Kek they did it again

kek they did it again

>Brits are paying for this shit

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good, fuck bongs

I really don't see the problem desu. The same stuff happens here. What's really wrong with it?

anglos are cucks

The Royal family is not funded by the taxpayer. Why do Facebook boomers keep spouting this pish?

It’s called “Tradition” you continental wanker

They are literal neets coasting off the fact that their ancestors were barbarous tyrants.

Can't wait till the boomers die out and we can vote them off

Fuck off Pajeet

America doesn't have tax supported celebutantes.

Carbon print.

She must have 1000kpm cooter

During times of hardship and austerity, they continue to waste taxpower money, coasting through life luxuriously, generation after generation, for no good reason.

It's a shame that even mentioning getting rid of the royal family is career suicide for politicians, there won't be a serious discussion about it for quite some time

Politicians actually do work while they don't do anything

Their official site says they are

Damn, I wish I was the property owner

I don't see anything wrong with this since the British public supports this.

All rich cunts are supported by tax money.

You have no understanding of money or economy.

Based retard.

>Brings yank nigger genes into the royal family and then forces you to pay for his luxury mansion on the Mediterranean
And brit cucks will still put up with this.

Based retard.

Our people are pretty obsessed with them too since whenever they show up everyone loses their mind and we get literal round the clock news coverage on little thing they're doing. Where they're at, what they're doing, who they're talking with, what they're fucking eating I'm not joking.

The French had the right idea on how to treat monarchs, we should follow suit.

based retard

No we don't you retard. Where do you get this news, tabloids? And France is a shithole. Our system is much more democratic and meritocratic, which is to say only slightly. Changing it merely invites politicians to cuck us and ruin the country further. That's all it means, an opportunity for actual subhumans that are more economic corruption than human.

Dumbasses don't know the royal family owns land that they allow for public use that generates WAY more money than the family themselves cost the public.

Or you could get rid of the royal family and take all the money.