Damn, we live in a society

Damn, we live in a society

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw gf cheated on me with a brown man
>not just brown, Indian
>he wasn't even hot or sex or anything
>he refers to himself as 'Ramesh The Mighty' including signing off emails and texts as RtheM'
>wears brightly coloured suits and has sword tattoos, always has massive amounts of facial hair shaved in weird ways
>for example he might shave bamboo blowguns into his moustache (would find out he did this when eating my girlfriends pussy to 'poison that vagina with the venom of Ramesh The Mighty)
>always wearing shirts with the top few buttons undone but he 'did it up' by putting glitter on his chest hair
>would carry around cards with 'fuck statistics' on them which showed his 'horny vital signs' for the day ie, days since last sex, days since last ejaculation, arousal level et
>know my gf was charmed by one of these cards
>said she fucked him because he was so charming and unique and I am boring
>said he got down on one knee and handed a condom and said 'I am propose maresh, oh wait, I meant other way round, i propose RAMESH' and they fucked from there

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>two boys
They’re going to be self hating incels

>he refers to himself as 'Ramesh The Mighty' including signing off emails and texts as RtheM'
Based Ramesh

Chinese people don't even shy away and call them "mixed-blood babies". They have started getting popular over there as well.

Thats what you get zhang

Filipinas are so self-hating, I love it.

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It never fails, whenever there is an "Asian" girl talking about this in the OP, she is always a brown SOUTHEAST ASIAN / SEAMonkey.

In what world is the girl in the OP look like any Chinese? She is a Filipino.,

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thats fucking hard, mate

Whatever you say zhang, whatever you say.

China is a big place

sounds like she got the Mighty Ram

yeah, it is. Still doesnt change this (same girl as in the OP) doesnt look like any native Chinese person. It would the equivalent of me posting an Arab and saying he is Nordic, it would be laughable to you. That is how I see user like you who can tell various Asian racial / ethnic groups apart

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sounds made up

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LEL @ an European posting about American stats without understand how the US racially categorizes minorities.

1. The study is about Asian-Americans and not Asians in Asia.
2. The US allows for a person to be mixed-race and have two or more racial/ethnic categories.
3. 40% of the Japanese-American population in the US is mixed with a non-Asian. That is because there hasnt been +1 Japanese immigration to the US since WW2. Nevermind the Japs who did immigrate to the US, Brazil, Peru, etc were lower class Japanese who were often from Japanese ethnic minority groups like Okinawans.

This is a Japanese-American - he is a Gold Medal Olympian who is Black / Japanese. If he would to marry a White girl, he would be +1 to Asian category and +1 to Black category on US Census marriage stats although he is mixed race.

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Those girls are ugly.

Well, he is matching every girl he swiped right, so it's just chinese girls being ugly

I’m pretty sure that would actually work, at least on younger women.

>Not asians in Asia

Ok here is the stats for Korea

It’s finny according to you guys white guys have no success in Korea and that the Korean guys are getting all the white women

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>1. The study is about Asian-Americans and not Asians in Asia.
Never said it was about asians in asia, just like I'm guessing that the girl in op's pic is american aswell (altough i could be wrong).
>2. The US allows for a person to be mixed-race and have two or more racial/ethnic categories.
>40% of the Japanese-American population in the US is mixed with a non-Asian.
That doesn't exactly support your point but whatever.
>That is because there hasnt been +1 Japanese immigration to the US since WW2. Nevermind the Japs who did immigrate to the US, Brazil, Peru, etc were lower class Japanese who were often from Japanese ethnic minority groups like Okinawans.
Source for both of these claims?
And since you claim that AMWF couples are so common i would like some stats on that aswell

It probably is, Ramesh is a boomer name.

Nationality =/= Race or Ethnicity, especially in multiculturial nations like the US. I love how you cant understand that.


Claudia Kim, who you may know as the Korean actress in Avengers : Age of Ultron, was revealed to dating an American who works for WeWorks, Matthew Shampine. This is what Matthew looks like. This is on top of another Korean actress, Clara, who married the CEO of WeWorks, Samuel Hwang - who is another American.

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I think it is but it’s funny af either way

I’m not denying that probably a good portion of these marriages are with other asians. But I’m that instance that would
Mean that Korean men really aren’t getting married to any white foreigners at all.

You make claims that Asian male white female is the most common in the world and that it happens all the time in Asian countries yet there doesn’t really seem to be any sources to back this up

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>Clara, who married the CEO of WeWorks, Samuel Hwang

2 Korean females with her 2 American boyfriends / husbands

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she looks just like my gf who is cantonese

r/asianmasculinity is here. Abandon thread.

plenty of r/asianmasc and r/hapas users have started frequenting the board, every hour of the day
its a shame but it is what it is

why does every thread goes to shit when asianmasculinity joins

Imagine getting upset at these pictures, how pathetic can this Asian boy be

He never claimed that all of those westerners where white, but unless you have any sources for your claim that most of them are asians i would say it's fair to say that most of them are white considering most americans are white (atleast for now).

Following this logic most of the asian men who go for western women (wich is a very small number of them) go for asians living in the west aswell.

Ramesh is an absolute alpha. There's no shame in this defeat, user.

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tenma, please seek therapy instead of pestering imageboards like a restless spirit

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kill them both

Don't know about you but even if he's not real he sounds based

lmaoing @ ur life

stop living through pictures you found online lad
you're here every thread, these people do not represent you. Take a break from the internet and you will feel better

Because the Asians on Jow Forums come here just to whine

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how rare are nice looking hapas?
what are the best asian ethnicities for a nice result? i hear that nepal and afghan have nice results but afghani are like caucasian despite the geography
would 1/4th be alright too?
i think chinese and pinoy have decent results as hapas, maybe some rare case of japanese hapas, would definitely rape that half english halp jap youtuber cuck Jow Forums loves to post

Unironically sea happas

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