Work 9-10 hours a day and never once gotten a break

>work 9-10 hours a day and never once gotten a break
>not allowed to call in sick ever
>if you are sick you're supposed to hide it from customers
I hate this fucking country and everyone in it

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I'm sorry that you had to be born in USA, user

had to be one of my countrymen

kind off, the other countries where shit like this happens have blocked access to Jow Forums.

>work 8 hours a day
>work weekends
Stop complaining fag

At least tell me, you get something like $5.250 a month before tax

Aren’t you required by law to have a t least one break ?

The minimum here for any shift over 6 hours is one 30 minute break

At Walmart you literally get 1.5 hours break for working an 8 hour shift
You get a one hour lunch and two 15 minute breaks

>be a slave
>work every waking hour
>owner beats me
Stop complaining ultra fag.

The US has no federal laws for breaks and only some states have state laws for them, most companies have a break policy but since it's not a law they can tell you no if they want

Why do you hate freedom?

hm, seems like capitalism is working.
At least your not poor like those guys at Venezuela and Sweden.

Just join a workers union?

I think contracts in the US of A can prevent you from joining unions.
Before joining a union, or making it known, be sure the union can offer you a job.

>called sick for the first time I started working in 3 years
>wasn't even sick
>everyone was caring when I returned to work

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The US doesn't have unions outside of cops, if you join or try to form a union you can be fired on the spot

damn, imagine living in a place where your boss has a say over what you do with your life outside the working hours. that's fucked up. I don't even like excusivity clauses.

>Before joining a union, or making it known, be sure the union can offer you a job.
The point of unions is that they are powerful, made up of thousands of otherwise scattered and mistreated workers.
>if you join or try to form a union you can be fired on the spot
Sounds like on the brink of becoming a totalitarian hellhole to be honest.

so this is the price of freedom...

Maybe you shouldn't be working some wagie retail bullshit at your age. I work in an office and I get 3 weeks paid vacation and I just started working there. I also get 1.5 hour lunches and breaks.
Do better idiot. I don't feel sorry for you.

I haven't done absolutely ANYTHING at work for the last 55 days, and I'm not talking in the sense of "Oh I have done very little". NOTHING, nada, zero, null.
I just come in to work, watch movies/tv shows, play videogames, browse the internet, chat with people and smoke cigarettes for 8 hours for the last 2 months. And for dinner I just go to the nearest restaurant where I spend anywhere from 1-2 hours every day

And the best part is.
I get paid good money for it and 3 weeks ago I got a raise.

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Hahaha, serves you right, 3rd world citizen.

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>Sounds like on the brink of becoming a totalitarian hellhole to be honest.
Capitalism is just rebranded feudalism, only feudal lords now don't actually have to get out of their seats and be in the army. They get to have the peasents, serfs and slaves do that too.

When my coworker had surgery on her shoulder, she was back at work just 4 days later. She specifically scheduled the surgery for a day towards the end of the week, so she could minimise the days she was off.

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Get fucked whitey

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>just get a job bro

Based as fuck what job

>3 weeks paid vacation


In my state, we're given (by law) 2 15 minute breaks every 8 hour shift. My company let's us take a 1 hour lunch break, but we don't get paid for it, so most people don't take it.

>tfw school librarian
>tfw 3 months of vacations a year

imagine thinking a job worth paying people to do is a bullshit job

imagine there are jobs people don't want to do instead of jobs people aren't paid enough to do

imagine being the sole reason why the argument for solving the issues of aging populations (muh job at muh age) is to import millions of migrants is even valid.

imagine thinking that improving the working conditions of the people who are worse than you wouldn't inevitably make your own conditions better

at least feel sorry for yourself, that is if you feel sorry for anyone. I hear niggers have a problem with empathy.

Murrimutts deserve the worst

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American society as a whole has been brainwashed into equaling labour unions with communism (aka pure distilled evil) for at least the last 100 years. It keeps them obedient and cheap to use and cheap to replace.

When was the last time You've seen anti-union propaganda anywhere in Swden or even Europe?
Pic related is from 2015, by Delta Airlines.

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Toilets been working properly eh ?

IT integration management for a client which does not integrate fucking anything at all because it's a mainframe-style transaction processing system.
When I went to the boss-of-my-boss about not having anything to he just shrugged and said "why the fuck are you complaining then?". They client is perfectly okay with paying for me sitting on my ass doing absolutely fucking nothing because their spreadsheets check out.

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I'm going to ask the romanian cleaning lady tomorrow as soon as I arrive at the office if you're so concerned about it.

I had to check that comment and that flag like 3 times to make sure I was reading properly.

