Do people in your country fall for the gym meme?

Do people in your country fall for the gym meme?

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>implying senator armstrong mode isn't based as hell
retarded mutt

If women find out about this image we're fucked.

shop the left guy's face on the right guy's body


t. Fat beta

I like neither

Because it can be used to shut down any gymbro. Going to the gym is one of the few things that can be done to improve your looks, but this image invalidates the whole effort.

It doesnt, because you still look better than before. The guy on the left would be even better looking if he had some muscle.

>implying wymyn want left
>implying they want right

they want left with the right

The guy on the left doesn't need to be better looking though.

hitting the gym is great for getting some muscle but wanting to get huge is retarded

Guy on the left is gay tho.

>this image invalidates the whole effort.

Male models may be dyel, but their bodies still look better than 80% of the male population. The average man looks like total shit. I don’t why people think male models don’t work out or eat unhealthily. They’re not lazy fatties for a reason

>im not born with a 10/10 face, so why even bother

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Its allways a matter of comparison though. Might surprise you, but beaitiful people tend to date other beaitiful people. Therefore it would help.


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bad example

good example

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You have to do it if you're a manlet (below 185cm) or hideously ugly.

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damn son, françois hollande has been hitting the gym hard

Many of them do