I like macron

i like macron
i dont actually know shit about him but he seems like a good guy who might not be trying to fuck everyone over

Attached: macron.png (837x634, 127K)

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yeah thats what he looks like because he's all about look

He fucks everyone over for his liberal ideal

france: look at my little yellow best, I'm a cuck
Macron: get dabbed on

He's using the amazon excuse to block the free trade with Mercosur though.

>a good guy who might not be trying to fuck everyone over

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Yup, Emmanuel boi is based

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Good. He's doing what's best for France.

Still dirty though, inteliigent on using the Euro NPCs, but still scumbag.

the sooner brazil collapses the better

>nooooooo you can't use the environment as a pretext to block a trade deal that would screw over your country, that's cheating!

shut up and invade french guyana


Yeah i know, geopolitics are all scum and cheating.


Fucking filthy pig I want to kill him the most brutal way.
Many people are detained and prosecuted for protesting election fraud and other shit but that fucker is chatting with Putin like nothing happened. Well if he's into this then he should never open his stinking mouth about matters like freedom etc as he's supporting the most dangerous dictator.
He's not a good guy just weak french pussy. Wanna piss on his dead body one day.

right now its unironically in my best interest that the Brazillian government collapses tommorow and the lot of you are thrown into a civil war the Americans can control and profit from for the next 3 decades

for the lulz

There's literally nothing there though except the launch station and Gold.

come on get greedy take the gold hijack the rocket brazil into space baby! space super power 2020

But our miners there already do it, legal or not.

He's quite a Chad:

>The atmosphere between Macron and Putin on this 19th of august was cosy. This anecdote, reported by an aide of the french President, bears witness to this.
>Macron showing to his host, far at sea, a warship at anchor facing Brégançon fort. It was the Languedoc, a multi-role frigate (known as FREMM). And saying : "You see this frigate? She's the one that pursue your submarines when they come along our shores to titillate us. She is also the one that fired missiles to help shut down Syria's chemical arsenal in 2018. She is a good girl."
>Sometimes diplomacy is like child play.

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This is just postering, the man doesn't give half a shit about the amazon or anyone in it. MAcron is just pandering for votes by appearing strong in the face of percieved eco disaster. Anyone who's been watching this guy's early years have noticed he's basically capitalism-in-a-can and that he'd like nothing more than to eat that mercosur trade deal whole to strengthen his butt buddies high up.
Now however he's got the option to suck in vote from the left while attaining the unassailable moral high ground and also eat that trade deal still after major concessions strengthening his own political postion.

Literally no politician on this green earth gives half a shit about those trees on fire except naive idealists, who won't reap shit anywere anyway.

one time our prime minister said he was going to confront putin over Ukraine when he came to australia for a summit
Putin ended up doing something similar and parked a few warships at our ocean borders

pic is our PM at the time Tony Abbott and Putin taken the day Tony was supposedly going to stand up to him (he never did)

Attached: Tone and Putin.jpg (650x488, 50K)

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>might not be trying to fuck everyone over
its the other way around

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I know that, this is just the disgrace of the week, next week something else happens in another parts of the world and then the strong words from world leaders and hashtags from NPCs go eat it up.

Interesting choice of image

NPC : the politician

whether politicians actually give a shit or not doesnt matter, what matters is what they do, and in this case i think advocating for action in the amazon is a good thing regardless of what he hopes to get out of it. you're not opening anyone's eyes by pointing out that politicians lie and scheme

I wonder where he gets his power...

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Even the Jews bow down to Macron

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>h-hes a liberal
hes literally a technotarian globalist. and that's a good thing. we need more people like him. you right wing and left wing people will bow to our will or be destroyed by AI

The end goal will be filled with weak promises supported by even weaker treaties, if any at all.
If there's any change to the situation in the Amazon, as it has been going on for decades with little notice, it'll be insignificant and stop nothing. A bunch of redditors caring about it for a week won't change that, and no long term stoppage of burnings will stop no matter how much people protest in front of embassies.

