If you are from the red, you will never experience actual sex

If you are from the red, you will never experience actual sex.


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but your from the red


Male circumcision is a privilege

Yeah, I've never experienced sex. Fuck off normie

How so?

Because it doesn't belong there

Australia, why?

But when uncircumcised man have sex they expose their dickhe... Uh nevermind americans won't understand

20-80% is a very wide margin
Lazy as fuck map

I'm never experiencing sex at all so why should I care


You have to watch this video by a Jew

It’s mostly accurate, although AUS and CA are closer to 50%


I feel sorry for you. I really do.

Uhm i don't know women just prefer mutilated dicks okay

Anything above a 5% at most for medical reasons is retarded

Leafs get circumcised too? Why is mine still intact then?

Lmao this,stupid fucking mutts

Of course they, do my boss mr. Goldstein told me so

Im a chicano so I was not circumcised

Except they don’t. Even in the US only half of babies are mutilated now. Cut is no longer the norm.


>only half

Attached: goldenlel.png (996x868, 798K)

I wish I was born in the red.

Not in the case of circumcision. 20-80% makes perfect sense.

Down from 90% in the 60s/70s. It’s around 30% in the western states

Watchted the first 1,5 hour like 2 days ago, apparently the HIV risk reduction is bullshit too.


Attached: circucision rates wordwide.png (4496x2306, 945K)

>former yugoslavia
do they really?


Did you see the part where he goes ham on the Jews? And yeah, the hiv stuff is bullshit.

there is literally no reason for circumcision unless you have phimosis

It's generational, basically. Things changed very abruptly around the year 2000, when circumcision ceased to be a recommendation for all births and was no longer covered by healthcare as it was now classified cosmetic.

Long story short, it was America tier common for kids born before 2000 but a lot less common for those born after.

Don't know, the last 30 minutes looked a bit more theatrical than informative so i skipped that part.
I saw the part where he called out jews who practised their blood sacrifice under the guise of a medical procedure though, or the guy who tried to legalise female circumcision.
I think he dropped too many redpills at once which got him fired.

i had phimosis and i am all good

>south korea

We don't. My dick is uncut.

Blue countries are my brothers. I would give my life to defend them. Those red countries are complete alien to me tho.

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It's a last resort for phimosis if nothing else works

t. knower who still has his foreskin intact

yeah i guess, i literally stretched my foreskin every day even while it bled and shit, it was very painful
but now my dick is healthy and everything

I never needed to go as far as bleeding luckily, but I understand you. Further proof that circumcision is retarded. Only third worlders like amerimutts do that

