How are the homeless like in your country? They're pretty cool here. A lot of them play music

How are the homeless like in your country? They're pretty cool here. A lot of them play music.

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God Opie sucks

wh*Tes are sub-subhuman

What's even the point of having a home in Canada when you still have to live in fucking Canada ?

you rent it to rich chinese students

A lot of them are severely mentally ill, I had one guy just walk right into traffic and I almost hit him.

Not so long ago they were nearly all drug-addled nutters. Now they're mostly just normal people, aside from being homeless. They're also a lot more numerous. That's what you get when you slash public spending while denying there's a problem with housing costs.

Canada shits all over your Island in each and every way, buzz off

What the fuck is wrong with white "ppl" "

Makes sense, since it's one of the few places more depressing than Canada.

m8 I don't know what to say other than your country, your entire existence, it really bums me out.

what kind of retard would do this and put his face on camera too?

what a piece of shit

"my country" wasn't up for conversation in this exchange. You are the one who decided to shit on Canada so lets stay on point. Why is living in Canada so very unworthy in comparison to your flag(your said with a grain of salt as it is not your home country)


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The culture (or lack thereof). The way of life, the grim suburban living, the terrible eating habits, the shit weather and general environment, the lack of any true, passion-fueling identity. The fact your entire unhealthy, bleak existence is merely a shadow of your abominable southern neighbour. I mean everything, just everything about Canada, it's all so upsetting.

>grim suburban
>terrible eating habits
>shit weather
>lack of any true, passion-fueling identity
>unhealthy, bleak existence is merely a shadow of your abominable southern neighbour.
Canada ranks among the top 10 in 22 different international metrics. Can we stop this now? I've run out of pro-Canada steam and this little debate is really silly

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kuzukuzu is such an insufferable cunt holy shit

For what it's worth (presumably fuck all), I'd rather live in Canada than England.

I like the PTSD vets and guys who got screwed by their ex-wife but the tweakers can OD and die.

i don't mind the homeless, as long as they're under 18 years old

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should have hit him

Without even clicking I already knew this was opie and Anthony

Mentally ill. Because everyone can get money and a place to stay here.

Also, homeless people sell newspapers here. Begging is illegal in many cities.

I'm an electrician and one time I was working near some railroad tracks and some homeless dude just sat at the bottom of the pole and talked to me for an hour about random stuff

Was a gipsy in gothenburg who played the same music for three years. He stod outside a bank and made the employees sick.