Why do so many white men do this?

Why do so many white men do this?

Attached: Sexpats.jpg (684x960, 56K)

because Asian girls are cute

i've never met anyone like this ever

What do you think the guy who made this post looks like ?

Good thing us red pilled men know that all women are deceiving psychopathic monsters and we should stay shut in watching anime.

it is most likely a roastie


While there's nothing wrong with traveling around and trying some different women, I just can't understand yellow fever. They have no fucking eyelashes. If they do they're glued on.

A wh*te woman.

This isn’t any different than Asians who worship white women

sour grapes because most white women dont want white this day and age..


Lose weight.

yes but no one cares about that for some reason

I hate that I'll be lumped with these subhumans because I want to teach English in Japan for a year. I don't want to live there forever, I don't want a Japanese life, I just want to see how it is to live in a country so different compared to mine

Well Jow Forums is 50% asian. Most of the American, Canadian, and Australian posters are chinks

Do you want to fuck Japanese women?

dont worry no one will lump you in with white poeple

its not true unfortunately

Of course I do but that's not the reason I'm going. If I wanted that I'd just go to London and fuck Japanese tourists/students there.

>I hate that I'll be lumped with these subhumans
>Of course I do


The tan I got this summer is still lighter than the normal skin tone of some of my friends. The only "non-white" feature I have is my eye colour. They're not blue

If you went in a country for a year wouldn't you want to fuck the women there? Of course you would. Does that mean that you're there only for the pussy? No. Simple as

this is a kelly thread nao.get fucked

You are no different than the guys you dislike

some people really like japanese girls...?

Attached: 24891799.png (683x470, 117K)

I don't like any girls other than white girls.

is the Greek flag Kelly?

who cares lmao just fuck who you want and let roasties/autists screech about it

>American posters are chinks

Percentage of the population that are Chinese in:
>New Zealand

The idea that any of these countries are Chinese is one of the silliest memes on Jow Forums. Even if the Chiniese population in Canada or Australia were overrepresented by double their demographic percentage (they aren't) that would still be only 1 out of every 10 posts from these countries. In America it would be 3 out of 100 posts.

Real (Jewish) men don't do this.

I already explained why I am but cool, I guess I can't help it

No, there's 2 of us

I don’t think he means Chinese but asians specifically


Well then yes, Canada and Australia are full of Asians at 17.7% and 16.3% respectively. USA is still only 5.6% Asians of all types.

these are all Asians according to the birt. Well are you?

>Jewish "men"

Where I'm from in Canada you could live a lifetime without ever seeing an Asian person. Where I live now in the US Asians are 1.7% of the population and I can count on one hand the amount I might see in a week. So no, I'm not Asian.