So 70% of an interview is fulling off lies and having a fake persona. How can I improve my interpersonal skills...

So 70% of an interview is fulling off lies and having a fake persona. How can I improve my interpersonal skills, how can I learn to act??? How do you's do it??

I have management and accounting skills a long with a double biz com degree and have been to legit 10+ interviews in the last month

I did it once when I was 25 and was luckily really good at the position but I'm being emasculated by a women and I'm slowly breaking out of it. Maybe being a beta has a lot to do with it, help me plz

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Go in there and exude confidence. Pretend the job is below you and make them prove to you that you're a good fit. Unironically read the art of the deal.
T. Former interview loser

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The working world is apot like the dating world. Nobody wants to be stuck with a loser that has no options. Have confidence and project that u have a good work ethic.

How did you take anything from Trump's book as being useful for interviews? You mean the way he was conducting business and how he was pushing his seller or buyers? I doubt it works the same.

Also, am I a brainlet if I forget almost all I've read in a book? Does it depend on how useful or interesting I found the book or did I already fill my tiny brain with useless facts and knowledge, since I like to learn all sorts of new things. I read 48 Law of Power a while ago which is nothing but a collection of cool histories, but fuck if I can remember at least one.

This is true.

I had this epiphany a few months ago after going on like 10+ interviews and failing them all.

After a brutal failure (in the eyes of the interviewers) something happened and I evolved. I don't remember anything about who interviewed me. They are blurs in my reality.

Now I'm using Tinder and not giving a single fuck. Got a new job too right after that interview with another company.

Learn to love yourself and then you can sell yourself

t. actual NPCs

Only NPC can do it

Books like 48 Laws of Power, The Prince, etc. should be treated as guide books that you consult ever so often whenever you doubt your own abilities.

The laws of power was so good, great for the mind.

The trump book I have read about 30 pages and it sort of just seemed like trump was flexing.

Okay, yes this makes sense - what other dysfunctional social interactions could you highlight that I can work one - Im really bad at speaking, Not to mention I was not fat and could speak proper when I was 25

I feel absolutely miserable when I get rejected. The phone interview is fine - them I get to the face to face and bam - fail

I've been watching some business type flicks such as smartest people in the room and 'american psycho - like the way Jeff skilling talks is very direct and assertive but you wouldn't use that in an interview would you?

I get that. That was just a random example. But I just don't know if it's normal to forget so much from a book. Sure, there are some that I could recide start to finish but from others I got just the general ideas. For example The Richest Man in Babylon - save 10%, Rich Dad Poor Dad - don't focus all on 9 to 5, The Art of War - think out your strategies and try cheeky things, Animal Farm - socialism is evil, etc. But from some I forget details, character names, what each chapter was about and so on. Am I retarded? Be honest anons.

I don't know, 48 was kind of cliche imo, but the stories were cool. Trump's book was him flexing but it was interesting too see how he managed all the things that he did.

I don't understand

Watch jobsearchminute on YouTube.

Write down your version of the answers.

Practice aloud. OUT LOUD.

That's it.

People actually do this? This is something a dumb boomer does

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No a good interview is selling the truth, not telling it.

Stop fearing rejection.

why not just be self-employed instead of sucking up to others?

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Treat them like they're your friends. Your enthusiasm will rub off on them and they will like you too. It will make you feel more comfortable and relaxed. You'll probably fuck up some interviews but that's normal. You'll only get better if you do more interviews. Also everyone gets nervous, so don't stress out too much, it's only normal. In fact getting nervous is a good thing because it helps your body perform at its peak

>In fact getting nervous is a good thing because it helps your body perform at its peak
Maybe if I were trying to outrun a bear, but getting super nervous fucks my shit up when I'm sitting in an interview trying to answer difficult technical questions in front of a panel that I am acutely aware is judging my every stutter and stammer.
Fuck interviews.
I got lucky and after several fucks ups, got interviewed by a fellow autist who obviously didn't care about the charismatic bullshit and got hired.

Well you're right, a little nervousness is fine, but being paralysed by intense nervousness is a problem. Social interactions are 100% practice and experience. It's honestly all muscle memory. Just putting yourself out of your comfort zone will help you improve little by little. Just remember that even the most confident and charasmatic people still get butterfly's. Best of luck mate

I just got a job making 30% more money by doing exactly what you just said. If slaying interviews were a job I’d be a fucking god of industry. I was actually going for 40% more but they had a ceiling, and couldn’t get approval for breaking (the agreed rate of pay was still slightly above it but I didn’t want to lose the offer being greedy).

>MFW I leaped as a real company guy to make more money to bang into crypto and will shit all over this job til I make it.

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Can confirm these. Recently had a lot off interviews and it just became better and better. Stepped up my game at every interview, also while being more confident, relaxed, knowing what to say and what answers will await me. A friendly basis is literally the best you can have. Also try a light joke.


Is there any more good literature for interviews or self improvement or is the 48 powers the best you'll get?