Tell me about the Battle of Britain

tell me about the Battle of Britain.

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Göring's on the phone from Freiburg
Says "Willie's done quite a job"
Hitler's on the phone from Berlin
Says "I'm gonna make you a star"

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Hitler was dumb and Luftwaffe was incapable of developing an effective strategic bomber force

For the 4353475th time in history Britain was protected by the fact that it is an island.

>Bongs start world war 2
>Germans kick their asses
>Have to beg America for help
That's WW2 summed up.


And protecting that island with a superior navy and air force.


Not much to tell, Bongs had the advantage that it was their own turf and the Luftwaffe was lead by a crossdressing meth addict. Also they had support from their colonies and polish officers

>finally an actually interesting topic
>hurr not on my Jow Forums now let's go back to positing the thousandth soy thread

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