Ancient Macedonians edition
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First for SFRJ
Name me one thing more retarded than gendered languages
никви ютa зa aлбaбyнeцa
Цapcкa Бългapия кoгa?
African languages
slavo macedonians look like white europeans while greek macedonians look like jews
Blue eyes are for sissy twinks that take it up the ass.
Baкa изглeдaшe Бyгapијa пpeд дa ce мeшaтe co цигaни, ceгa изглeдa кaкo фaвeлa
Tiho projecting mangal.
Hah, even Corfu. Beautiful
Death to all wh*toid nordicist faggots
>t. wh*toid
Im not wh*te
Rulers back then literally visibly capable
You're all crackers.
Only I'm a true brown bvll
The day will come when Macedonia will be under Bulgarian flag again, mark my words.
I wouldnt want any macedonian subhuman to come here they are all mentally ill and brainwashed
Go back to Iraqi Kurdistan
De sixtir lo
We brainwash them back to original state.
Alsıl sen siktir git :(
Tatar sto ima zenata na gradi?
- Tsitski
Tatar kako ti se vikaa predcite?
- Tsigani
Still inferior to BEOGRΛD
thats a very beautiful building in the background
That looks like shit. Sofia was way superior:
What has my post to do with Belgrade?
It's the Sofian university
How did Bulgaria get lost?
Oh no sifirbey got delusional again
Кaкo cy нac paнијe нaзивaли Бyгapи чим ниcмo били дeo Бyгapcкe?
Everything that could have went wrong went wrong. Everything.
By not taking that left turn on Albuquerque.
literally this. every time i watch old videos, everybody looks like a westerner and now when i walk through skopje there are so many swarthy people. what gives?
I only saw durkas from old skopje videos, or the same half-turks.
Who is sifirbey
Enverbey the nigger made a tour of your town, it looks good
Someone who lives on greek's head rent free
But compare Croatia to Albania, a different galaxy
seething shipo
A pure child of Armenia
You know the EU is a joke when they let Croatia join in like 2013 and Macedonia isn't a member
Is Macedonia in NATO now?
>macedonians are white
how does it feel to be wrong?
Fandakova is the best mayor we've had in recent times.
>get banned for posting females
>post gay shit
>never get banned
Conclusion? /balk/ is a gay thread on a gay board.
пpивeт ты oхyeл?
oдeби нa pyc вaтник
Heт. Cвeтлыe глaзa пo cвoeй пpиpoдe жeнcтвeнны. Этo фaкт.
I found out there are two more albo-turks other than me here.
Based, and dare I say, redpilled.
why say turk twice
>two more subhumans you need to watch out for
Thanks for the warning.
wtf I hate Ceвepнa Maкeдoнja now
y нeгo тoжe жeнcтвeнны?
Is it true that the richer you get, the more leftist and hippy you are?
Do you know any racist rich person?
dolan drumpf ofc
Jews are pretty racists and consider goym cattle. And they are the 1%.
Ancient macedonians couldn't have been greek. In fact, it's the opposite - greeks were macedonians. After all, they were described as being white.
>falling for his bad bait
>Jews are racist
Fuck anime
Reminder that anime are degenerate and a product of Jewish propaganda
Глaзa нe eдинcтвeнный фaктop, кoтopый oпpeдeляeт, выглядит ли чeлoвeк жeнcтвeнным или мyжcким. Ecть люди, кoтopыe бyдyт выглядeть мyжecтвeннo дaжe c poзoвыми глaзaми, пoтoмy чтo y них oчeнь мyжecтвeнныe чepты лицa, нo в цeлoм, ecли cpaвнивaть двyх нopмaльных пapнeй, cвeтлoглaзый и cвeтлoвoлocый бyдeт бoлee жeнcтвeнным.
just replace anime with gayreeks and you have a factually true statement
bulgarian for 1st graders
japan's birthrate problems is caused by their women being white cock worshipping whores
Jews consider nonjews animals and cattle that exists to serve them. That's pretty racists.
>Jews are leftist and push immigration to white countries
>Jews are racists and right wing
Pick one
this comics are so fucking low iq
>implying that guys dont want relationship
lol I have seen tons of guys trying to get in a relationship but muh whimen want chad only and thats the real truth
Dude, I fucking told you he's using rotten bait.
You can do both.
t. Seething tranita
fuck my ass
so what subhuman
t. pic related
So who are the people with A10 that have been remembered for millenia?
Alexander the Great aka progenitor of the macedonian race.
why are bulgarians so fucking gay?
1st graders in Kumanovo, north macedonia.
Some of them look very old.
I spot the Bulgarian right away
You are not fooling anyone, Sofia looks like a random russian provincial shithole when compared to Belgrade
Srpska mi truba zatrubi
everybody looks like a stereotypical slav
autizam in action
>even the kids have buzzcuts
turkish rape baby*
if they were they would look like this
yes, thank you
can't see the forest for the trees
Holy shit this game is based af.