/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico

The end of an era edition

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era ended when she stopped making country

this is just the beginning

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>I'm not playing WoW classic in 2 days, how could you tell?

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unironically can't afford the subscription for wow (LOL)

>match with a cute Algerian girl from tinder
> goes to school in Montreal
> starts speaking in French
> me being an Anglo dimbass doesn’t know French
> use google translate fucks up whatever I was supposed to say
> confuses her
> I don’t respond in embrasent
> she unmatched me


im boooored

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Are GPU prices still shit?

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just submitted my resume and application to a land based indian casino

won't be going to college this semester
i want smash a hole in my wall

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Of what

No they are not. AMD just released their new offerings and the prices are competitive again and no buttcoin miners

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why not?

What time is it now???

got mistaken for a casino employee multiple times while walking through the premises

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Hey ale what do you need money for?


i don't feel well enough. it doesn't really matter ill go next time.

That means you look like a poor minority lmao

becoming a tranny

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to pay the doctor thatll give me the mones

ok, thank you

do you have the game?

why don't you feel well? something happened?

i wasn't even trying

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If you've never played do you have to buy the game?

im sorry :(

I believe you need to buy the game and BFA but I don't know, I already had both

another one

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i have an old account with it, yeah, but they removed the requirement to buy it

Someone on the wow forums was saying they only had MOP and it worked for them but idk

how could i give you 1 month game time without adding you on anything

no offense, but i'm not really up for explaining that rn.
it's okay, it's not your fault.

impossible on bnet, and if you send him $15 he'll blow it on drugs

it's alright, you don't have to do that. i can wait.

ah well
don't worry, you'll be okay, you'll see
hope you feel better soon

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slay qween

>he'll blow it on drugs
what are you even talking about lol

he's a druggie

thank you

High Altitude Low Oxygen jumpers get ready to release on my command

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this is something an edgy teenager would say

well if you change your mind or think of a way id buy you a month of game time


1. i don't want his money
2. i'm not a drug addict

>when you spot a penny on the floor

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unironically this, the peace at night, in a city, is similar to the peace in the woods. late night and early morning are objectively the best times of day

when is the day of the god damn rake my patience is wearing thin

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i want to cease to exist rn

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it's okay, thank you for the offer though.

drugs are bad, pls don't do drugs, they'll kill
have a good day

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>is similar to the peace in the woods
fucking retard lmao

just send a wow token on battlenet and delete him after.

wtf how did ale manage to hook up with tay??

don't say that.

you are a drug addict

literally just grabbed my drugs with the intent of doing them as i read this post

I don't add anybody from Jow Forums on anything. One time years ago I added somebody from /vg/, the only person ever, for recruit a friend and wouldn't you know it I find out while leveling they were a gay trans person. The memes are reality, they were still cool, but very annoying

you're a schizophrenic


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please stop having these thoughts, they're not healthy
you're a valuable person with lots of potential
you're choosing to not see those good things you have

we should do a /cum/ fantasy football league

how about a fantasy foot up your ass league

doesnt sound fun

Shit bros, I need to get fucking laid. It's my first day back at college today and there are attractive girls everywhere, all I can think about is sex sex sex.
My roommate is a bum and never leaves the room, so I won't have to time to jerk off, I'm going to be horny as fuck constantly.
How do I sex one of these girls?

where's the /cum/ minecraft server

have you tried beeing yourself

go to a party

ask them what server they are playing on in classic wow and ask if they need a tank

>One time years ago I added somebody from /vg/, the only person ever, for recruit a friend and wouldn't you know it I find out while leveling they were a gay trans person. The memes are reality, they were still cool, but very annoying
lol. least battlenet doesn't use your real name anymore thank god, but if you delete him right away then you don't have to worry he'll turn out to be a tranny wacko.

still can't decide what realm we're gonna roll on, we were gonna go on faerlina but it's super full now.

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Then stop fishing for attention you over dramatic loser. I hope you never go back to school

i can do what i want

R8 my super future sci Fi concept:

>Group of 200 rouge super scientists exploring the cosmos
>They fly a galactic cruiser capable of housing a large society
>Own a cloning bay and make a large society
>Mine asteroids and shit to keep building this drifting civilization
>The 200 original scientists are immortal and have a mental link to all their clone descendants
>They make the society study crazy shit, growing their own knowledge exponentially
>People know they're clones and feed to the original scientists so they don't care if they risk their lives to make cool discoveries: queue guys sacrificing themselves to walk on lava planets n shit
>Eventually make some giant machine that sees God or something
>Bring their civilization to the rapture

mental health? I'm dealing with this issue as well.

I actually woke up to the news that the server my friends had picked out awhile ago has since been claimed by every non-english speaking group in the game so I had to pick a new one today.

I decided on Incendius, which isn't even out yet, but will be out right before launch so hopefully no groups of people will be able to organize and ruin it.

pick related was the server I was going to play on, the one you mentioned is a twitch streamer server and I believe also a high spanish speaking server. Over half the people who intend to play havent even subbed yet so chances are every server that exists now will have a que on launch night

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no, it's not mental health. i hope things get better for you.

thanks man
I've improved a lot but I'll know for sure if I can return by the end of the week or so. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you're dealing with.

I'm sure you'll make it, and thank you.

yeah I haven't resubbed or anything yet, the servers are gonna be super full cause I suspect there's a lot of people like me who haven't created chars yet.

Thalnos sounds terrible, it's no good playing with non-english speakers makes everything too hard to coordinate plus my god the drama with people who make lgbt the defining feature of their life...

We're kinda thinking bigglesworth might be the place to go now.

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for me its mankrik server

Theres actually drama right now because people aren't sure if bigglesworth or incendius are going to east or west because there are two posts that condescend each other. I really really hope bigglesworth turns out to be US east because I will definitely roll there.

why don't you want to talk about it?

just ordered this (3000 cals), i will pick it up soon and eat it over the next 12 hours which i'll spend playing vidya and jacking off, then i'll pass out
probably gonna get some monster mangos to go with it
already had 2000 cals of burger king today for breakfast
im 6'2 and 190lbs

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what the fuck


deal with it nerd

im eating literally one piece of chicken in panko crumbs and some rice for dinner for the next 5 days one meal a day and you're here eating 10000 calories

is that... dominos?


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the reason im not 300lbs is because i only do this on weekends
i would be like 140 otherwise, ive gotten into the habit of only eating once wednesday but then doing this retarded shit friday+saturday

oh shoot I didn't know that. I'd rather play on west coast server which is why we picked bigglesworth cause of the blue post lol.

Guess it doesn't really matter too much cause the east servers are in chicago right?

im actually 120 lbs at 5'6 (manlet mexican genes)trying to get healthier

bigglesworth will probably end up being west coast but yeah east coast servers are all based in chi-town

I'm 140lbs at 5'7

>being 120lbs as a male

How to have a stare like Billie Eilish's?

the new pinterest update is pretty good

also i need a nail file

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