How is it possible that the majority of incels in America are non white...

How is it possible that the majority of incels in America are non white. Yet white incels we always the one carrying out violent attacks ?

Attached: 60ED1176-B031-4817-9C5F-456E404ACC29.jpg (750x427, 125K)

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Victim complex

crackers are violent

It’s sad af

Because there is a difference in culture between different groups. Personal failure is harder to accept when you don't have familial support. White Americans aren't exactly known for their loving familial support of fuck ups.

But why now? It didn't change much for whites at least

>White Americans aren't exactly known for their loving familial support of fuck ups.
Asians are worse at this
Blacks historically have worse
Hispanics are the only real exception

Stop making excuses cracker.

yes yes tell me again how minorities demand rent of children who turn 18

this is not an imagined thing.

>my mom makes me pay her for paying for my entire living expenses
>guess i'll go shoot up a school!

Crackers are pathetic

>why did young white people start to go violently insane immediately after schools began indoctrinating them with feminist propaganda and telling them that their white privilege is the source of all evil in the world

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

>it's all the evil liberuls fult!!

If you're a white guy in the USA, to blame the system for your failure implies a major mental issue. On the other hand, minorities can often claim that the bias against them is factual, they do not need to go nuts to support certain theories.

What does this have to do with violent attacks ?

Black men have always had negative media representation
And as far as I’m concerned white men don’t even have negative representation just far right wing and violent ones do

>immediately after


the white man is the master of believing he is owed everything now. Top women, best sex, big dick, be tall, expensive cars, multiple houses, trips, all the instagram followers,good looking, good food, vidya's , capeshit movies constantly day and night, be in shape, be on TV, be in movies, be in wikipedia, be in Imdb, be in documentaries, get a nobel peace prize, have a statue made of them, have a billion dollars, have a rewarding career, have oodles of money, jetski, cabin, boat, internet, power, political power, international power, business ideas, ideas all that that everyone wants to stop what they are doing and do what they want, all their hair, capped teeth, no varicose viens, young women and young boys for sex behind the wife's back. 2.5 kids who are going to college and tall and good looking and also have the list... and when one little thing goes wrong

they pop their cork.

Pretty much

These are straight excuses

contra made a nice vid about this desu

whites are still the largest group
also you don't actually know if any of those people that commit shootings are incels or not and you don't know in what ways ethnic incels could be lashing out

>ITT: butthurt minorities latch onto the single instance of white people being as fucked up as they are to try to say, "See! THEY WERE WORSE ALL ALONG!"

>asian suicide rate highest in developed world
>blacks account for 50% of all violent crime in the US, including murders and rapes; look at Africa
Wow, you really fucking killed it there, didn't you, pal?

t. Incel


Cringe tranny