MUH brazilians are fucking our air

>MUH brazilians are fucking our air

Attached: MUH.png (848x475, 296K)

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at least we're getting something out of that like goods and services. what the fuck are we getting from your burning forests?


don't you have a cartel to run amigo?

>America not #1
wtf I thought "we" were the best

Attached: Capture.png (305x403, 278K)

The best measurement is gdp per co2 emissions.

>what the fuck are we getting from your burning forests?
Pissed western soyboys. There's NOTHING better than this.
Russians/chinese/indians don't give a single fuck about this.

Attached: 80653_1.jpg (270x270, 9K)

The most recent data i've found:

And Brazil still fairly low.

Brazil is super low because it has access to the biggest river in the world, though, no other country has that.

Not only they don't give a fuck, they've sided with us kek.

The chinese are based and alpha.


The Amazonas River isn't used for power generation, neither for... anything else at all.

Interesting. I always assumed you did. Which water sources do you use then?
Legit question, since I always assumed it was the Amazon.

Attached: Brazil_electricity_generation_by_fuel_types_in_2000_through_2018_(47993181333).png (587x276, 21K)

Smaller rivers. The Itaipu Dam also plays the most significant role on this.

it's a literal scapegoat
even the blind can see that
first it was the plastics hysteria and now everyone jumped on Brazil because a group started to pull other strings

Of course the first post is a chinknadian defending his chinkland.

Attached: 4848585.png (746x530, 91K)

bruh the firstoids are whining about a natural fire, you think they'd let us build a dam in the middle of the amazon?

first the museums on fire and now the amazon forest, you guys ever get tired of genociding all the best things in your country? =)

We dont use (yet) the Amazon River, Miguel.

Gezz... Canasoy, the best thing in my country is BUNDA AND PUSSY. Fuck all the rest.

Attached: ezgif-4-db6b9143f345.gif (200x410, 2.85M)

He's right though.
They're burning the Amazon to expand soy crops and cattle raising.

Good job chink! keep defending the country and you might have just enough point for your social credit. Don't forget to play the app and clap a lot for bonus points

Based Chileanbro

Developed countries cannot freely use oxygen produced by Brazil
Developed countries have to produce oxygen themselves before criticizing Brazil

It doesn't matter desu, you get your power from your millions of rivers. Most countries don't have those.

Whose products do you think are made in China?

How is that an argument? They use clean water power, because they can. And?

Other people can't, holding it against them as if everyone had the same resources is retarded.

Besides, unlike Germany, France (the country more vocal about this) is actually a role model for energy production with all their nuclear power plants.

The Amazon is going to be a scapegoat for a western invasion of Brazil under the pretext of protecting the Amazon and ergo protecting the planet from global warming

Nah it was just macro autism trying to block EU-Mercosur trade deal. But it pretty much failed

You'll get soy for your favorite drink from the newly cultivated land in the amazon rainforest and you'll drink it with a big, big smile because in the end you don't really care that much if a forest was burned because of it.

Climate change is a leftist plot to get more taxes for the big government.
The weather has always changed.
