When you interact with Americans on Jow Forums are they usually nice or mean to you...

When you interact with Americans on Jow Forums are they usually nice or mean to you? What can Americans on Jow Forums do to help you feel more welcome and comfortable on Jow Forums?

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they are usually nice to me, but that might be because of flag or because i don't screech like some retards do
i don't know

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They a'aight most of the time, only flags I don't like are Chilean paleomongoloids and Dominican baboons though

Theyre usually okay, but when getting told by an American it feels like being punched in the gut. I start to seethe and shitpost and theres no end to it. Im not sure anything can be done. Ill try to refrain myself from loaded topics.

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Americans are rude as fuck. They also get butthurt easily.

Most times when I interact with them I am being very mean to them, so they get upset

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Americans are very nice and don't lose their temper if things don't go their way

>when getting told by an American it feels like being punched in the gut
t. shartmutt

Usually very nice, I love Americans but I also love bullying them.

Finns are obsessed with americans

what does that even mean? amerimutt with sharts?

pls gtfo from my board

ill stay

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Basically, all Americans here are nice people (unlike yuroopeans). But there is one American whose Russian wife went to the Ukrainian, after which he began to hate all Ukrainians.

They're usually nice if I'm nice to them, sometimes you get the occasional meanie who makes cuck jokes though

They are nice guys

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that guy was an american dumbass

How are you so sure pal

Stop being nice to these fucking mutt pieces of filth. If you let them think they are welcome on this board they will get cocky and soon this board will be filled with them, like Jow Forums. Then we will have nothing but race threads.

I am mean to americans because they're being stupid

>Then we will have nothing but race threads.
Lel what a change

We're not leaving fuckface

Fuck off filthy mongrel race obsessed shit.

you fuck off. this is my board

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Finns over the age of 18 do not give a shit about Islam. That is not a problem here

And ALL Finns hate Americans

This user just got BTFO by a Murican in another thread and is now seething in this post it seems. Sad!

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only towards mexicans

Why do all Finns hate Americans? What did we ever do to Finns?

Rude. Very rude.

If you parrot the mutt meme you're the one who's race obsessed

How do Americans view themselves?

different poster. im fully refraining from shitpostin for the moment, and like americans. what thread are you talking about?

I don't really pay attention. Americans are a meme.

*..and i like americans (generally)

Rulers of the free world

and it depends on what your definition for BTFO means. im not sure i meet the criteria

You're not human. Everything in America is twisted. American "people" are obese monsters obsessed with murdering something whether it be arabs, each other or babies.

You should all die.

i think you're a bit new here, if you don't hate them now, you will soon

Nice guys who only want everyone else to get the chance to enjoy freedom

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Americans are subhumans.

>Americans are so race obsessed!
>*spams mutt meme and calls us nonwhite*
European hypocrisy has no bounds

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nope, i dont think i will, because i will not make generalisations for countries based on an anonymous imageboard. i have already witnessed couple of brotier americans here

Why do Finns always stand so far away from each other at bus stops? Are they intimidated by human interaction?

the home of liberty



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>no actual response
It's true

nope, just a realist with some goddamn common sense

I sense a bit of sarcasm here.

None was intended

the fool is you
