Rangeban when

rangeban when

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Other urls found in this thread:


reply if Brazilians should be rangebanned


Reply if earthfags should be rangebanned

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I hope never. This is a comfy board that I very much enjoy. I'm lone as fuck and you're my only friends in this miserable world.

reply if Brazilians should Not be rangabanned



My friend would never burn the amazon or deny me Greenland





Do it. I'm sick and tired of these wanna-be white Macaco's.


kek funny image

There's a couple of them addicted to yous so they make awful threads, but the same can be said about my flag, yours or any other, range banning them all is so post 2016 nufaggotry, get a life proxy fag

Eu amote

I'm not your friend, bud

why is there a window to argentina in his bathroom?

I'm tired of pro-bolsonaro/anti-bolsonaro screeching even if nobody else cares.
I'm also tired of the south brazilian faggot(s)


Seethe & Cope

Your country has a lot of problems that need to be taken care of, stop worrying about other countries, for instance this:

Brazilians on /sp/ are bro tier and chill, the ones on Jow Forums just spam shit and whine.

Because on /sp/ it is already common knowledge that Brazilians are supermen.
Here we need to educate the low-IQ international masses


That's particular to a certain region within the country.
Everyone else derides them for doing that.
The problems we need to take care of go beyond that.

Years of 7-1 posting broke them and keeps them in check

das rite

eat shit leproso
bro fist



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True, but it’s more than that
>call a Brazilian a monkey(or racial slur) on /sp/ they banter and talk shit back but it’s funny
>do it on Jow Forums and they start complaining about bullying and spam cuck shit







Brazilians here don't get the concept banter, at least the ones who make the majority of posts. Call an american a mutt and he'll call you a krautnigger, do the same thing to a brazilian and he'll spam your board with bolsonaro threads for 3 days in a row.




I fully agree.

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This but with UN intervention forces

wow very rude

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please leave this board and never return

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Stop pls
we don't deserve hate
Life is suffering and this is a comfy imagenboard

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why do macacos burn their forest? Where will you live when the forest is gone?

Why dont you go back to your islamic shithole?
I heard israel bombed them

Jesus Christ do you really think that every perosn that hatees brazil is a muslim? Well that's your brain on bolsonegro I guess. You guys blindly follow your king monkey into oblivion


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Am i lying tho?
Both of us know i am not.
Go back.

Nice butthurt, nigger

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Are you literally so butthurt that you created a fucking thread just to say this.

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I wonder if the reddit tourists are actually being serious and think it counts as a poll.



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sorry sp


Stop bullying brazibros

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you are not fooling anyone sholomo




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I find you ok.
I don't get what all the fuss is about.
Korean and Japanese posters are worse




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Koreans and canadians should be range banned

>reply if Brazilians should be rangebanned

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Absolute worst posters on/int/, and i'm not saying this because of recent events, those monkeys never made a single decent post aside from that time Greenland user got his mind changed from killing himself by a huenon. Macacos are always seething and shit up threads the moment they post their savage ramblings in them, but they're not even worth arguing with, like a bad mannered pre-schooler.


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When the rageban stars with other nations these "civilised" flags will eat each other. You see im not a monster, i just a head of the curve...

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Says the country that needs to take care of flaites.




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Everyone reply too please!

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