Don’t forget who your masters are, nordcucks

Don’t forget who your masters are, nordcucks

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have sex

I am entitled to nord slaves.

all rightful argentinean clay

But they literally never conquered the Nordics as your map agrees.

based & SPQRpilled

But romans never got to rule scandinavia.
They ruled other barbarian areas such as Judeia, Arabia, Africa, Britannia etc..

We all are, they are our lowers
Silence, slave. I would have have you whipped 50 times if you has said that to me 2000 years ago

And where is it now?

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my ancestors :)

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Only female ones of course.

According to your map, romans werent masters to nords tho

Why would we willingly invite nordanimals into our glorious empire? We just used them as slaves instead

they were master to barbarian jews, arabs, berbers (literally means barbarian) anglos and celts, not to nords.

nords were too busy shitting in the woods
also there was nothing there, nothing worth to conquer anyway
only smelly barbarians

Right, what about all the other etno lingustic cultures the roman empire subjulgated. Such as the berbers for exemple.

Nords were already cucked by their own, just like today.

(Tacitus on Sigtuna, heartland Sweden, in the 2nd century AD)
>here the sovereignty is exercised by a woman. So notoriously do they degenerate not only from a state of liberty, but even below a state of bondage.

And then there's the Finns:

>In wonderful savageness live the nation of the Fenni, and in beastly poverty, destitute of arms, of horses, and of homes; their food, the common herbs; their apparel, skins; their bed, the earth; their only hope in their arrows, which for want of iron they point with bones. Their common support they have from the chase, women as well as men; for with these the former wander up and down, and crave a portion of the prey. Nor other shelter have they even for their babes, against the violence of tempests and ravening beasts, than to cover them with the branches of trees twisted together; this a reception for the old men, and hither resort the young. Such a condition they judge more happy than the painful occupation of cultivating the ground, than the labour of rearing houses, than the agitations of hope and fear attending the defense of their own property or the seizing that of others. Secure against the designs of men, secure against the malignity of the Gods, they have accomplished a thing of infinite difficulty; that to them nothing remains even to be wished.

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Nords were just leaving the stone age at this point, you want to compare them?

Imagine if he knew the people he called barbarians would use his country as a cheap holiday resort in the future

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>doesn't include a single nordic country
all that sun has fried your brain dumb medcucks

Everytime this flag shows up in these threads, a medoid tear drops

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>descendant of g*uls
>master race

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yess we wuz have white slaves


many roman emperors came from gallia

The best and most noteworthy either Romans or from Roman colonies (Augustus, Trajano, Marcus Aurelius, etc)
g*Llic niggers btfo

based and redpilled

Gaul was made a province too, retard.

>republic of Venice
why they are so different from the rest of europe?

because it was a city-state

I mean why they can be unique like that?
why you guy didn't subjugate them

When will seething g*uLshits learn?
The only good emperors came from Rome.
We tried to bring g*uLs civilisation, but you had chimpout against the master race.
Caesar should have killed every last one of you subhuman monkeys.

reminder that the majority of greek heroes/gods had blonde hair, and so did most romans

the Franks once tried to capture it but failed
after that I guess trying to conquer it wasn't worth it
the emperors usually had enough trouble trying to rule in the parts of Italy that were nominally part of the HRE (the HRE was very divided internally)

It was under/alongside the byzantine empire for a long time