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Terrible Tuesday Edition

The grind continues...

Icebreaker: What's your housing situation like? Rent, own or live at home? Do you live with anyone?

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thanks for the bump, npc

I rent an absolute shithole for way too much money because my government sold us out to boomers and the Chinese. Guess the country.


Close. It is a socialist paradise, but further north. Our glorious leader has great hair, if that helps narrow the field.

I work at an international school. I make $60K a year (relatively new, not grestest school).
I pay $350 a month in rent
I have 16 weeks of vacation a year
Live with my gf

I am conspiring with my colleagues to remove the MD of our business, which is a regional unit of a foreign company. What’s the best way to do this?

Peña is based, u dumb cunt. I LOVE PRI

Rent, on my own.
CaliforniaCucks are moving here so housing prices have shot up 30% in the last 6 months.
Dumb boomer parents are giddy because their house is worth so much more now.

Also found out I failed yet another part of CPA exam, cause I'm a fucking austist.


Further north my brown friend.

Vancouver. How bad is it.

You've made it if that's true, dirt cheap rent with a decent job. You should be saving/investing a hell of a lot.


>stagnating wages
>rising housing
boomers literally didn't even receive their high school diploma and bought their house in 2 years and now they're screeching at us and demanding their social security checks "muh greatest cuntry on earth"

what the actual fuck!

How do you guys decide on the trade-off between stress and cash? I'm saving to retire early, making a good amount in an affordable place, but this company is owned/run by Chinese nationals and the management treats everyone like a cog. I'm constantly getting squeezed to work harder by some manager. I'm sticking it out for now because I've only been here a few months and it's accelerating my future plans, but god I hate it here.

Im fucking hungry bros

You're killing it.
I'm jelly ad your life sounds comfy

How original

Stress shortens your life. Which is more important money or your health? Weigh the pros and cons seriously and make a choice. Chinese are bug people dont work for them ever

Me too i forgot to pack a lunch today and I shouldn't eat out to stay frugal

bought btc in 2011
here to enjoy reading about your suffering
I love these threads : )

woke up at 2pm today, smoked lots of weed last night with my gf

Yeah I know man. It's a Chinese startup, it's the worst. It's my second job, and I worked at the previous for 8 months, so I feel like I can't hop yet. I feel like I need to suffer through it for a year, then find a comfy megacorp job and never work for a startup again.

Live in a rented house in a favela, me, older mother, young brother with breathing problems and old dad that is into his dreams.

I would like to have a work, so I wouldnt need to be job begging everyday to being a translator or anything related, and I need to do cash to pay things here.

But its fine, someday things will be better.

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Hope you are enjoying it.

Save cash, diversify your options, waste less than your incomes and you will never go back to the hell that is the normal life.

Also: use condoms, pregnancy arent something good until you are 40 and stable, travel to places you like and do what you want.

Also, pray to god because people greed can affect you.

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Get back in your wage cage and don't you even think about workers rights, that's socialism!

>What's your housing situation like?
I currently pay $1,200/month for a studio on Los Angeles. A tiny bedroom + a bathroom, and that's it. No kitchen, no garbage disposal, no fridge, stove/oven, etc. But in a couple weeks I'll be leaving California for a new job in Washington State where I'll stay with a friend and he has a much nicer place

Favelanon why don't you sell drugs or something through dnm?

I live in a east european shithole but i learned to trade buttcorns so i actually manage to make x5 what others my age usually earn because i sell my buttcorn profits for dollars not the scam national currency, god bless the US of A.

Ding ding ding. Full of chinks and poos, thanks for playing.

Custodian I clean people's shit all day. What shit coin should I buy with my shit waging so I don't need to deal with shit all day any more?


Hurr raise minimum wage Tyrone
>inb4 BLM protests Bernie
feel the bern lol

calculus tutor

need more money

but dont want to work

Just start searching for new jobs now. Talk to recruiters, apply out, and see if you can leverage anyone in your network. Corporate recruiting takes so long that it'll look like you were with said company for a year anyway when all is said & done.

