Why retards call us leafs? Nous sommes fleur de lys.
Why retards call us leafs? Nous sommes fleur de lys
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Ok fleur de lys
Shuddup hoe, you’re the province that receives the most gibs
shut it you literal amphibian, you will be anglophone territory whether you like it or not
You'll have to step on my dead body
I don't know OP, some people are just born retarded and I guess we have to accept it while looking down on them like the poor inferior creatures they are.
I want to meet a QT Quebec girl
their curse words are fascinating
very tasteful
More like fleur de voting no
Rigged, rigged, rigged and rigged.
I’m in Montreal rn ask me anything
Pic related just went exploring here today
I remember
That born under the lily
I grow under the rose.
The Francophones will save Canada and give them a culture
fleur de KYS you french bastard
more like fleur de leafs
Repeat it until you believe it.
If by saving Canada and giving them a culture you mean ask for more gives then yes, you're absolutely right
>less than 1% difference
>1.82% invalid votes
makes you think doesn't it
if you didnt vote against your independence twice it'd be different
>If by saving Canada and giving them a culture you mean ask for more gives then yes, you're absolutely right
And that's a good thing
Si le Roy des Franks reprend sont Trône légitime qui lui reviens par la grâce de dieu, dite lui que sont peuple a besoin de FAMAS, de char d'assauts pis de prière.
shut up, fric
Your flag is very cute, Quebec!
It's all gay plant shit, who cares
this is ridiculous though
is it not immediately obvious that english speakers in montreal tipped this
is it abandoned?
Vous devez voter pour le Parti Poulaire du Canada.
many things tipped it, burning yes votes, taking vulnerable old people with memory problems to the voting boots by bus and bully them into voting no, companies saying if they learn you vote yes they'll fire you, judges allowing immigrants to votes and etc.
Money and ethnic votes.
lol get rekt nerdecois
Yep. Montreal is a paradise for urban exploring. Cause it’s barely been gentrified yet.
I like urban exploring but at least 7/10 times theres some kind of guard lurking around. I tend to get caught and asked to leave, but haven't ever been actually hit with a misdemeanor or anything
On est Canadian deal with it :(
Bilingualism is a euphemism for francophone supremacy and but that's untrue. Quebec is in part repatriated for it's extremely high provincial taxes.
I don't under why leafs and French larpers are arguing, you faggots will be part of the US sooner or later.
We'll be a state before them.
>Bilingualism is a euphemism for francophone supremacy
my fucking ass. bilingualism only serves the english. we have to learn english while you guys can get away with never learning french. people trip over each other to speak english if there's a single anglo in the room.
at least we're the only ones to say 'Yes' to securalism in public works/jobs field but then there are retard Muslims woman saying they'll keep their hijab but it goes against the securalism law.
I find it really surprising that the catholic church was politically significant in quebec up until the fucking 1960s
I mean normally you think about government secularism having its roots in the european enlightenment era and spreading with the rise of nationalism and constitutional reforms and stuff; in the 1800s
and yet you guys had a secular-nationalist revolution/reform in the fucking 1960s
well the education before the 60's were mostly given by sisters and French Canadians families were much poorer and had a big inferiority complex vs the English Canadians.
Over 70% of government positions are controlled by a 20% francophone minority because bilinguals are given preference and anglophones have no reason to learn French meaning all bilinguals are francophones. Politics, the military and judiciary are dominated by them the same way.
Is Quebec the only place new Forces members get training? If so, it llooks like a large flaw for the whole system.
enjoy the United States being ruled by liberal presidents from now until eternity if that happens.
>anglophones have no reason to learn French
They should have just as much reason to as the frogs t b h. The policy should be Quebec is only allowed to have French spoken in it and everywhere else must learn both.
>and anglophones have no reason to learn French
If you cant do that you cant represent Canada
easy as'
no. borden does and some other places in ontario. I think it really depends on your regiment.
Americans tolerate and even like Canadians, dont push it
It's part of the curriculum from an early age but nobody truly learns the language because people are not exposed or immersed in it. It's much easier for everyone worldwide like all of you to learn English and the Quebecois are given ample opportunity to. The playing field is uneven and unfair which makes sense as it was decided by Quebecois politicians.
honestly the quality of french language classes in public schools suck. it's mostly down to quality teachers are hard to get throughout the country. french-immersion schools in ontario are incredibly sought after.
What's your flag?
Make me poutine.
because you baguette niggers need to either learn english, or make a creole so we can understand you.
A fucking flower
>It's much easier for everyone worldwide like all of you to learn English and the Quebecois are given ample opportunity to
yes just import a fuckton of commonwealth immigrants to quebec
force the quebecois to be accomodating to them by using english so it's easier for them to integrate into the greater canadian multicultural society :^)
it's the humanitarian thing to do :^^^^^^^)
imagine montreal and quebec city turned into copies of TORONTO
but that's pretty much what's happening. Because new immigrants refuse to learn French even if they move in Quebec. It's the official language of the province, so then they stick with learning English and lowering the number of people speaking French overall.
but if they have kids they have to send them to french school by law
*Four fucking flowers.
by law for now
leftist anglo canadians and albertanoid hicks will put aside their differences to change that
yes this is precisely why i do not like WASPs