Is american college like how they show it on tv and movies?

Is american college like how they show it on tv and movies?
>t. exchange student about to start class next week

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Do Americans really start school and university in August?

Give me an example and I will tell you

we do that too

Some of the stereotypes are absolutely true, but others are heavily inflated by American media

t. Recent college grad from a large state school

I did a internship semester at University of Minnesota and looked like way different from the movies. Way boring.

I went to a fraternity party and didn't see anyone drunk or fucking on the kitchen table. Even not kissing.

no in reality you just get shot

This. I hope you've been getting shot regularly to build up your immunity to bullets.

Is it true you can get grade points just by attending class? Here you just write a exam at the end of the semester that's 100% of your grade. Also is it true that anything below a 3.0 GPA is bad? A 2.5 is average here in a lot of the harder majors, a 3.0 would put you in the top 10% in many of them.

I went to an HBCU so my experience was a little different but we definitely smoked a lot of weed

I have never had a professor give out credit for attending class.... Some professors will have quizzes throughout the class using "clickers" to check your attendance. That being said, you don't get credit for just being there.

However, Ive heard this to be the case at some notoriously easy state school.


Schools in the South are from August - May, Northern schools start in September and end in June

I know 3.0 is bad depending on the school you go to. If it's good school then it's not that bad.

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Literally none of what you just said is true from my uni experience

Maybe arts programs though

Most of my classes were something like

Test 1: 15%
Test 2: 15%
Test 3: 15%
Test 4: 15%
Homework: 5%
Final: 35%

That's roughly how it looked here in highschool.
University: almost always a single exam for your grade.

It will feel wildly international to you

you can do that if you start with small calibers and build up calluses to resist bigger calibers but americans just go balls deep and use 5.56 on kids

If it's not shoot the place up like a real American would do.

American girls like beaches A LOT

Attached: red92.webm (640x900, 2.5M)

yes, i start on monday

>Is american college like how they show it on tv and movies?

Depends. Where are you attending? If you are going to Big State Univeristy then yes. Insane parties and red cups aren't a meme, that is all true.

Strong doubt. Maybe some nerdy frat I don't know. I went to a Big Ten university and the party culture was like the movies. Although fucking on the kitchen table is expecting too much man.

No. Everything is dramatized because the average student's life does not make for good tv

Norf here. We start in September and get out early June

Yes but you’ll flunk out and end up a druggie loser if you actually embrace that lifestyle 24/7. Best to do it only after midterms/finals ... so like 3 times a semester max.

It depends on the class/teacher. In some of my classes it wasn’t required, in others it was a 10% boost if you had it... so it could help you go from A to A+.