
this is very difficult to read

Attached: 1566654191923.jpg (767x1024, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:


painfully cringy


so sad

Tldr pls


why do americans do this

how is this international

Attached: worldssmollestviolin.gif (500x278, 718K)

the absolute state of mods/janny

what a fucking shubhuman cuck

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Is it true
haha that can't be true
this is a made up story right

give me tl;dr

are you literally this cumbrained you struggle with reading 4 paragraphs of text?



I sped read it in 5 seconds fyi

>he did it for free
>even worse, he paid for it

Ya it’s pathetic sure but she’s a whore

>im a mod
Poor guy

Friendly reminder that this is EXACTLY the type of person that allows volunteers to be a janny on 4chinz.

Absolutely pathetic and spineless subhumans, the lot of them.

because it's a cleverly veiled "make fun of amerisoys" thread

>she’s a whore
Nothing wrong with that

it's another thread from the "let's ridicule americans online" series

yes, we can see she is a woman

not a whore, more like a slut. She didn't sleep with the mod (that is for fucking sure) or anyone else (as far as anyone knows).

she's a post-op transexual look at her old pic on tumblr when was 20


>I had just got off work and I sent you a picture of my "bored but tired" face on snapchat
jesussss fucking christ just HOW fucking lonely you have to be.

Are americans this fucking deranged for real. They seem to be both emotionally immature and craving for emotional attention at the same time like babies.

Social media really fucks up with people heads.

Attached: 1498072302130.png (600x559, 41K)

impressive how many people are making a living out of this, good for her I guess

white males look like this?!?!?!?

Attached: BpU9rcb.jpg (904x851, 83K)

Do americans ?


She attracts some weird mods

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He needs to have sex


I never read any shit with more than two paragraphs on Jow Forums, especially knowing it's going to be fake or shit made up for (you)'s

Her patreon is somewhere between softcore and hardcore porn. She’s a whore.

>that last paragraph

35 posts in and nobody has posted her Chinese husband yet?

Attached: nextshark_01.jpg (767x661, 190K)

This is obviously fake

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so sad. This poor simp probably watches her get stretched out by nogs


Attached: 1565897513050.jpg (960x928, 75K)

White men look like this?

Attached: DloKVULUcAAybnQ.jpg (1125x1085, 134K)

literally a soygirl lmao

based Thot

it isnt hardcore at all. I dont even think she gets nude, this is as risque as it gets.

Attached: FTyE6qpPs4k.jpg (700x1166, 142K)

Attached: nl - _aoWkRimR2.jpg (1080x1080, 132K)

She has a stronger jawline than him

Every time she streams, she gets thousands of dollars in donations or subscriptions. This is already on top oh her patreon.

She gets $$$ without getting nude, so she has no reason to get nude because BETAS give her cash without requiring her to show her tits.,

Attached: ry1.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

We truly live in a society

the best twitch thots are spanish speakers

Attached: EB0tmouWwAAUPDn.jpg (1051x1308, 198K)

is she german?

using retarded betas to further her own goal is pretty based, nothing wrong with that

fucking hell

Attached: 1543247138309.jpg (268x188, 7K)

After that con, she went back to her hotel room and fucked her husband on the hotel bed.

Attached: 01_- 2HrDKCimYJ.jpg (640x640, 169K)


her tits look like boulders

Okay? Why are you acting like we're mad about this? We're making fun of the incel guy in that conversation, not the girl with the husband

They are fake

Attached: 1530780739801.jpg (2048x2048, 318K)

while that neckbeard was wanking his willer to thoughts of her between his modding sessions


terrible fakes
its hilarious to watch other twitch thots dance with their bouncing tits and then see amouranth's bolt ons never move

THis is what her tits looked like before the implants

Attached: 01_325293350993435_5166923735724315777_n.jpg (720x960, 100K)

this is a trans woman.

Janitor here is somehow more pathetic desu

what is your type? tons of thots on T W I T CH because it is easy money without doing sex workd.

what do twitchthots/"""social media influencers"""" do after their tits and ass get saggy and the get wrinkles, like what's the long term plan?
or has e-thotery not been around long enough for us to have the answers to these important questions

Uh... wow.
That's... actually a good question.
I guess, nothing like Alanah Pearce or MissClickGaming.

Actually, on second thought, I'm not picky at all.
I just rather avoid the ones that are screaming into the mic or constantly e-begging.

>chicken legs

I'll pass

I guess.. once you build up a solid fanbase, you'll always have a few "forever" orbiters.

this is true

Somone post the twitchthot with her two mods that lookd like were brought out of a challenged children hospital.

oh the humanity

Attached: tumblr_nmvx2snXUK1u5k06fo1_500.gif (450x382, 977K)

shame, those were really nice

Tbh he's much better looking than she is.

The fuck? Why ruin those?


her daughters will be uglier than her

why she does it

teh bottom part has to be edited wtf

How pathetic do you have to be give money to a whore you’ll never even fuck? Whiteknights need to be genocided

What did autistic weirdos do before the internet?
Someone needs to make a documentary about this.


Probably wrote in their dairies, lol.

The only thing worse than doing it for free.


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>Probably wrote in their dairies, lol.
Source? laugh out loud

I will never be able to understand why people donate money to e-girls. It’s a completely one sided transaction. It doesn’t benefit the man in any way. But for some reason they find it fulfilling and some of them are even naive enough to think that if they donate enough money the girl will fall in love with them.

same thing for literally any other streamer male female whatsoever desu

The Internet is the harbinger of Doom.
Thousands of fools and their money.

fuck mod and janny

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Isnt that the point of a donation? Else it with be a buy and sell agreement

I said between soft and hardcore you fucking cuck. Go donate more money to her you fucking incel

imagine 50 year old belle delphines granny girl piss
god i wish that were in my mouth

That's a whole new level of beta.
thanks Jow Forums you always make me feel better about myself

How can a man be this thirsty?

Never underestimate beta autism user.
This is coming from an autist who wuld never swoop anywhere that low