Why flag of uyghur is so similar to Turkish flag

why flag of uyghur is so similar to Turkish flag

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we wuz muslem nomads n shiet

both are turks

Turkic master race

They are both Turks.

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The only reason you have the Turkish flag symbol on your own flag is because Turks were your masters and you were their colony for five centuries you Arab monkey fuck.


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>Turkish flag symbol

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>The only reason you have the Turkish flag symbol on your own flag is because Turks were your masters and you were their colony for five centuries you Arab monkey fuck.

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Why is that a gif?

algiers were an autonomous state and you leaved us like cowards in 1830 even tho we were allies

This whole time I just thought it was blue never noticed this pattern before

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Your elite are still Turkish colonists .

>The Barbary pirates of Ottoman Algeria between the 15th and 17th century widely used flags that were emblazoned with one or more crescents.

>After its conquest by Turks, Algeria became a province of the Ottoman Empire. The Regency was successively governed by Beylerbeys (1518–70), Pachas (1570–1659), Aghas (1659–71), then Deys (1671–1830), on behalf of the Ottoman Sultan.

Until 1671, Beylerbeys, Pachas and Aghas were appointed by the Ottoman sultan and were subjucted to him. After a coup in 1671, the Regency acquired a large degree of autonomy and became a military republic, ruled in the name of the Ottoman sultan by Deys, officers chosen either by the Ottoman militia or the Captains.[25][18] From 1718 onwards, Deys were elected by the Divan, an assembly aimed to represent the interests of both Captains and Janissaries.
Turks never left Algeria. They just declared independence and setup a Turkish elite state with Berber/Arab peasants... like USA vs UK.

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Your flag is a colonial flag paying homage to your Turkish masters. Cope.

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But the fact you called the crescent Turkish made my night, thanks dude

200 year ago ? maybe
now ? impossible

then why you leaved like cowards in 1830 ?

>ah yes some 14c BCE coin of pre Greek Byzantium using crescents
Good job Panos, it looks like human beings throughout history recognized that the moon occasionally takes a crescent shape. In context and history however it was a symbol of Turks. Do you think your cuckhristianity is Chinese shamanism despite the fact that ancient sino shamanism symbol was a cross?

Still. Your country’s elite are still Turks. They speak Arabic to you and Turkish among themselves.
Never left, just re organized and let French cucks pay the bills.

Its gokturk symbol, so its turkish

because your dirty pirate shithole was too much of a hassle for the TURKISH man to bother with.

What does the symbol mean?

It's a Byzantine coin lol
Swastika was used by ancient civilizations but it was Hitler's symbol, amirite Gülen?

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>The lifestyle, language, religion, and area of origin of the Ottoman elite's members created remarkable differences between the Algerian Ottoman elite and the indigenous population.[32] For example, members of the elite adhered to Hanafi law while the rest of the population subscribed to the Maliki school.[32] Most of the elites originated from non-Arab regions of the Empire. Furthermore, most members of the elite spoke Ottoman Turkish while the local population spoke Algerian Arabic and even differed from the rest of the population in their dress.[32]
All culture, military, political, social elite to this day are Turkish... with the rare Arab/Berber social climbers ...

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things that never happened
stop lying and inventing fantasies like you always do

you just leaved like cowards when the french arrived and fled back to anatolia

me too , i can call your elite graeco-armenian

>In 1926 Messali Hadj - an Algerian of Turkish origin - founded the first modern nationalist movement for Algerian independence.[39] Another prominent Algerian nationalist leader of Turkish origin was Ahmed Tewfik El Madani[42] who, as the leader of the Association of Algerian Muslim Ulema, continued to influence Algerian nationalism. Ahmed Tewfik was also a historian who argued that the Turkish era in Algeria was defamed by European historians and provided the French with convincing arguments to justify their colonial actions.[44] He maintained that the Ottoman Turks had unified Algeria's territory and saved the country from the grip of Christianity as well as from the fate of Muslim Spain. Furthermore, he stated that the Turks who settled in Algeria were "perfection and nobility itself" and emphasised their contributions to Algerian society, such as the establishment of religious endowments, mosques and waterworks.[45] By 1956 the Reformist Ulema, under the leadership of Ahmed Tewfik, joined the Algerian National Liberation Front to fight for Algerian independence.[46]

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your culture is graeco-armenian

a extreme minority

alexandros kardashian

Except Turks have used crescent for their entire history... and Turkish Khazads influenced Byzantium...


