The descendant of the Indo-Iranian warrior "Saladin" has crushed China and is about to crush a French cocksucker and...

The descendant of the Indo-Iranian warrior "Saladin" has crushed China and is about to crush a French cocksucker and Norcuck.

He is about to get not one, but two (2) TI medals.

How do you stop ARYAN BVLLs, Jow Forums?

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Do you think he could crush Finland? I don't think so.


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What are you talking about it? That is a 100% German e-sports player. If you couldn't take care of him, you can't claim him as yours anymore ether.

I want based Taoist garbage collector man to win his second TI but I want GODSON to win too

>German claiming Iranians/Aryans are German
I hope Israel nukes your shithole

I mean he is right
any middle-eastern who grew in the west and adopted their culture etc is no longer middle-easterm so basically the whole team

who the fuck even watches assfaggots esports tho

>any middle-eastern who grew in the west and adopted their culture etc is no longer middle-easterm

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Cope seethe and dilate diaspora fag. This guy lives in Dresten.

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>living in a country means you are ethnically from that country
based retard

Werent muslims banned from the US?
Specially considering USA and iran are on the brink of war.

>this finn has 8 siblings
wtf, i thought finns are not having sex

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HAHAHAHA Because of US sanctions Irans internet isnt even fast enough to play Multiplayer games. Plus it's probably haram too.

So yes: He grew up here, learned his shit HERE and plays for US (or the Netherlands? idk) In Iran he would have been a watermelon seller, it's Germanys enviroment and infrastructure that even allowed him to do this as a job.

He is fucking German living in Germany

>He grew up here
ok? cry about it some more
>learned his shit HERE
learned what?
>plays for US
wow you're retarded, good to know
>In Iran he would have been a watermelon seller
what the fuck do you know?

Kuro Salehi Takhasomi is a very German now.


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I miss Wings

Chinks deserve their curse for what they did to them.

He's 100% Germanized Aryan.
>In 1936, the Hitler Cabinet declared Iranians to be immune to the Nuremberg Laws, as they were considered to be "pure Aryans".

Amazing how this nigga went from looking like a literal incel tard to a chad

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>Iranians are pure Iranians
wew lad no shit

i'm glad hitler shot himself, he couldn't even finish a basic job

Kuro isn’t even a practising Muslim. The sword of Allah has transcended this plane.

I'm butthurt Diaspora and blablabla

I'm racist Amerigoblin and blablabla

Frens, what's your thoughts of new heroes announcement? Why they made void spirit? Void means emptiness, so there can't be any spirits at all. It should be Water Spirit!

If he grew up in Germany and killed 20 people, you would have said he is German and it's because of German influence.
But now that he grew up in Germany and is successful you say it's because of genes.
This is all you people can do. You have no real achievements. you are all WEWUZers

dont get too cocky wh*teybro

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no one thinks saladdin was iranian (or paki LOL)
he was a proud kvrd bvll

He’s part of some new event that’s “greater than the war of the ancients”. Must be some new gimmick to pump life into Artifact.

bros, is true?



Nooo liquid bros we got too cocky