Spend entire life doing nothing

>Spend entire life doing nothing
>Fantasize about dying in a war after killing 5 people

Life isn't worth seeing for me.
I have no family or friends. I have no desire to see anymore of it now that I'm 23.

I've already seen everything there is to see, and I've just been on my computer 3/4 of the time.

I wish I would randomly die in my sleep, but it's not coming. I had to buy a gun so I can kill myself while I'm awake as my brain starts to die when I get older.

No alcohol so that I don't mess it up.

Attached: Me2.jpg (812x593, 184K)

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Hey bro you have BLACK blood in your veins don't fuck up your life

I'm here with you.
My life is already fucked up.

Don't kill yourself, waste of a BLACK BVLL such as yourself.

Let me ask you this. What are you willing and not willing to do? Because if you're willing, study about Islam and convert. Give your life structure. Go to the mosque and speak to the imam. Spend your time praying and reading the quran. It's more fulfilling then it sounds. Trust me.

>Fantasize about dying in a war after killing 5 people

Why I'm not surprised?

I'm not willing to start praying to something I don't believe in and start telling lies to people that believe in it.

I have been an atheist since I was 12 years old

You keep asking me, so I'll go ahead and do it just for you.

Then go mope and stop posting here. Die in a ditch. Atheist are the worst kind of people. Even christcucks are better than you fucks.