>pic related, ancient Chinese shamanism symbol.

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i call that cowards

Not at all. They are 5-10% with partial Turks at 25%. They are Algeria’s elite.

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The Turks are the leaders of and started the Algerian independence movement.

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You are a Berber area peasant ruled by Turks. The Turk is racially your master and the Arab has been his slave since the 10th c when the Turk emerged onto the Middle East/North Africa.

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You are a Berber area peasant ruled by Turks. The Turk is racially your master and the Arab has been his slave since the 11th c when the Turk emerged onto the Middle East/North Africa

Uyghurs are muslims

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huge cope
you are nothing but a pathetic self hating mutt
el 22% face

you are not turk
you are greco armenian mutt and even 95 % of the turkish population is not turk
you just adopted the culture of your masters
i will leave you there creating your fantasies, alexandros ahian


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>You are a Berber area peasant ruled by Turks. The Turk is racially your master and the Arab has been his slave since the 11th c when the Turk emerged onto the Middle East/North Africa

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Islam is a foreign invader religion, Algerians are pure Scandinavian Vandal/Goth descent.


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Wow that is interesting. So Turks were moving to Algeria in large numbers?

Look I can go on. There are hundreds of pages more of Turkish last names common in Algeria today. The Turks marry among themselves or with Turkey Turks... they don’t marry with filthy local indigenous cattle like you. You don’t realize it because you have zero chance to join Algeria’s elite.

Yes. Algeria was the equivalent of the Wild West and frontier boom province of the Ottoman Turkish empire. Entrepreneurs and daredevils as well as notables moved out there in scores. Same with Tunisia.

Why do you hate Algerians though? Most Turks I know are cool with Nafris, and you guys don't have any historical beef.

The algerian started the fight

I don’t. This one guy with that flag always trolls Turkish threads and he is rabidly anti Turkish. I recognize his style immediately.

He claims Turks have no influence in Algeria and he is always making anti Turkish comments wherever Turks come up. He’s either an idiot or using proxy.

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Like how you call Turks ... “Greek Muslims” in order to deny them the religious and cultural linguistic rights that want?

never seen those names in reality , dumb retard

its like turks saying that sumerians were turks and tariq ibn ziyad was a turk(ataturk wiki page)

this is surely exgerated

and respond to me , you are a mutt and your country is 95% non turk and were ruled by albanian-greco-armenian elite

Nobody says Tariq bin Ziyad is Turkish. The Ottomans were in Algeria for centuries and settled there. This is not for dispute. Sumerians spoke agglutinative language not Semitic or Indo european ... not that they were necessarily Turkish (also agglutinative language).

Tell me this are you really Algerian?

i was making turks seethe because you started the fight with insulting us first
and now your cry like a butthurt manchildren
all you say is exegerated and bullshit, never seen those names in reality and the number must been 0-5 % who are not even turks but greco albanians

Also Tariq bin Ziyad was a foreign born servant who rose to become commander. He wasn’t an Arab or Berber. He is described in the Islamic histories as coming from beyond Persia ... we know Turkish Mamelukes fought in Islamic arnies.

Why are you so insistent on minimizing g Turkish history and Turkish presence in the region?

in ataturk page
they said he ingrated in turkish school books that tariq was turk and sumerian too
since you larp like that , this doesnt surprize me

i recognize the osmanli heritage but this is overexagerated

the family names and surname you said

i never seen a single one in my entire life

You idiot. Algerians all know that there are Turks all over Algeria. Are you retarded? Or not Algerian?

