
do you have any acne scars?

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I still have acne

>acne scars

more like sebum face tats

>mfw I had an auntie who liked popping my zits

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Just go to a dermatologist bro

>just don't pop them bro!
They end up popping on their own if you don't.
And I'm not gonna leave fat white head just sitting on my face for all to see.

yes but I'm going to a dermatologist when I'm going to bother doing that. I'm a shut in NEET so it's not a big deal

yeah but the beard covers the 90% of them

have sex

Based auntie, kek

Lmao I had barely any acne in m entire life let alone acne scars

seek sunlight

fuck you son of a bitch

I am acne scars.

No. I have giagantic pores on my nose, I think because I would express them constantly.

Yes. It really god damn sucks. I was always above average in everything but height all my life (average height, or slightly above average). Girls fucking fell all over me from pre K to 11th grade. My cock is above average size and my intelligence was above average too. School and everything came easy for me, except for the fact I had high social anxiety so it was still hard to make any friends at all until 10th grade. Senior year of high school I developed very severe acne. The kind you see on horror story pictures of acne. One day I tried to kill myself but stopped part of the way through the attempt. Shortly after I said fuck it and admitted I need medical help for my acne. My stepmother ridiculed me the whole time as she always did, belittling me about being pathetic and vain but at least my dad understood. Got it taken care of, got a gf even and lost my virginity shortly after I graduated despite my scars. I still have them. They aren't as bad as they were 5 years ago but definitely visible. Mostly centered on my cheeks, the only really visible ones. My cheeks look like they got small splashes of third degree burns or something always but I have a jawline to make up for it a bit

The sooner you see a dermatologist the better. I never got corrective surgery for my scars but they got rid of the worst of my acne. I still get it kinda bad but nowhere even close to the same level I got it 5 years ago. Left permanent emotional damage from being a disturbing abomination, going to high school and working at walmart where kids would always stare and pole fun for 6 months

I actually already went to a dermatologist and due to my severe acne I got to use a strong type of accutane. The plan was to use it for 6 months but I ended up using it for only 3 months. According to the blood test it was bad for me so the whole thing ended and I was prescribed some creams that do nothing. Not that it's a big deal given that I have little acne nowadays. But I can't go to the dermatologist that I used to go to given that they wont give me any more accutane. But I will go to another accutane one day to get more accutane (hopefully).
I used to have a skin care plan but I still didn't execute it and at this point I forgot most of it.

But fuck my life I can related to your emotional damage story. I was an abomination in my late high school years and early college years. Disgusting skin. Girls and even grown ass women mocked me behind my back but in front of me so I knew what was going on. They also kept looking down on me. Even cunts with acne. Fuck my life.


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Yes. And I still get the occasional pimple even though I'm on prescription medicine and benzoyl peroxide.
Pic related.

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tons of acne scars on back and chest

this. almost 30 and still get occasional acne

i had acne but just don't pop them you're wrong

Try differin and benzoyl peroxide, I went from pizzaface to acne-free within a month without using anything else.

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no scars, but still get the occasional few pimples just often enough that my face can't ever be fully clear

>Female friend has very mild acne
>Goes on accutane
>Doctor didn't even try any of the more modern ointments

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Differin is the actual good one. To anyone with severe acne benzoyl peroxide is fucking nothing. Differin is the life changer

you sound weak minded as fuck

I never really had acne

how? for seeing a dermatologist for a severe acne problem?

no, for letting your acne effect you that much.

my dad would always tell me dont pop them especially if your nails are dirty but he would pop them himself anyway

that shit sucks cunt. you clearly never had a sever acne in your life. I had sever acne in my late high school years and in early college. Girls and grown ass women mocked me behind my back but in front of me so I knew what was going on. Looking, whispering, giggling and shit. Even cunts with acne. They keep looking down on you. Just like that people go out of their way to make you feel like shit.

I did have severe acne and am still taking accutane for it. I understand the effects it has on someone, but it was not bad enough for me to consider suicide because of it.

If I don't use BP my skin looks significantly worse to be honest, I find that it significanyly helps reduce the amount of closed comedones that make my skin look bubbly as shit.

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yeah true desu lmao

unironically got just one on my arse cheek. had a massive spot and I couldn't sit down on it so I went for it. It was really painful and tough but I cracked it open and it made a loud noise and everything. still got the scar.