This is what happens when you push Brazilian posters too far

They burn their nation to ashes.

Attached: SmartSelectImage_2019-08-25-14-14-43.png (1260x1130, 555K)

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it's 25, august already you monkey, stop coping and put out the fire

>6 square miles of Amazon rainforest is cutdown every day
Why are macacos allowed to govern themselves?

Attached: amazonfire.png (2666x1875, 92K)

Because we would destroy your pathetic country in a week or less if you ever fucking pissed us off

I can never tell if macacos are being serious

Why did the US destroy 90% of its forests?

Because they were backward retards living in the 18th century, like Brazilians

"We used to be even MORE greedy and short-sighted actually, so I win the argument"

I hope crime in Brazil quadruples.

Will you "people" stop and think about this copy and paste response for a secund? It happened during the first and secund industrial revolutions! We live in the 21 century under global finance capitalism

Okay João

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>the entire world is allowed to devastate forests worldwide but only before this arbitrary cutoff point
>no it doesn't matter that the Amazon is the best preserved forest in the world, I will still scream and ignore facts
some serious cope going on here

Never heard about the concept of wildfires during dry seasons?

Vergueenza ajena

Yes, you were too slow. Cope.

Based, fuck the planet.

>arbitrary cutoff point
lmao, macacos are literally living in the 18th century

Some catholic priests have raped children for decades, doesn't mean we won't stop them in the end...
The bad you did in the past doesn't make the bad you do now good.

>doesn't mean we won't stop them in the end...
That's exactly what the double standards forest destroyers are doing, you are excusing your own rape of nature while blaming someone who didn't rape it.

Chinese diplomat says brazilz environmental policy crisis be fabricated

“the environmental policy o' da brazilian government has been consistent. Da country be one o' da most stringent in da ghetto, if not da most stringent, in environmental requirements. Da chinese companies here attest ta dis, ”he said.

dude also said dat da concerns o' da brazilian government in opposin' external interference in da area r' justified. "it be legitimate fo' da brazilian government ta maintain territorial integrity," dude said.

qu has been in brazil fo' 5 years. N' therez Ain't nuthin' but dude also worked here unda president luiz inácio lula da silvaz government. "the environmental policy o' tha two governments be very similar, although ideologically different," dude said.

the fire rises

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the entire continent is burning

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>we are allowed to act like retarded cavemen because fuck first worlders

That's the exact opposite of what was stated, Brazil is one of the few countries that didn't act like retarded cavemen and the only reason why we are having this discussion is because the Amazon is one of the few forests left.

We cut down ours when we didn't know better. Now we're reforesting

yeah, now stfu, how about you give the wealth taken from nature then? faggot i don't see you demolishing cities and throwing away materialistic crap because you care so much

You already devastated the biomes, the forests are completely sterile and there's no going back, no amount of vapid virtue signalling will change this.

Attached: 9-Figure6-1.png (1104x1768, 2.54M)

So Brazil is now environmentally as advanced as late Roman Empire-Medieval Europe? Good to know

>you give the wealth taken from nature then
to who?

Every single euro country still has a far higher ecological footprint than Brazil, you never "learned" anything and never will because you fail to admit your own faults and instead try to shift blame into one of the most stringent countries in the world when it comes to environmentalism.

Current europe is at least a few orders of magnitude more damaging to the environment than medieval europe.

Attached: 1920px-World_map_of_countries_by_ecological_deficit_(2013).svg.png (1920x985, 269K)

>as late Roman Empire-Medieval Europe

More like neolithic Europe.

we are you still sheeting after macacos show you facts?
the fake news narrative "this time is worse than the past" is proved wrong, are you NPCs?

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>the fake news narrative "this time is worse than the past" is proved wrong, are you NPCs?
It isn't

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this is worst than the last 9 years

It's pretty much impossible to de-program someone who make their own ignorance part of their moral well-being, it's not a mentality swayed by facts.

it is
But yeah intards are extremely butthurt about Br's so they make up shit like this.

