Asian """"""""""breakfast""""""""""

Asian """"""""""breakfast""""""""""

Attached: Korean-Breakfast-230.jpg (1360x900, 172K)

Looks good

Looks healthy, vegetables and stuff

too flavored for a breakfast or you can say too spicy for comedy effect

>too flavored for a breakfast

That's too much vegetable in one picture. You should have put a trigger warning for your fellow Americans.

Coffee for breakfast is all I need

>too much flavor
Do wypipo really?

American """"""""""breakfast""""""""""

Attached: brebbbassst.jpg (750x375, 87K)

looks good desu

Based gooks eating right

>ham sandwich and black coffee

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I thought frenc peple are good at cooking

This is the best breakfast. Lots of proteins, fats, fibers and omega-3.

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the fruits are just there for the photo I'm sure

Of course not. A growing American needs some sugar with his sugar, you see.

the subhumanoids fear the anglo culinary arts

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My childhood right here. So good.

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Fr*nch food is extremely bland and fr*gs HATE spice, seasoning, ANYTHING. Except butter which they frequently drown their food in to the point that's all you can taste--this is the case with escargots. And they don't eat breakfast. If they do it is a small piece of toast.

French cuisine is EXTREMELY over rated. You know who has better food than the French? I'll give you a list.


-(Not Peru. Andeans are hideous and overrated)

No, this is not an exaggeration. This is my experience.

i like something simple in the morning

Based breakfast for real men
No wonder Asians are so skinny and feminine, half the food they eat is pure soi

This is EXTREMELY based.

Only problem is it's the only good thing in your cuisine.

French food is basically western food. The English language is basically bastardized French. So an American like yourself can barely open his mouth without both stuffing it with French food or blurting out French words. Probably at the same time.

And it's delicious and nutritious you hamburger chomping retard

Europeans have absolutely no comprehension of cuisine. At best they bastardise dishes from other cultures, no different to the Americans they like to ridicule for being uncultured. They're thieves, colonisers and barbarians, not people of culture.

Why can't you just eat the food that you enjoy, and respect other cultures cuisine?

Asian breakfast

Attached: belt.jpg (1300x867, 91K)

Classical French cooking methods have seeped into western food globally, that doesn't mean they have ever even tasted half of the good shit I eat on the regular. Interesting to see one shitty food cunt defend another though.

Swedish food is the best food in the world, and there is no sense in trying to deny it.

Name some "western food" that any contains ingredients native to Europe. Now name western food that isn't a shitty bastardisation of what another culture was doing for thousands of years before Europeans stained their region.

I would be farting like a pig after eating that

>Turkish breakfast

Attached: 37FD7B8B-3F31-4F43-A6B6-2F35B43CBF04.jpg (960x960, 154K)

>respect other cultures
Where do you think you are?

Literally any kind of beef.


The vast majority of food eaten by anyone in the world contains mostly ingredients indegenous to other parts.

You know what is uniquely European, though? Advancing humanity with technology pumped out by universities. Caring about gender equality. Forcing the entire world to ban slavery.

Don’t you fart like a pig all day anyway? Eating fatty tortillas and beans will do that to you... not to mention all the soda...

Most of the fruit you consider native to Europe is native to Turkey and was imported during the Ottoman Empire... everything from plums to cherries to hazelnuts...
>pic related what I - a Turk— ate this morning.

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>american education


What do American eat for breakfast usually?
Sugary cereal?