4th highest population in the world

>4th highest population in the world
>zero cultural influence or soft power

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They have Rich Chigga

Selamat Pagi!

They have the raid movies

Why does many people mean they are capable.

feel free to adopt that abomination

>4th highest population in the world
That is simply not enough to have relevance, especially if you speak a niche language and have been a colony till 60 years ago. Bangladesh has more or less the same population of Russia yet is among the most irrelevant country in Asia. Land area is much more indicative factor for relevance.

Malaysians and Indonesians are literally the same people, but Malaysia has more Chinese and they are the only reason it is relevant at all

You speak as if Malaysia were relevant when it clearly is not.

>Regional languages: Over 700 languages
>Ethnic groups: Over 300 ethnic groups

They're growing incredibly fast, they're probably going to join China, Japan and Korea as one of the biggest super power in Asia ( Assuming climate change does not fuck them too hard, which isn't a given ).
But yeah they were a colony not long ago, does not have much history, too divided and speak neither English, French or Spanish.

Because they are a part of our sphere of influence, so don't be rude to them.

Damn, based logical estonian

It is a growing economy. Based on where they have come from they are doing very well.

Indonesia is an incredibly diverse country made up of literally 1000s of Islands. Many different regions have completely different customs and influences. Most of these cultures are very niche and isolated to their area.

Due to the shipping lanes to AUS/NZ Indonesia stands to gain from our economies growing aswell. We are getting many Indonesian students coming here to study too.

I personally believe Suharto slowed down the potential growth of the country. Sukarno really did set the country up for a bright future though. I recommend reading up on Sukarno in particular if you are interested in learning more. I personally think he is a very interesting leader.

>Due to the shipping lanes to AUS/NZ Indonesia stands to gain from our economies growing aswell. We are getting many Indonesian students coming here to study too.
Do you think that Indonesia and Malaysia will be able to resist secularisation? They're surrounded by either communist countries or Christian ones.

indonesia is biggg. certainly it's not as big as russia, america or china, but you realize it's still one of the biggest countries if you see it on an equal area map.

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Good post
>Do you think that Indonesia and Malaysia will be able to resist secularisation
Pancasila is secularist-lite

Indonesia is indeed in the G20, so I wouldn't really say they have "zero cultural influence or soft power", it's just that their influence is limited to SEA.

Indonesia is a 50/50 secular state
Malaysia is a sharia country

>Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

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I read that Sumatra was borderline ISIS.

>American Dream

I mean E pluribus unum essentially have the same meaning


They have Bin Tang singlets

I don't know much about the topic but I know from personal experience Indonesians/Malay seem to be a bit more liberal in there practising of Islam. Indonesia certinaly seems very secular. I don't know much about Malaysia desu (although I did once go on a date with a Christian Malay girl and she was so nice and pure). It didn't work out though as I am a pig.

>zero cultural influence or soft power
Do you even understand the pre-colonial history of Southeast Asia?

Which anime Islamist are you?

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I'm probably a Dilan. Just a standard-issue dumb guy who thinks he's cool

It's because for some reason Indonesians don't immigrate to western countries. Filipinos, Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese and South Asians all do but Indonesians don't. There's only a diaspora population in their former colonial master the Netherlands (many of them native dutch born in Indonesia or mixed race) and Suriname where the dutch brought them over for labour.

Because we love our land

I know an Indonesian whose family came here sometime in the late 90s or early 2000s.

Sukarno was a retard. Inflation went above 600% under his reign. Neither sukarno nor suharto were good leaders.

>christian malay girl
does not exist

But at least the IMF solved the issue in the late 90s

Wasn't Sukarno well-regarded for a while because he fought the war of independence? And didn't Suharto raise living standards (though it came crashing down in 1998)?

>t. Tiko

interesting observation 2bh

You have E Pluribus unum in fact your senators back then astounded with our own and are willing helping us acting as advisory during our diplomatic battle with Dutch

Is there much anti-Christian sentiment in Indonesia? According to Wiki Christianity is surprisingly large minority there.