So Oxford, French embassy are both Turkish nationalists? It’s nationalism to assert that Turks exist? Their mere existence is so upsetting for you that you deny it?

tariq was born in algeria(aures) and was dead in damas

turks are only in cities like tlemcen and constantine, retard
and again, this is a extreme minority

He was not born to an Arab or Berber parentage. That’s what the Islamic histories say. They note that he has no Arabic ancestors so they can’t give a genealogy as they do for Arabs. They note he was born to Muslim warriors who served in Islamic armies. We know that Muslims moved easily throughout Islamic realm... but show me that Wikipedia page.

> in ataturk page they said he ingrated in turkish school books that tariq was turk

I doubt it, wiki is probably wrong. Ataturk wasn't a fan of Islamic history and was actually downplaying Ottoman history. Sumerian, Hittite and stuff like that were propped up in history books.

It literally isn’t. The lowest estimate is 5% of Algeria. The higher end which includes partial ancestry is 25%

they exist and i recognize the osmanli heritage in culture
but not like your said
you just over exagerated the number

Meant to quote

I didn’t. I stated it exactly as it’s recorded in demographic records.


It’s not just this. You show up in every thread. You do CTRL+F” ... “TURK”... and then do your best to derail and insult.

This says Ataturk claimed he was Turkish? I don’t see it. And your source claims his parentage was not Arab and was disputed and he was described as being foreign.

if this was true,i will certainly recognize one of the names you cited

its 5% maximum

All this anti-Algerian cope lmao.

Tell me: are you really Algerian?

he was a berber or arab or mixed of the two
he is still a nafri

I'm more Algerian than you will ever be roach.


i was always tried to be friendly with turks and they insulted me

no wonder, i insult them afterwards

You come into random threads and it’s always “FUCK TURKS” and parroting Greek/Armenian/PKK propaganda

he is we wuz wuzing at maximu levels
i know the osmanli heritage

but i never seen those names in reality
thats bullshit created

So that’s not an answer. Are you Algerian?

ameriturk just wanted to say, you're doing ALLAH(pbuh)'s work. this dumb arab has been shitting on every thread related to turks for too long.

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no at all
you dont know the story
before i always defended turks but they insulted me
what you expect me to do ?
thank them ?
no they can fuck off

Turk algerians live at the coast where all the elites are btw no wonder none of you algerians itt saw one in real life, you probably live in some desert village far from the coast

Even the “notable Algerian Turks” section? Are you even Algerian? No you’re not. So fuck off you LARPing faggot.

>ameriturk just wanted to say, you're doing ALLAH(pbuh)'s work. this dumb arab has been shitting on every thread related to turks for too long.

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choose one

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Boohoo. You’ve been doing this for months in every single thread remotely about Turks. And it’s unrelenting, like you’re on a mission. It’s always the same style and same rabidly anti Turkish no matter the context vitriol.

40 notable algerians in a population of 39 millions

thats an extreme minority

fuck off
i make turks seethe because they insults others and me

go fuxk yourself and kys, 22% face

There is families in Tlemcen with turkish family names, perhaps in Algiers and Constantine as well. They are a minority though and usually related to each others. Unlike what you retards think, they don't identity as turks and don't we wuz, they are well integrated in the society.

Crescent and star was used by Arabs way before Islam.

Did you want the Wikipedia entry to be five hundred pages long?

leave him
he just a retard butthurt because of my implication in other threads


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are you fucking retarted
now you blame wikipedia for being like your fantasies

go kys mutt, you probably greek or armenian

Desuarchive link for when they insulted you?

we never seen that
and i have gone to algiers many time
even in the news el chourouk, that my family see everyday , we never see that

and even if this was true , the population would not accept speaking turkish

ITT : Assblasted turk mutts
Keep projecting your mutt shit to us, berbers are more racially purer than you will ever be. I'm out of this thread.