Why Asian still eat rice all the time?

Why Asian still eat rice all the time?

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Why American still eat burger all the time?

It's their staple like bread and potatoes in Europe.

Cheap and filling

>amerimutt criticising other people's food
Enjoy your HFCS

>why do people eat staple food all the time

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I love rice.
rice is best food.

They should eat brown rice instead

ching chong meshi meshi oishi

because it's better than bread

it's chopstick friendly

British food is poop.

Don't care, love me an english breakfast anyway

Europeans (Spain) eat rice too.

Are you African?

Africans eat rice all the time too

Rice is addictive

>chopstick friendly
If some of the sauce gets in the rice it becomes awful to grab chunks of it with the chopsticks.

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Just don't pour sauce in it, then?
I remember when I went to Japan with a mate and the clown actually did that, poured soy sauce all over his rice. He stopped doing it after a couple times because he realized that was why he was having such a hard time picking it with chopsticks.

come on, lad.

Rice is pretty much sugar. Potatoes shit all over them

I'm not saying I pour the sauce on it but lets say you take a piece of whatever, tonkatsu or something, and a little bit of the sauce drips into the rice, it's gonna be really hard to grab the part where it got wet

Potatoes are the exact same in that regard, their glycemic index is the same if not higher than rice