Also does anyone else do project based work where their entire life just feels like a constant stream of changing business requirements with no actual end results? In my current role I've completed final deliverables on ~4 projects that were classified as mid to high impact, but only one actually ended up being utilized by the business owners. Meanwhile one project has been spinning around in circles for 6 months with no real actionable progress being made. Why are these people paying me.

>host my 60yo father in my tiny flat because he's retarded with money
>fucking nogs down the block with their music
>fucking father with his music
>always showers when I want to take one
>asks for money even tough I gave him 4k last year to pay his bills
>this time it's my 5th last project for retirement trust me
>got an traffic accident because he did retarded work hours even thiuh his boss ordered him NOT TO several times
>yay imma sue him give me money to pay for the lawyer
>oh no I didn't do my paperwork for the last 20 years do it for me
>literally taught him for 4 years how to di that
Kill me

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Only been here 3 months, so I feel it'd be hard to explain, but I'll scope out my options. I keep getting contacted by a local bank for roles that seem to be non-software, more like an analyst. I've only worked at startups so I'm 100% looking for a corporate job at this point.

Get back in your wage slave cage.

I'm happy my parents are pretty normal and the worst boomerness I need to put up with is them going "Just go into debt lol you have a job it'll be fine."

as if you did differently

renting a flat. houses are too expensive here.

enjoyed my second free day though I fucked up a little bit by staying up late yesterday and getting up early today. headache and tiredness all around. still, better than working. dreading going back to work tomorrow.

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Live in my mom's apartment.

I share rent with gf. Big room in a 5-room apartment with 3 other people. 420 €/m all included and apartment is decent. 2400 €/m combined income(50/50). Planning to move, but waiting for more wagie stability or a viable idea for business. Ashamed to admit it but missed out on crypto in 2015 because I didn't trust the exchanges with a relatively big sum and traveled for work, so stopped caring until it was literally slapped in my face all over that I had missed out on being basically set for life. It's not even that bad financially compared to my peers, but I will pay some life choices in the coming years. Example when the ones that chose to live with parents until marriage start rolling with all them savings. Unfortunately born poorfag. Could have afforded to have higher education paid by parents, but was kept down by a wrong attitude towards that, making me feel guilty for not providing income. Plus a lack of confidence made uni terrible, when you already feel useless and you are confronted with stressful and demanding situations everything seems a bigger obstacle than it seems. Still depressed, still haven't made it, but could have gone a lot worse. Literally my country's version of a 30yo boomer. Sorry for the blog frens.

I live at my parents house. I commute 5 minutes to work. The only thing is I only make $15 an hour. I have a degree in economics but im too complacent here due to the short commute and stress free job. I need more money desperately, im down 60% on my crypto investments.

Would it be possible to learn a skill during my downtime at work? I only work 1 or two hours a day and spend the rest of the time shitposting

What are you using to study lad? I'm a licensed CPA as of last fall. Check out ninja notes, buy them. Know them. Ninja audio helps too and the ninja forums.

This by the way was all in supplement to Wiley CPA review. If you can pass FAR you can pass them all.

It’s ok fren, good read. Just remember the 30yo boomer meme is just a meme, at 30 my dad slept on a park bench, by 50 he was worth 10mil+
Just persevere and do your best pal.

fuck guys

HUGE presentation to the board in 15 mins, this could be the diff between a promotion and stuck in my cück cube for another year


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what did he do?

deep breathes, you'll be fine.

Try to plot into the presentation one word: "panda", can be fun!

thanks user,

see you in an hour, hour and a half

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>Failed Far
>Just failed AUD
>Using Wiley, but I don't know I honestly don't like accounting at all
Am curious about ninja notes. How much are they I use Wiley but maybe my brainlet mind needs new MCQ's to study.


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