Excuse me, is this 4channel’s international board? I’m looking for /balt/
Other urls found in this thread:
>hapas are ug-
This is what a half-Lithuanian half-Japanese girl looks like
fucking ugly. would look bangable if she were pureblood tho
Yes, hello
Fucking disgusting.
ugly bitch
coping seething incels
I've seen gypsies look better than this.
>t. gypsy
yes, shes only average
Guess how I know how your surname ends with -ičius/-ovas?
Guess how I know you have a lith name and surname but you're pure gypsy?
>there are čigonai ITT
>he doesn't even deny it
wow, thats the ugliest female hapa that i've ever seen
fucking gypos get off my thread
haven't seen this general for a while
>more gypos coming in
is this /taboras/ now?
Why do russians get so butthurt and start accusing you lying when you say that you don't know russian? I legit could count all the russian words that i know on my hand fingers
Put down your phone and start participating in your daily orthodog mass you seething eastfag
Drinking Smetoniška gira.
>not pilstoma
don't care nerd
They dont want to let go of their illusion of them being an infuence on other countries.
>„Paauglystėje verkdavau dėl bendraamžių patyčių ir klausdavau Dievo, kodėl neleido man gimti mėlynake blondine, vardu Linutė“, – skaudžią patirtį prisiminė lietuvių ir japonų kraujo turinti dainininkė Keitė Arai
I wish i was there to protect her
Let me CUM im your gira
>japonijoje dažnai iš europietiškos aprangos suprasdavo, kad nesu vietinė, o jei nesuprasdavo, klausdavo, kur pasidariau akių platinimo operaciją arba pasididinau krūtinę, – japonių krūtinės labai mažos.
Lmao this gets better and better
Are Polish people and Lithuanian people still frens?
sadly no
>paugareesteju vergadavu dėru pendraamzu patyzu ir grausdavu proteriu koder nereidu man kimti brondine vardu rinute
i dont participate in threads created by mutts, saged and bye. next thread
Unironically best /tv/ meme in years
I currently own:
Virgin jeans
Intel glasses + no jaw or chin
Poland is baltic
Are these virgin glasses?
looks russian
Those are the sexual offender/rapist glasses
Great choice of frames then.
Where does one find pussy in Lithuania?
Where does one find pussy in Lithuania?
Where does one find pussy in Poland?
Пpивeт, дpyзья!
Кaк y вac пpoхoдят выхoдныe?
I want to FUG
FUG I want to
Watch your language!
It's Sunday!
Your best bet is older 40-50yo women.
That's how I get my rocks off until I find a nice gf my age (pretty much impossible).
How do you get to fuck 40 yo women?
I pick them up on dating sites.
After the initial "hi" or whatever, you drop the hammer with "are you interested in no-strings-attached sex?".
If she agrees right off the bat, then you're all set.
If she says no, then move on right away.
If she starts finding excuses like "oh, you're too young", ask them if they want to just meet up at a cafe. If you do meet up, drop the hammer again at the end of the date.
How the fuck can you be so Chad? Fucking amazing
What pictures you use?
All lives matter
I'm the opposite of a chad. I'm an average-looking, super-serious chubby computer nerd.
The older a woman is, the better she understands that a smart, quiet guy is what she needed all along.
Just pictures from my travels. Nothing too fancy.
Oh, do you mean Jow Forums? It's 3 blocks away from here
its right here bro
How many milfs you fugged so far?
Around 8 in the last 4 years. Some were pretty long-term.
you could say I’m a bit of a baltiboo...
so what?
Post some stories
One time I went on a date with a 47yo mom. She was really embarrassed about the 20 year age gap, so she offered to set me up with her daughter.
I met up with her daughter the next day. Funny thing is she knew how me and her mom met, and she asked me why I like mature women. Being the nerd that I am, I answered honestly and she was okay with it. Didn't work out because she wasn't very attractive and kept going on and on about her exes (yikes!).
Interesting, but sad in a way.
Sad you did not fook them both!
No it isn't faggot
Yeah, fucking a mom and her daughter, at the same time or not, has always been a fantasy of mine.
Wtf, that's sounds like hentai or a porn movie situation. Estonians are weird. Post more stories.
Ok I think it's official. Lithuania has a rice problem.
t. ryžius
t. doesn't have hapa gf
I'd rather have a jewish gf
chinks gtfo if you accept it you are a globalist fuck and not a lithuanian
I'm Russian.
One time I fucked a 45yo American MILF who was temporarily working as an English teacher at one of the schools in town.
She agreed to meet up because she was impressed by my mastery of English. She was on the fence at first, so I had to take her on a date. She was sticking to her "but I'm 18 years older than you" excuse, but the old "you can pass for my 29yo girlfriend" trick worked like a charm.
Shame she didn't want to meet up after that one time, even though she came really hard. Probably the age difference was too much for her after all.
sitane tibla tyra sinusuguseid hakkame varsti tapma
I had both kek
>chinks gtfo if you accept it you are a globalist fuck and not a lithuanian
you yourself are a chink though
Toivo-kun! Your pills!
you havent seen Estonian then, we arent rice teeth with squinted eyes and shitskin black eyes
Tell me about jewish gf, user. Was she pretty?
Estonians are chink-danish hybrids that seethe on germanics for making them huwhite. Embarassing
>chink-danish hybrid
danes have lower light eyes % than us and chinks have shitskin eyes. if we were danish-chink mix then we would have r*ssian tier light eyes %, nice try shithuanian
Yeah , she was. But we split up because her family didn't like me cause I wasn't full jew, and it put the strain on the relationship and finally we split up.
She was from very rich family though, and best sex I ever had as well (Introduced me to bdsm as well, she was submissive af, at sex she larped as a one dollar whore)
what are pizdonians even doing on /balt/ lmao fuck off to /nordic/
>danes have lower light eyes % than us and chinks have shitskin eyes. if we were danish-chink mix then we would have r*ssian tier light eyes %, nice try shithuanian
They said they will migrate to /mammi/
Why the fuck do these faggots are still here
>t. slav(e)
Why don't Latvians claim Ruhnu as their rightful clay?
>be pizdonian
>defend rithuania from le chinks
>get fucking shat on in return
Holy kek
fuck of to /mammi/