Are they capable of becoming Japan-tier developed?

Are they capable of becoming Japan-tier developed?

Attached: Mexico.jpg (600x300, 69K)

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They need 25% more Amerindian Mongoloid genes, then they become Jomon

have you tried nuking the?

California is already better than japan

Will you ever shut the fuck up, schizo?

Of course. Just let the borders open and see the magic.


>everyone who posts mexico.jpg is the same
You're a freak


Attached: 1447287655274.jpg (219x230, 13K)


Is that what you want?
Japan has Korea next to us and they are as developed as Japan.
They are now blaming us for what we have done to them instead of appreciating what we did for them.

Well, to be fair, the things the Japanese did to the Koreans were pretty bad. Not that it neutralizes the help given, but still.

Korea is absolutely retarded when it comes to Japan. For absolutely no good reason Japan has made several fixes to this stupid non-issue. All the people from that era are fucking dead anyways.

Might be retarded, not saying that. But now the toe is dipped to the water, and Japan will be tied to the issue in the future as well.

when they learned how to use toilet cleanly.

Korean need to grow up. You don't see Japan being self destructive towards the US because we nuked them.

I hope they continue to be retarded and just get annexed by the chinks. My family lost people in the Korean war, and it was a waste.

Bwahahahahahahhahaah, no

Ofcourse we will become as developed as them.
In 100 years, when everyone else is already traveling on flying cars and having sex by neuronal connection brought you by Verizon.

they're trying to send their bad genes here

Easy answer

The USA will be sure to not let this happen and keep Mexico down like it has always been

Attached: rerererre.gif (3300x1619, 1.33M)

Ainu and mexicans (margids) are very similar

Attached: margidf.jpg (280x378, 12K)

Nope. Never.

no 2020 superpower mexico?

Why not kill AMLO?

None of this mentions Mexico though.

Just nuke us already, for some change

I agree with you, pal.

get out of my country

I wish this country just gets nuked, I feel disgusting just being connected to their country.

Shut up stupid chairo.

Or invaded us to remive stupid current president.