>Suharto raise living standards
Suharto was a corrupt dictator though

Yeah he set the world record for embezzlement

More so than Indonesia
Also richer, but all that money is owned by non Malays (Chinese, Indians, Korean, Japanese)

sukarno was a good revolutionary, but he should've stepped down sometime in the 50s, maybe soon after indonesian independence was recognized by the netherlands. sukarno was too much of an idealist to be a good leader. instead of focusing on the economy, he instead chose useless vanity projects.

suharto I think was a better administrator but in the end he was very corrupt. he opened up the country for investments, he raised literacy rates, controlled birth rates, and during his rule indonesia also reached food self sufficiency. but in the end he really only cared about himself and stole huge swaths of the country's wealth. his biggest legacy is he made chinese businessmen very very wealthy.
depends on who you ask.

This is changing fast.
They're already more efficient than China in some manufacturing areas, they just need time.

More like borderline shithole than ISIS.

Really makes you think huh.
At least this is our personal shithole.

No shit sherlock. Somebody will just obliterate it all again and we're back to square one

It can't be helped anyway, that's how our democratic system. Each ruling party has their own interest and they don't care about continuity.

>Suharto raise living standards
for chinks, effectively turning chinks from small commie traders into business moguls they are now.
its funny that mudshit arab wannabe retards idealize this man's regime so much when most of the western degeneracy such as nudity, alcohol, and gambling were publicly allowed during his tenure

>its funny that mudshit arab wannabe retards idealize this man's regime so much when most of the western degeneracy such as nudity, alcohol, and gambling were publicly allowed during his tenure
Pretty sure this just your own imagination. I never saw them showing support for Suharto.

This same could be said about Nigeria though. Btw what do you think about Nairaland forum?

Because they’re retarded Muslims

look at old movies during suharto times, pretty much sums up what our culture used to be, or at least how our censorship used to be.
alcohol can be found in every restaurant, even in satay house much easier in 90s, this i experienced myself.
while gambling is legalized as one of jakarta's main attraction during Ali Sadikin's tenure

Apparently the US has nearly 150,000 which is still small considering the population size. For comparison, Canada has 850,000 Filipinos but only 20,000 Indonesians most of which are dutch and only 2000 are muslim.

>Btw what do you think about Nairaland forum?
Don't really know anything about that, sorry mate.

He's ethnically Chinese though.

Malaysia has affirmative action for Malays. I wouldn't put to much stock into their future

Can't believe somebody said it.
Everyone go home !

useless and lazy monkey people and coupled to that they're muslims, wtf can you realistically expect from them?

Wait a minute, who's this "mudshit arab wannabe retards" you were talking about?
I thought you are talking about the wahabbis, because as far as i know Suharto and wahabbis were fierce enemies especially on early 90s.

>mudshit blatantly support "penak jamanku toh politicians

PKS are notorious cendana buttlickers

At least Bengalis can leech off of India and Pakistan for cultural relevency. Meanwhile even Singapore is more culturally relevant than Indonesia.

The Malay population is outbreeding the chinese but hasn't Mahathir reversed his earlier stance? Or was that Anwar Ibrahim? I don't think the conclusions he came to in The Malay Dilemma and The Voice of Asia could still hold up after his twenty year break.

Then why do chinks from malaysia always bitch about discrimination and act like they are some persecuted people?

Lagos is going to be be the biggest city in the world by 2050 and Nigeria is going to be top 10 or maybe even top 5 by 2100. Probably means it’s going to be a regional power too, occupying the same eminence Brazil enjoys for South America, only its for Africa.
Fucking wild

our culture only attracts tinder thots and soyfolks for a reason.

Indonesia is only growing fast now because they are poorer than East-Asia and they weren't growing that fast in the past, there's no reason to expect that that exponential growth would keep going as steady as the growth we are seeing with South Asia and China Vietnam

Well i need some source then, because based from several books that i read PKS (or PK) were born from underground movement of the wahabbis after being suppressed for years under Suharto.
If you are talking about recent election i think that's pure political move because Berkarya need to be relevant enough to survive.

