Is this considered race mixing?

Or.because they are both Euroepan they are ultimately, if you go back in time 10,000 years, the same race?

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stop talking about people like breeding dogs.

yes, and it's a shame that marzia had to pollute her EVROPEAN genes with a manlet nordoid


shes part horse so yes

yeah not surprised.
no its not race mixing, their kid will look white like anyone else. its like a Japanese and a Mandarin have a kid.

Because I hate my mixed parents and want to be white so BAD :(

ur country is full of niggers and favela fags

jesus christ shlomo, can't you give the D&C strategy a rest just for a little while? it's obvious to everyone that these two people are of the same race

this is considered based af

Do you look african?

I am more concerned about both of them being extremely socially awkward. What kind of child such parents would rise?

Did Pewdster force Marzia to dye her hair blonde after binge watching Vargtube?
that's really sad

I want to racemix with an italian girl

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you can tell all of these girls are underclass as fuck.

Marzia has some native European ANCESTRY I assume like 50% so yes it's approved.

A better one than a typical russian family would

Please don't insult my gf

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for me its first from the left, underclass delight

Ah yes, mutt degree geneticist here, folks

>caring e celebs
Fuck off to reddit you underage faggot

great taste Krautbro. Would wife her desu.

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they are all butterbreasts

I'm.measuring her from the skull and face of 100% Europeans and measuring the distance from her face to the others.

Are you.mad Ahmed?

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Well ye they're dressed like retail workers

Looks like a British slag with FAS.

I know but it's the make up and something about their general look that screams it.

If it wasn't to one of your mixed parents you would be full jungle nigger.
Say thanks you are only half and not full

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wikipedia says 9% afro-brazilians

>If it wasn't to one of your mixed parents you would be full jungle nigger.

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is that the trumpet guy?

yes i think so
