It's time to come home.
crypto is for niggers.
It's time to come home
silver is unironically for niggers. whites invest in gold.
Pair of twats thinking profits are determined by race
wow can't wait to own a bunch of shiny rocks so my wealth can be stagnant in a hoard.
gold all in my chang
gold all in my rang
gold all in my watch
dont believ me j watch
nigga nigga nigga
-trinidad james, 2012
That ia the exact opposite of true. Niggers buy gold to show off, whites stack silver coins in underground vaults.
imagine being so poor that you actually think silver is a good investment.
even gold is way too heavy and takes up too much space for the value it can store.
Is $14/toz the new price floor? Is now a reasonably good time to buy silver?
nigger detected
niggers buy fake gold watches and stuff that has no value. whites buy gold bars
What are those bars at the bottom right?
Ah, the daily bullion circle-jerk thread! Mind if I contribute?
10oz loafs of Geiger copper. I just like them, not as an investment or anything special.
That's a beautiful monster box you have there, fren
>buying useless rocks so boomers and pretend boomers can get slightly richer
it's unironically better to be in crypto while it goes to 0 than to participate in the old monetary system
It's probably not going to go much lower, $10 to $12 is the bottom, but I don't think the returns are going to be that great. And when you sell it's a major pain to move 100's of oz of silver. Only APMEX or JMB will buy that much from you.
>Buying literally nothing
>only value is because some nerds in silicon valley said it might be useful
>buying shiny metals that have scientific and industrial uses
>buying shiny metals that kinda look pretty
>one shiny metal never corrodes and will last literally forever
>for the last few thousand years its had value and been sought after by people around the world
Thats a thonker
What about the Jews?
I trade bullion for a living. 100oz silver bar is the size two smart phones stacked on top of each other. Silver can be heavy in large quantities but its still pretty far from bulky.
Silver is the best SHTF currency. Best bargaining chip for individuals.
But crypto isnt SHTF currency, its future world reserve currency
Silver really isn't even good for that, although I do own some coins. If SHTF I wouldn't trade food, fuel or ammo for 100 pounds of it.
Just one of my krugerrands is almost worth a 100oz bar. Much easier to store a coin that a brick of silver.
Your other option is to own a bunch of shiny pretend coins, the value of which rises and lowers based on ???
Its pretty simple. Crypto is gonna moon again when it starts getting adopted in main stream use cases. My fucking mother knows what ethereum is. Until then, its just a bunch of jerking off. Gold and silver will moon when something scary happens. Distrust of the economy, war, havoc etc. I find it more likely that one of those scenarios will play out, such as a collapse, before crypto starts getting picked up in wide spread use. Right now my money is in gold and silver. I sold at 17k and havent looked back.
SHTF doesn't have to mean mad max war scenario. Just has to mean hyperinflation of the dollar to the point that everyone is poor and not even a millionaire can buy a new car. When the dollar collapses a new currency will take its place. Silver, gold, bitcoin, who knows. Good to have something of everything
>we are going to use solid brick bars for money, instead of bartering for useful items like food.
You’re intentionally misunderstanding his point about what scenario silver is viable in
this is true apocalypse/reversion of all current advancement scenario. Its unlikely AF. Stockpile .22 ammunition if you want to prepare for that, its dirt cheap and ammunition will likely become currency in a situation like this.
Geez, I wonder why Silver Eagles have a face value of $1 minted on them...
I don’t understand your point
>bartering for food
What did I JUST say????????
Life with a collapsed currency does not mean the United States will turn into a shitty version of Brazil overnight.
Not much will change. Yes silver and gold is money. People will use it as such
but the dollar crashed. it no longer has a value of $1
>be me
>be 2011
>see FED not raising rates again
>watch Peter Schiff
>realize I need to stack precious metal before new '08
>buys canadian silver for 200k at around $36/oz over 2 months
>mfw i lost 70% of my savings in shiny rocks
Dont fall for the meme. Silver can go down even further. Ive kept mine, hoping for another a spike/bubble and to remind myself how stupid I was.
You know how when you trade alts you have btc as the "base" and the alt as the "alt"?
In the real world, dollars are the alt. Precious metals are the base. When hyperinflation happens we will still have dollars, they'll just be reevaluated to gold. Instead of 1 gold Oz being 1100 bucks like it is now, it will be 50k (this just just a guess, but a total possibility)
Stop thinking of the dollar as the base of the monetary. It's not.
Yeah well I live surrounded by farms so food isnt my number 1 priority. I already steal all my vegetables from surrounding farms anyway. Its a fucking bonanza round here
but how am i going to buy B O O Z E ?
Just had a thought actually. Learning to brew your own bear is a solid SHTF preparation
The Gold to silver ratio is all kinds of fucked up right now, 84.29. Silver usually comes out of the ground 9 oz to every 1 oz of gold. The price of Silver has a lot of room for growth.
What's the point of buying physical silver? You'll get ripped off when you sell it...even if silver reaches 20$ or even 25$ you'll still manage to sell it at a loss, what a meme
your silver chucky cheese tokens arent going to be any better than a $1 bill. there is no practical use for them when SHTF.
Oil, gas, firearms, ammo - this shit will be what real people will want. not useless silver.
Yeah sure, sure.
Learn nuance
OK I'm not going to repeat myself again for a brainlet like you. You obviously think that there are only 2 possible scenarios, either life continues like it is today, or we plunge into the Fallout video game universe, with no possible in between.
Go Research into what life in the Weimar Republic was like after hyperinflation. Go read about Zimbabwe. Venezuela is a bad example because socialism fucks everything up far worse than other systems.
classic bought the top, good move not selling the bottom. If you really want to be rich, leverage your current silver holding by some means and long it on leverage. The fed is increasing the rate on the 26th of sept.
I understand what you are saying but it still doesn't really hold true. Lets say there is hyperinflation and it costs $50 for a loaf of bread because the dollar drops so much. You are not going to be able to go into a grocery store with a bar or coin of silver and expect them to accept it for goods.
>buy a few eagles on the way down each month
>Flip for 2x in 2-5 years
You ain't gonna get rich but you ain't gonna lose. Global fiat keeps bleeding out, markets are starting to bleed now, only a matter of time till a significant correction.
Thats assuming an awful lot, isnt it?
Well in this situation you would still be exchanging metal for currency.
Every race has "niggers"
so the dollar dies. banks are obviously fucked in this case. your silver token is now worth $50k. who will have 50k to give you for a silver token? the (current) rich folks? they are going to want items, not something they already have/cant sell to anyone else.
Anybody have platinum? Or is that a meme among meme metals
Exactly this. High iq detected.
Crypto will achieve adoption after the world shits itself. In the mean time silver will moon
People will trade for real goods, dollar value will be irrelevant
Its mostly a meme now; platinums only real use is some science experiments and catalytic converters. Given that ICE cars are being phased out in favor of electric, catalytic converters are seeing less demand, thus less demand for the metal overall.
and nobody will want anything but real goods. I have a ton of ammo. you want to buy this ammo. the fuck am i going to do with a silver coin that i have 0 way to validate if its real.
How often does APMEX do their "any quantity - best tier price" coin sale?
dude r you actually retarded? if the dollar drops and its suddenly 50 dollars for a bread, any SANE dealer will accept gold and silver in preference to shitty collapsing dollars.
Check out silverround, their prices with CC are lower than any sale on apmex