As ive been told by Malaysian flags on here, they’re like the Jews of Malaysia. Rich, insular minority that still never misses their chance to leverage their position as s minority.
I’m so sorry we unleashed this cancer on the world, I truly truly am

I go there to buy cheap chocolate biscuits and fishing

Aceh is indeed at ISIS level, rest of Indonesia is not


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Too many people, too many problem.

It's just all I hear from them is how shit they are supposedly treated whilst simultaneously bragging how they are the rich upper elite class, meanwhile China actually treats its minorities infinitely worse than how the Chinese are treated anywhere.

>Fucking wild
Nigeria is already cultural regional power in West Africa

As far as I know, their biggest roadblock to development has been the country's geography combined with poor infrastructure to remedy the situation. Growth has been at around 5% for the last two decades, which isn't good and hasn't even changed recently, but the increased foreign investment and the large infrastructure projects under Widodo has people hopeful for the future. Otherwise, what do you think Vietnam and South Asia have that Indonesia doesn't?

>China actually treats its minorities infinitely worse
They're literally given special rights over the Han Chinese like no one child policy and benefit from affirmative action.

probably cuz of their mudslime religion

Becauae there's no indonesian sense of state.Their women keep craving for white dick.
I went to jakarta and used tinder and got laid 2-3 times per day
There's nothing better than cummin inside a muslim girl wearing a burqa

see Malaysia has a lot of policies that favour Muslim Malays and few other indigenous peoples
>China actually treats its minorities infinitely worse than how the Chinese are treated anywhere.
well excluding what has been happening with the Uyghurs in Xinjiang in the last couple of years that's not really true, there's even affirmative action for non-Han at Chinese universities

t. Zhang

Chinese in Malaysia are a rich upper class that refuses to even learn to speak Malay properly, throws a shit fit at the prospect of having to learn Jawi script, constantly bashes Malay people whenever they are overseas, basically an ungrateful foreign minority, and yet complain about being treated unfairly. They really are the Jews of asia.


Fuck malay

They're literally being forced into camps to have their culture and religion erased and forcibly turned into Chinese, while ethnic Han chinese are settling their province.

>yet another "based leaders" well regarded in west
>local population hates them

But what's with Boko Haram activity? Did in Nigeria is real conflict between average Christians and Muslims or it is serious issue only for few religious fanatics? According to some opinions Nigeria may balkanize in future between Muslim Norf and Christian Souf.

This is the greatest cultural relevancy that Indonesia will ever have

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Okay Jing, you're not even a recognised country. Maybe when your country gets nuked by chinks you won't be singing their praises.

Honestly who the fuck would accept to be assimilated ina conservative islamic society? The Chinese are quite well integrated in Thailand afaik. Also daily remainder that the Chinese were actually the majority in Malaysia, but they decided to kick out Singapore.

Probably they do not want to get noticed by the rest of the world because of their whole genocide and oppression of some of the ethnic groups under their rule.

What do you mean by turned into Chinese? They're being forced to accept communist principles like everyone else has. Even among the Uyghurs,which are just one ethnic minority, Xinjiang is a special case. Ningxia nearby largely doesn't have this issue.

So...that's japan's cultural power...isn't it?

>Honestly who the fuck would accept to be assimilated ina conservative islamic society?

Because they're an immigrant minority? if they don't want to integrate, they should leave. I'm sure PRC would welcome them with open arms.

le Timor-Leste face

they need a Lee Kuan Yew

They were like 50/50 but to be fair it's kind of their land while the Chinese and Indians are immigrants.

China doesn't have any principles let alone communist ones, it's an economically stratified society more so than any western country, with billionaire elites living in coastal cities making tonnes of money off dirtpoor workers who don't have basic human or legal rights, let alone economic or socialist ones. They're basically trying to stamp out the Uighur's cultural and religious identity, force them to eat and dress like Ethnic chinese, abandon their traditional religious customs and names. They even made a list of a bunch of names they're not allowed to use anymore.