Attached: fires.jpg (896x542, 63K)

It is higher than the last few years but still within the historical average, Bolivia and African countries are having similar spikes too, it's technically a El Nino year.

You can see data for other SA countries here, Bolivia's August is also the worst since 2010.

Attached: 1548023597718.png (1022x680, 153K)

> è più alto degli ultimi anni ma comunque all'interno della media storica, anche la Bolivia e i paesi africani hanno picchi simili, tecnicamente è un anno di El Nino.
> Puoi vedere i dati di altri paesi SA qui, anche l'Agosto della Bolivia è il peggiore dal 2010.
I even translate it in cas you werent able to understand the previous post.

>fucking brazilian monkeys you must respect nature!!!!!!
>no there's absolutely nothing wrong with us still using coal and polluting, we are white!!

Why are eurofaggs so pathetic?

Translate it in romenian, his mother tongue.
>The green line for 2019 there is a bit hard to make out, so here is a zoom in, as you can see it is way below the top line which is for 2005, with only a few data points, and is also below the 2003 line.

If you bothered zooming into that graph you would see it's below the higher years but the shitty plotting distorts it since 2005 had far fewer samples, it goes into a straight line.
Jesus they aren't kidding when they say NPCs are real, it's like a cult that can only repeat mantras

letting macacos govern the amazon was a mistake tbhfam

why do i imagine a cute brown twink typed this

>no there's absolutely nothing wrong with us still using coal and polluting
There are countries in Europe that run solely on renewable energy, but I'm sure you'll now move the goalpost somehow

bc you are a paki and think that everyone is brown like you

look at this dood

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaa.png (1327x287, 31K)

It's not, it's a pasty bushy-browed beta who lives off his parent's wealth, just like 95% of s*daca posters

Yeah sure because germany isn't using coal rn. Brazil should burn that fucking forest to the ground and make it productive anyway.

>Brazil should burn that fucking forest to the ground
How would we burn 5,5 million km square of forest?

>no there's absolutely nothing wrong with us still using coal and polluting

In France 80% of our energy is nuclear (hence clean), while you are still reliant of fossil fuel for 60% of your electricity.
This is a fact. But I'm sure you will keep inventing numbers to prove your point.

Attached: argentina-s12-8-638.jpg (638x479, 51K)

you are doing already a good job at that...

There it is

Germany silently approved the building of 23 new coal plants since their wind generators don't produce even 1/3 of the projected energy.

Now go look up the most productive dam in the world :^)

you are so cute when you're angry joao

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my eyebrows aren't bushy

>>The green line for 2019 there is a bit hard to make out, so here is a zoom in, as you can see it is way below the top line which is for 2005, with only a few data points, and is also below the 2003 line.
The graph he's talking about is up to April you nigger
Yes it was lower in April, but it's the highest now
And you're saying I'm the NPC lol

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Do you realize how big 5,5million kilometers square is
Do you realize that even if we nuke that, we wouldnt be able to do substantial damage


Your graph literally shows 2016 was more.
NPC cant even read his own shit and spit out whatever narrative twitter celebrities say.
Your place is not on Jow Forums, go back to facebook or whatever

That graph is completely worthless since it has different amounts of samples per year, that huge gap in 2005 straightens out the curve and the INPE data doesn't line up with it at all.

INPE says there were 5318 fires in the Amazon biome in July/2019 when the peak supposedly happened, but in July/2005 it was 19364 with most other months also being far higher.

Republicans and conservatives destroyed the forest and continue to destroy the forests just for the sake of the all mighty dollar.

>MUH, brazilians are fucking the air

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actually proud we're that low

Yes, in April you retard, not anymore It's not my graph, it's the graph he posted here

The graph you posted is the one I'm talking about, there's absolutely no way it reached a record high in August since the 00's had several years with several times more fires, just the fact that it has different sample rates already tells how shit it is.
The INPE data has been consistent since 1998 and it isn't nowhere near any cumulative record high, 2019 is just average.

per capita you are pretty high.

