Cats > dogs
Or you simply shut the fuck up and let people choose what animal they want
Cats are for fags
My pit bull could literally eat your cat in one bite- what makes you think your stupid-ass hunk bag is better than by SÜL dog?
Cats are for cucks and slaves.
lol shut up
Cats are for fags
Fats are for cags
so gay and wrong
t. triggered dog owners
animals are for poor people
Based, FUCK D*GS
I can play the LiveLeak game too.
pitbulls are worse than cats retard
This is your brain on toxoplasmosis.
pitbulls can only fight small cats
put them against a big cat like a tiger or a lion and they lose 100% of the time
Put any cat against a lion why dontcha'
Wanna see what happens
my point is, felidae could kill your shitty niggerdog any time
you absolute spanner
daily reminder that cats give their owners brain parasites
It's impossible to be a straight man and own a cat instead of a dog.
catcucks on suicide watch
>this insecure
Sub-clinical toxoplasma infection has thoroughly eroded the minds of first-worlders. Now, much like the infected mouse is attracted to cat piss, the infected westerner is attracted to third-world semen.
Is it true that toxoplasmosis makes you a homosexual?
I love both cats and dogs but if I had to choose one it would be a cat. Doesn't need constant attention, can be by itself for days at a time when I'm out of town as long as I stock up on food and cat litter, doesn't need to go on walks, can just open the backdoor and let the lil guy explore around the neighborhood. And cats do hang out with you and cuddle, just not as much as dogs.
A lone lion would get BTFO by a wolf pack.
a wolf pack is btfo by a lone gryzlly bear
put a lion troop agains a wolf pack
the wolves would be assblasted
I lost my 6yo cat last year and my 11yo dog a few weeks ago, both in august :(
they have completely different personalities but both are awesome to have as companions, the cat always went his own way but knew how to show love at the right time, maybe a bit traitorous/too playful when he got nervous at night
the dog always wanted to play, he was super smart and did everything you told him to do, extremely loyal at all times
I own a cat for years and I have a girlfriend(female). So I don't get this gay meme.
>Or you simply shut the fuck up and let people choose what animal they want
No, absolutely not. Dog is man's best friend. Cats are traitorous, vengeful and unstable, traits that make them closer to women.
A BULL can kill a lion
I agree that cats are like women, but I never have any problem with cats, if you dont mess with them they do no harm.