Is your coutntry divided?
>Very much so and it's catastrophic....
I cry every time when I'm looking at election poll maps.
Is your coutntry divided?
>Very much so and it's catastrophic....
I cry every time when I'm looking at election poll maps.
Let me guess. Blue is right wimg retards and red is based boys
I hope your shithole gets partitioned again
West part is Germanistan?
It deserves it, because people want it.
But this time partitions would be different the west goes to Germany, while the east stays in Poland, Russia doesn't take part in partition.
Thank us for making east poles based pls
Didn't you kick all the Germans out?
Yes, and it's a shithole because of German influence. There is more crime and less social cohesion and trust, more corruption, infrastructure is left in shambles because society doesn't care about it, unlike in actual Poland where there is almost no crime and people trust each other to the point they don't lock doors
They moved the Poles from the eastern lands that were incorporated into the USSR (Kresy or how it is called) and dumped them into the ex-G*rman areas.
The real reason for this is because the inhabitans are decendants from eastern poles. Nothing to do with germany. Infact, the so called eastern poles have more german dna than western