>The graph you posted is the one I'm talking about, there's absolutely no way it reached a record high in August since the 00's had several years with several times more fires, just the fact that it has different sample rates already tells how shit it is.
It did It's the same agency, just a more updated graph

>> è più alto degli ultimi anni ma comunque all'interno della media storica, anche la Bolivia e i paesi africani hanno picchi simili, tecnicamente è un anno di El Nino.
>> Puoi vedere i dati di altri paesi SA qui, anche l'Agosto della Bolivia è il peggiore dal 2010

meanwhile china is a real threat.

Attached: xiping.jpg (1600x1600, 319K)

but lungs, i can't breathe Brazil please.

I hate sharing this continent with Southern niggers.

The link you posted doesn't show prior years when the actual records happened and doesn't mention the supposed record high.

Pretty clearly not, as per these graphs

Yes, it goes back to 2003

Did you even look at your own link? The graphs only go back to 2012.

You can click on the sources and it goes back to 2003 nigger

lol. pls stop posting

Attached: amaz.jpg (939x619, 82K)

You fucking disgusting hypocrite.
Death to Europe.

It is lower than the HISTORICAL AVAREGE you literal retad
Learn the meaning of historical
and of avarege
than come back here

>the delusional pastanigger is still at it
Where's the fucking record high?

That's not the graph for the Amazons
Which I guess it's why you cropped out the title :^)
The graph is here

He is probably not even italian

Your WORTHLESS FUCKING SUBHUMANS HAVE PERMANENTLY FUCKED THE PLANET WITH EUROPEAN INDUSTRY and now you turn around and try to claim that you're doing something good?
I fucking hate European arrogance so fucking much. Every single one of you disgusting worms deserve to have your societies completely destroyed.

Certo che sono italiano, ritardato di un macaco. Smettetela di intasare questa board

Amazonas state =/= Amazon biome.
Amazon biome engulf a number of br states.
Unnironically hang yourself.
The number of burns in the AMAZON BIOME have been lower than the HISTORICAL AVAREGE as proven by many of the links and graphs above.

bro if you can't speak english then leave this board

As proven only by a br link. I prefer an independent NASA source, such as

Actually, it's reducing. On the other side, Sweden's one is continuously rising... enjoy uncontrolled immigration.

>posts graphs that cut off at 2012
literally braindead, holy shit

then stop embarassing us, you are retarded

That one is showing the state of amazonas. and only shows up until recent years

>Cumulative active fire detections through 8/22/2019 from MODIS and VIIRS confirm that 2019 is the highest fire year since 2012 (the start of the VIIRS record) across the seven states that comprise the Brazilian Amazon. In addition, fires in 2019 are more intense than previous years, measured in terms of fire radiative power, consistent with the observed increase in deforestation
t. hue con il proxy

Way to go, Brazil! Yet you're still a long way off, try THIS

Attached: _108157959_fires_russia_976-nc.png (976x706, 329K)

>There are countries in Europe that run solely on renewable energy, but I'm sure you'll now move the goalpost somehow

name one. The closest is Sweden and it's mostly hydro and nuclear. No country that runs on solar and wind is even close.

No one ever denied that the fires are higher than in the last few years, but they're still far from the record highs.
I think you realize this unless you are really stupid, but pretending to be stupid isn't a good strategy either and only perpetuates a stupid discussion with circular arguments for no good reason.

>In France 80% of our energy is nuclear
Funny, isn't it? Europeans and Americans have spent decades trying to prevent and shut down nuclear power plants in less developed countries and what would you fucking know, those developing countries are forced to use dirtier forms of energy.
You disgusting fucking maggot.
Death to Europe.

Based President Putin.

no, sei un coglione che probabilmente vota verdi o qualche meme partito come +europa
continua a credere a tutto quello che leggi nei giornali
I grafici che hai postato mostrano dati non preoccupanti considerando quanto è estesa la foresta amazzonica e sono vicini a quelli di anni passati