Sweden is soulless
Sweden is soulless
Other urls found in this thread:
>get no communism
>build commie blocks anyways
Modern nordic architecture and buildings are the most loathsome looking buildings.
Some fucking whores might think "Wow! It looks so progressive!"
It's fucking ugly, soulless and plastic: breeding ground for autism. Chances is that you develop autistic tendencies when you study in a school like that because it has not any organic material, just plastic, clean metal and bright colors. Causes autism im pretty sure.
Our school was old, had lots of wooden furniture and wooden stuff, smell was organic, it felt like it had some history.
But they are very energetic and passionate
the social democracts the left party have been in control of the government for 70-80% of the time since the second world war
before the berlin wall fell they were best buddies with the left wing parties of eastern europe and wanted to emulate the social nanny state of the soviet union so they started building these ''million programs'' in the areas outside of big cities like Stockholm and Malmö in order to accomodate more people moving into the major cities for work
These sort of houses are very rarely built anymore and practically only exist in ''rings'' around major cities
Greece is soulless
>everything i don't like is soulless and ugly
sweden liked communism, whaddyaknow
>German calling anything soulless
Oh the irony
This is how elementary classrooms look in Finland in 2019
Absolutely ruined beyond recognition
i'm sure the upper classes didn't like communism but the ruling party did, the social democrats
around the time after the war the social democrats ALONE had 45-50% of the votes
I hate it so much, you can't even imagine.
Why did you make 5 threads? Janny will clean this up soon don't worry.
they're for students and other poor people
most men in northern europe leave their parents house at 19-21yo so those cheap apartments are good choice for first home
they are probably comfy with all the wooden and ikea interiors
you can't expect wooden folk like houses in the new urban spaces, simply there no space for single or 2 family houses in the big cities with the ammount of people they have and the whole purpose of the cities being work places basically
anyway you will always find this type of architecture in the northern countries that approach the arctic circle or are just below it and have harsh winters, you won't find santa's home like in the cartoons, those concrete commie blocks are the best solution, you can always make them prettier with colors and frames and with your own interiors style
alright, this looks like in finland suicide is advised since the youngest age
That's comfy though
so is germany my dude
That's a classroom? Seems comfy.
Looks like vomit. Is this where they teach boys to question their sexuality and to pee sitting down ?
And that rug in the middle is for the daily prayer to Allah I suppose.
wtf is that? Peoplee do classes there?????????????????????????????????????
this guy fucks
I am greek
hadde svalgang utenfor soverommet mitt på toyen. det kom armer inn vinduet hele tida, brune hender grafsa rundt i lufta langs vinduskarmen på jakt etter noe å ta