Reminder this is Elizabeth Holmes' boyfriend and he had been fucking her since she was 17

Reminder this is Elizabeth Holmes' boyfriend and he had been fucking her since she was 17

Attached: Unknown.jpg (277x182, 7K)

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Figuratively whomdst

imagine eating that ass while she smiles looking back at you

billion dollar nanotainer lady

SEC probe lady

That paki had been plowing her since child, before they were rich. Not even kidding. He's 20 years older

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LOL he's 65 years old and still slaying. What your excuse Jow Forums? This pajeet scammer can get pussy but not you?

31 years older


it says he was born in 1965 on his wiki page

>billion dollar nanotainer lady

Attached: net_worth_zero2.png (568x652, 616K)

my bad, read 56

Literally all she ever did was say "nanotainer" and ask for money

nothing ever worked, nobody ever called her on it till 2015 and that was just some bored journalist


Knew a street shatter was responsible somehow

She scammed old dumb elite money. Not really silicon valley like they claim.

Walmart Heirs
Rupert Murdoch
Betsy Devos
Cox Family
oppenheimer famiy
Richard Kraft

etc etc etc. Almost all the investors are not silicon valley types, not angel investors, or any of those types. It was all dumb old elite money. The bottom of the barrel, worse than trash types.

no wonder she's so fucked in the head

should those people not have more people looking out for them?

i hope they stashed some money somewhere

eventually someone in a generation of family wealth has too much ego to surround themselves with people willing to be critical of what they want to do and they end up with a posse of highly paid yes-men "advisors".

kek. i wonder if ill ever stop dying at this meme

Good for him, well done.

>She scammed old dumb elite money. Not really silicon valley like they claim.
Is this the bit where biz realises "smart money" is a meme, and a lot of "professional investors" are as gullible as wagies

>Good for him, well done.
he made her have 3 abortions

and? She was clearly unfit to be a mother

>and? She was clearly unfit to be a mother
she had nine billion dollars faggot

Will Planned Parenthood perform an abortion if you bring a woman in bound and gagged and pointing a gun at her?

Don't deny this woman's agency by implying she can be "made" to get an abortion.

Literally lost billons. the biggest waster alive. potentially one of the worst mothers alive.
Give her a genetic marvel of a child, and she'll ensure it'll grow into a sheltered otherkin NEET incapable of communicating in words

She has a manly voice.

they won't even let bf past the waiting room

>she had nine billion dollars faggot
Which she no longer has since she was a fucking fraud.
Are you her stalker or something? No one cares that the shit skin was plowing this ugly dog or made her empty her rancid womb of a mutt child.
Fuck off.

>he had been fucking her since she was 17

Attached: 1433925765024.jpg (293x403, 96K)

Looks like Carlos Slim.

Attached: Pedobear-pedo-bear-29034476-600-445.jpg (600x445, 18K)


>he had been fucking her since she was 17
He should've dumped her as soon as she turned 18, then.

"smart money" = insider trading

Women are helpless victims you pig

Did they eat the aborted fetuses to stay younger? He looks a bit old, maybe he needed a hormone boost

>Did they eat the aborted fetuses to stay younger?

Elizabeth Holmes please go

He is 98 years old. user.

that’s unironically gross and I ain’t even gay

She looks like a fucking Mrs. Patato Head toy, such a dull soulless stare to her face

white girls love fuckin outside their race

white guys BTFO

>tfw no underage billionaire gf to market crypto coins to zoomies with

Attached: 1536303125915.png (483x581, 256K)

Who and who?

some guy and his fucktoy

she was hot when she was 17 look it up

>she was hot when she was 17 look it up
that's illegal

Attached: best_profile_ever.png (864x1238, 550K)

so there are people dumber than us biztards

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definitely not. I would say "as dumb"

its speled dum you retard


Attached: article-2714674-2039D24700000578-772_634x595.jpg (634x595, 44K)

That was down from 4.5 billion. She is poorer than dumb fucks on this cryptoboard.

wtf happened bros...
also 17 is legal is a majority of the US

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maybe the reason its so uncanny watching interviews with her is because her boyfriend pimped her out to be a women entrepreneur, and his whole plan was to steal investors money.

w a l l

tfw no hermionie pathological liar fraud gf

google image search says:
>Best guess for this image: 15 old school girls hot

>>Best guess for this image: 15 old school girls hot

same dude.
the JUST hair gets me every fucking time

56% pure amerimutt

fuck you Jow Forums

Attached: rip.png (810x599, 893K)

No wonder she became a programmer

Attached: elizabeth-holmes-was-born-on-february-3-1984-in-washington-dc-her-mom-noel-was-a-congressional-commi (635x855, 73K)

I guess the rich little white girl was often told growing up that she was nothing and her dreams were unachievable due to her gender race and upbringing in the USA

>I guess the rich little white girl was often told growing up that she was nothing and her dreams were unachievable due to her gender race and upbringing in the USA

But she showed those detractors by becoming a huge criminal and putting the health of thousands of people in danger with fake blood tests!

live the dream liz!

>Being this jealous of white people

just buy bitconnect nigga they wont see us comin

>But she showed those detractors by becoming a huge criminal and putting the health of thousands of people in danger with fake blood tests!

He’s a lucky man.

>He’s a lucky man.
he will be dead soon

the truth doesnt shock me anymore.

>all richfags are straight up evil ppl

We all die user, after 50 dying doesn't matter as long as you lived a good life or made the world a better place (depending on which side you serve).

Isn't that Carlos Slim? I don't think it's her boyfriend

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interestingly the article talks about having defence members on their board and Gen Mattis was one of them, i read somewhere that the he was her uncle and apparently that was why he joined because he wanted to support her and use her technology for 'defense' puroses which raises questions why and what for would a military representative have with a blood dispensary?