mixing.

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Why do you redditors can't stop talking about reddit?

lol no, white male suicide rates in the US are as high as our homicide rates in Brazil, and you're getting browned.

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I thought the girls were black

Upon closer inspection they are sea monkeys

nice try kim

lol more like the other way around, you're massive cucks.

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Just stop it dude. For a guy who is pro race mixing you always get angry when we do it. There are more Latina women married to whites then other way around in Canada and the USA. Just try not to be a hypocrite for once

Kim pls


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lmao look at this fetishposter

lol white cuck fetish

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yeah, cucking is your fetish and you are just like bronies and furries: you tell everyone about it


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Why is this Brazilian so obsessed with niggers and cuckoldry, he’s probably not even black. Pathetic that you’re living vicariously through others

lol cucks

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love this brazilian poster. and the canadian pajeet'd spammer. btfo'ing whites left and right.

the only thing they are doing is spamming their fetishes while pretending it's only "shitposting"