Why do Asians do this?

Why do Asians do this?

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yikes dude

>Why does [insert rich/famus person] get hot girls
It's a mystery ain't it.

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I feel bad for the girl dating that nose-speaking empty shell of a man

escorts don't date

It’s his actual girlfriend the guys name is ricegum. He’s a YouTuber with over 10 million subscribers and is worth millions of dollara

she looks like a whore with bolt-ons

Some Asians have inferiority complex and only see white women as some kind of trophy

Does everyone want to hold titties

I think that there is not at least Japanese

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I am Asian and cannot comprehend why any Asian man would want a white girl. Asian girls are so much cuter

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they are born in the West and get brainwashed by the media

I was born in the west. How do I know if I've been brainwashed?

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The media defiantly influences it.

But most guys just like attractive women regardless of race

Chinese aren't Asians, buddy.

Dyed hair on either guys and girls are a red flag. The more unnatural the hair dye the more insecure they are

The only reason these girls are with him is because hes rich as fuck, what a pathetic existance, with no girls who has real love for you

I bleached my hair one summer with lemon juice, but I'm blonde.

This is true but the thing is I don’t neascailry girw this as a bad thing.

Hardworking men tend to be successful and being rewarded with attractive women is a testemeant of their accomplishments. Money, power, status , sociability all go further then looks for women

>attractive women

Women who want you because of your money are not attractive, and neither are the girls in OPs pic who look like literal prostitutes

Sorry to break it to you bro but you just contracted ligma balls

You can be the most handsome man in the world but if your some b collecting welfare and no real goals are social skills you do not go as far as a some what attractive guy who is successful.

You might think this is some plastic girl ( I agree) but he has more options then other of us

because vietnamese guys are chad
unlike pin dick chinks

Another user is naive as fuck that's just how the world works.

Winners get their choice of women.

Hapa children are better

His dad is Chinese and his mom is Viet. He is Chinese-Viet.

>His dad is Chinese and his mom is Viet. He is Chinese-Viet.
Hes still not a pin dick chink

You are the one that’s naive. There is a reason why all you incels complain about “ chads” having sex all the time