red pill me on China please (I don't trust Jow Forums)

Attached: china.png (600x800, 631K)

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Very best country number 1 Chairman Xi

chinese girls are hot
chinese society is weird
chinese government is scary
chinese "communism" is just capitalism
united states is more "socialist" than china when you consider military as public spending (which it is)

china doesn't really have a reason to manipulate its currency as it imports a huge portion of the materials that go into its exports... and so has been trying to actually prop up its value for a long time. pressure from the trade war is ironically driving it down

It's the future, like it or not.

Chinks eat dogs which is cannibalism

My mom is Chinese.

Can you explain me why Sweden hates China so much

Attached: eurobarometer china.png (1258x615, 109K)

>chinese? i say nuke 'em to the ground

Attached: 1566006508951.jpg (400x526, 33K)

Shithole,all Chinese boys are incels.

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americas trade deficit isn't as simple as looking at its trade with china... you have to then look at chinas trade deficits to see where the goods are coming from. china just happens to be the last stop as that's where the manufacturing is.

anyway, its a result of American businesses benefiting from manufacturing overseas rather than some weird predatory policy by china

Because China always end up as the "bad guys" in our media. They pollute, use child workers, are extremely racist, work them selves to death, treat animals poorly etc. All the things Sweden is against.

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they treat their muslims poorly.


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Why is Azer this based?

China is poised to become the next superpower. The Chinese middle-class will eventually become the largest consumer market in the world. The Belt and Road Initiative has been extremely successful in increasing China’s soft power and global influence. By constructing naval bases around the world (Sri Lanka, Djibouti, etc.) China has laid the foundations for future naval dominance. But all of this could come crashing down with their economy and regime, so don’t take it as a given.


Attached: SmartSelectImage_2019-07-18-11-10-42.png (1431x1537, 1.31M)

ErDOG*n is a cuck, and shouldn't be considered Turk

Chyna is in flames right now, Shanghai is being pillaged and plundered by european bloodthirsty e-pirates.
The chynese have failed to stop them last year and they failed a few hours ago.
Chyna is done.

its a dictatorship and like all dictatorships sooner or later they will fall

Chinks, chinks everywhere.
So, what's happening in HK?

So you're ruled by a non-Turk.

just post the gore webms already

Based country
All others are cucked compared to China
Long live China and chairman xi

Does Jow Forums unironically believe trump when he says China is a currency manipulator?

Xi has removed all possible threats to his power. But also all possible successors

China will be strong and stable as long as Chairman Xi is alive. It will take into anarchy and civil war as soon as he dies

t. Francis Fukuyama

Attached: test.webm (544x960, 2.97M)

Why do chink couples behave like 10 year old? It's really cringe inducing. They also wear weird clothes and listen to garbage like kpop.

it's going to be the future and it's going to probably be a fairly dystopian one, if you count lack of economic freedom and person freedom as dystopian

If you can watch this MV without cringing hard, you are positively Chinese

OP will be literally redpilled

>(I don't trust Jow Forums)
>but I trust some other board which most likely has 99 percent of the same userbase