not relevant to what i said but keep coping

Only the people that wear yellow vests

Putins smile is very real here, he is really fucking happy to hold that koala lol

he likes dogs too

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Macron is a very good president. But we can't expect French people to realize that since a lot of them have a very low IQ.

does he really wink irl? looks like some anime tier cringe

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I usually disliked him and like Le Pen, but this time about the zillians he did well and even Le Pen agrees

It's his signature move

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Merkel already rejected his propose. Why this man is so cucked by elderly women

>Like le Pen
You're either ignorant about French politics or very low IQ.
Watch the 2017 presidential debate between her and Macron, it's an eye opener, you cannot respect her after that. She basically lost 10 points in the polls in one evening.

doesn't matter, if france doesn't sign it then the deal is dead because that's how the eu works

This resulted in the May deal being rejected, and now he have a choice between a no deal, so millions of poles come back, or a deal good enough for the bongs.

Nice move, Mr président, you fucked it.

She doesn't decide, the decision must be unanimous. So if Macron doesn't want the treaty it won't happen. Simple as that.

i swear he is growing at my heart used to hate him but now im thinking he`s based

starting to think something might be wrong with his eye desu

Attached: macron wink.jpg (1958x1013, 433K)

It would've been rejected anyway, it was rejected before in the UK parliament.. They should've let Macron kick them out this spring instead of delaying the inevitable to October like Merkel wanted

She is the best option to save France, i mean the white european France, even if her father was better.

France is irrelevant everyone knows germans have all europe in their pocket

If you say so...

doesn't matter, even a small country like slovenia could block the deal if they wanted

It depends if is a "mixed agreement" or not
If it really is a mixed agreement (as it seems to be the case) then yes, France (or any other Member State) could completely block the whole thing. If it is a pure agreement then it's only up to the EU to vote on it

You can do your best trying block the agreement and in the end you'll get no where.


It's a trade deal, of course it must be unanimous.

Not all of them are mixed agreements
But yeah in general the big ones need to pass through the Member States. I guess if it was only about small regulations it would've been EU only

France has one of the lowest immigration rates in the Western world.
We have more than enough non-whites already here anyway.

based french, let's hope to stop that agreement. Showing that there are still real europeans in this continent.

Which PM was it? Was it Abbott or the one after him? Abbott was the meme that kept on memeing


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As an American who nothing about French politics as it pertains to domestic issues, how is? What is he doing that makes people like or hate him?
Is he better or worse than Holland was?

>that gif
I loved that guy

bad time for the country, great time for shitposting

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>We have more than enough non-whites already here anyway.

They have to go back to their homelands

Hollande was a very bad president, he has done nothing in five years but constantly changing his mind about everything and ridiculing France in other countries.
Macron has done already a lot more in 2 years. Unemployment is getting lower, gdp is going back up, and he is not a shame to the country everytime he meets a foreign leader. His approval ratings are low but still higher than Hollande and the other previous presidents.
There is this attitude in France where people love to hate on the president about everything, even if it has nothing to do with him.

So him having low ratings mean nothing? I mean, is he as polarizing as someone like Trump who people love or hate, no middle?

Every president in France has low ratings. It's how people are, they blame the president for everything.
For example if someone lose his job, he will go on TV to blame Macron. If a woman can't afford to raise her 5 kids she got without being married and without having a stable employment she will go on TV and blame Macron.
If a retard attacks a policeman and get beaten by them he will go on TV and blame Macron.

i liked how silly he looked

Attached: Hollande and the lads go to a strip club.png (834x878, 1.81M)

Attached: François Hollande en traîneau.webm (480x288, 2.22M)

Look at this retard working at his desk while tourist are visiting... Like if he was some kind of actor in a museum.

Attached: Photo-gênante-de-François-Hollande.png (546x352, 471K)

>Free market is baaaaad guys

What a fucking retard

How does someone like this get elected?
>inb4 Trump got elected hurr durr
I mean, what were his policies and what promises did he make that got the people to vote for him? What was his appeal?

Ahaha he is doing this as a joke?

he had a really bad habit of publicly making fool of himself
here he is eating an unpeeled raw onion like an apple because he's a sperg and didnt know what else to do

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