
Rorkes against Racism edition

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absolutely gassed i got that maths question pretty close lads
i'll be doing autographs on that share draw thing for the next 20 mins

drinking havana club 7yo from the bottle

Imagine her in that dress having anal sex with a black man

Fitted a new kitchen floor today, lads. Feel proud of myself that I have done productive.

plymouth? yeah it's quite nice actually

How do you square 55 mentally you madman? I call bullshit

why is the rum gone heh

Leftypol's dms leaked talking about how he wants to suck a big black cock to prove he's not a racist

ole is at the wheel x

The gf

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>my minge when he speaks with a brummie accent

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why yes, i am a coiner, how could you tell?

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Simple as

Leftypol sat nodding as he watches Russell Brand on YouTube

here please mate

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ex gf is now one of those people who sells dresses and makeup on instagram
very dire
women literally have no souls, she never acted remotely like that with me and we were together for years

moshi moshi bitch pen desu

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Attention Evilos /cyc/ posters we made a velogames vuelta game but you only have 45 minutes left to join. visit /cyc/ now

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Watching Billie Eilish at Reading. As far as female pop artists go she's actually not that bad. Dunno why /mu/ hates her so much.

can't happen unless he took loans out and tried to day trade and lost. even margin trading you can't go into debt since they just use your initial as collateral and liquidate the position (your account balance). so in other words, it's just a larp from a no coiner since they all the no coiners love to read about losses since they all missed out.

so not really no

what are gays so proud about

Fuck me, just finished watching Come and See (1985). What a brilliantly bleak and disturbing film.

Come and See this
*unzips dick*

brummie lad got BTFO on here last night felt sorry for him

it's alright aleksei german is better tho

Rorke repeating something he heard PJW say when arguing with parents over dinner

he was trading other peoples money. why dont you look into it before you make mouthdrooling posts in future. thanks

In love with a geordie girl, lads. What should I expect if things become more serious than they already are ? Been shagging her for a few months now, still loving every single minute of it

theres a cheeky shortcut
times first digit by next number then add 25 on the end
soits 5*6 with a 25 on the end
works for all numbers 1-100 ending in 5

Came, saw and wanked again

Why is aya so fucking cute bros?

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didn't brush my teeth last night
haven't brushed them this morning
on a "mad one" as they say

Hate Neoliberalism
Hate the upper class
Hate mass immigration
Hate americanisation
Hate globalism
Love my country
Love my countrymen
Love socialism with a nationalist aesthetic
Love pints

*Suckles up my pipe*

Why yes my name is Rorke

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she's butters though

i saw, i conquered, i came

studying ribaldry

he said he was in a reddit post yeah. or do you think people just hand out 1.5 million to people randomly and say "have a go mate"

lol reddit is full of larps like that. hundreds of them

been meaning to watch it but the look of it just buts me off a bit

haha hey it works

Why be a dumb Nigger when you can just be quiet?

fuck up diego you boring low IQ cunt

Having the bum worked up is a performance thus you can take pride in such activity

dave what are you LIKE

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anyone got a good stream for liverpool-arsenal

recently switched to sky broadband and they've blocked loads of sites

don't know who that is but you're low iq for believing reddit posts
what a gullible spacker

Had the double quarter pounder from Maccies today and was hugely disappointed.

says a lot about brexit

what channel is it on?

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ganbangs are just sad

t. Blue Labour

ching chong ching chong

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as opposed to anonymous on Jow Forums. fuck up virgin

quite sad seeing people who are functionally illiterate post on facebook
like bad spelling hahah funny lol but these people might have to fill in important paperwork one day

ronaldo9 mate


Went to Burger King for breakfast today and saw the most stereotypical Norf looking lad ever. His biceps were like bags of milk.

you wouldn't believe it if someone said the same on here but you believe it on plebbit? lol makes sense

thick cunt be quiet in future

Love women me
Want to have sex with one

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>but the look of it just buts me off a bit
what do you mean?

alri purple aki

bore off you stinking virgin

bore off you stinking virgin

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thanks chief

wtf is up with homos

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nah he's shown you to be a spacker lad
you lost this one


bet i talk to some of you lads almost every day yet well probably never know each others names


DIS-GUS-TING navel on this slag, wouldn't touch her

cope lol

enthralled by the latest polemic from calamitous poosperg

*blows smoke off my posting finger*

bore off you stinking virgin

im not sure this is peer reviewed analysis

there has been a mistake. i shag

need to increase my income urgently, any ideas? I need to earn £130k yearly minimum, within 2 years
(currently on 45k base + bonus)

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thoughts on curtains?



old facebook was fucking based

business idea: cat disposal service, no questions asked

you can't post that here

sell drugs

traffick vulnerable people to eastern europe

ok ill delete it then

if im ever mean to anyone, its because im hurting inside

business idea: the school of hard knocks, where you hit kids until they're smart

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no market

high risk, might as well gamble for the same monetary risk/return without the risk of prison

reckon the barrier of entry is too + the same issues as selling drugs

how about I give you a hard knock for free

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Touch the tip, pls


sending athetist prayers

wonder if you could actually market this in the US
would be a bit like karate lessons but instead it's just a boomer role model who berates your kids and has them work on cars and fix plumbing and stuff

Loooooooooooooooooooooool holy fucking FITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

look at that fatty haha

medical trials