What race are greek people?

What race are greek people?

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came here to post this


Excuse me, but I am Greek and therefore white.

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Looks jewish

Astro-jew, a subset of the eternal jew that is skilled in math and astronomy.



Why do they look like turks?

It depends on which part of Greece you're talking about.

Macedonians and thessalians are more northern euro admixed.

Islanders are more middle easterners(east med), central Greeks are Meds. Southern Greeks are swarthy meds.


greece is a country of several races and mutt-people between them.
in it there are northern europeans (one race: nords, western euros) - southern europeans (hellenic, levantine and caucasian) - and the others (arabs, eastern turks, north africans)

the racial identity of greeks was sacrificed long, long ago for the cultural one. greek survives as a state but not as a race.

Attached: Turkey and Greece.png (310x448, 303K)

there are no aryans, only people with more or less aryan admixture.
and jews, being eurasian mutts, really do have varying levels of aryan in them as well. more than africans, and most asians, but less than core europeans.

darker phenotype Hebrews

hebrews were only a small minority in ancient greece. if anyone is a mere phenotypical deviation it's the hebes.

depending on "aryan admixture" is, asians have more of it

looks too white for a greek


If by long long ago you mean 2000 years ago then you're correct. What's most important in being Greek is if you speak the language and feel like one. I guarantee you all these pics of Greek people that look middle eastern or generally ugly are pontic though

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>Pontic Greeks
He's American so he doesn't know what you're talking about.

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100% White

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Explain this?

Whiter than you Mohammed.

That guy looks Jomon.

Unironically, looks British.

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Turk looks literally whiter