Thinking about it, I find this to be one of the posts with greatest quality in this board.

most union fees go straight to the founder or whoever

I would use the time to learn new things as it sounds like your job isn't going to be requested much in the future...

It's not the issue of the poster sprerading misinformation or whatever but the general whole anti-union sentiment.

Learn some skills and become your own boss, fren. I'm a 2nd grade dropout and lived a thirdie warzone life and am a dopefiend of almost 20 years, a real fucked up person, but I make around 3/6k a month (in springtime and summer atleast) i know how to do roofs, plumbing, drywall, flooring, landscape, bathrooms/kitchens, cleanouts etc and can always find work when I need too. Most of my life I've worked under the table and have rarely payed taxes, but my gf is graduating soon and life is good so im going to make an LLC and get insured. I'll finally be able to charge normal prices. I'm worried about taxes because I'm a brainlet with that stuff but oh well. p.s fuck home advisor they charge too much to run your leads but it has to be done.

You've got any trade skills op? You can survive without going to trade school but it definitely helps and they basically pay you to go. Idk man, it's an option and nothing beats making you're own rules, and working for yourself to get rich instead of making someone else rich while you get scraps.

I'm not too concerned about it. I'm quick to adapt and have work experience in other industries too.
Probably going to sit here for another year and fuck off to another company that pays better.


I avoided the grind career life and I work 10 hours a week and can cancel whenever I am sick anyway. I can also change the location and schedule if necessary. Rent is low, cost of living is low, it's relaxing.

I get 40 days off a year and can call in sick whenever I want

Korean work-life balance sounds wonderful!

Americans are such servile cunts it's astounding. Even when they're not working they want to learn to work. Wowee.

What? Are you a neet or trust fund kid by chance?

>work 6-8 hours per day, mon-fri
>flextime, can start and leave when I feel like it
>7 weeks paid vacation (vacation is mandatory)
>can call in sic whenever I feel like it
>if I ever have a child I can stay home for over a year while being paid

'Murrica! Fuck yeah!


I have to pay for the privilege of being a slave

Neet, stay mad wagie

the good thing about work is that it makes you forget about your feelings, and make money at the same time

3 weeks?!


So this is the price of freedom

I thought you guys worked 9-5. Here it's rare to start so late most jobs begins at 7:30 or 8

I post on Jow Forums 16 hours a day and it feels terrible
I'm so burned out by shitposting and don't enjoy watching movies or playing games
no this isn't a joke my life really is hard

Looks like I'm moving to Sweden

A greedy capitalistic company trying to get as big as possible is almost like an evil organization trying to take over the world.
Meaning? Capitalism is the root of all evil!

>3 weeks

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>be American
>able to start/end my days whenever I want and take breaks whener I want as long as I'm there for 8 hours, they don't care what I do as king as I get my work done
>able to telecommute whenever I feel it's convenient
>7 paid sick day per year, can be extended for serious illness/injury
>4 weeks paid vacation per year
>good health insurance
>yearly profit sharing bonuses/raises for most employees
And yet somehow yuros try every day to convince me I'm living like a slave and my country has a problem.

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Ah okay. Neet life is good in small doses and i take a week or two off whenever I feel like it because I work for myself and am not a wagie, but I legitimately enjoy the work I do, working is really fun when you're on the dope desu.
Stay happy and not mad fren, I'm glad you're loving life

Now who is the insect

tis the price o'freedom

Go running an hour every other day, work out for another hour daily, try to have variety.
Learn to cook and make different foods throughout the week, planning ahead and researching what you're going to make is going to take some time too.
This will drastically improve your health and help you be less bored.

Do Americans get free days? I mean like father day or pentecost. In my Canton we have like one a month kek God bless catholics

forgot to mention they also give several months paid maternity/paternity leave but I don't plan on having kids so that slipped my mind.

Wtf I love seppoland even more now

Says the jew

It's my fathers 60th birthday today so I'm gonna drink heavily in a few hours and play the accordion until I pass out.
Tomorrow? Fuck it, I'm calling in sick.
Being hungover is kinda like being sick isn't it?

wew 8 hours? that's not counting comuting and lunch time, I assume... interesting premise you get there, you dedicate more time to your jew boss daily than you give to your family and friends...

paid sick day per year, can be extended for serious illness/injury
weeks paid vacation per year

Lunch is included in that 8 hours

>never once gotten a break
bullshit, illegal
>not allowed to call in sick ever
also bullshit, illegal

0/10 lies

I have never worked a day in my life.

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i'm surprised you consider that worthy of mentioning and not just baseline adequate treatment of workers.

>I don't plan on having kids so that slipped my mind.
I'm glad eugenics still applies. Soon no more slaves.

>bullshit, illegal
There isn't a single federal law for mandated breaks, your state might have them but they're not guaranteed

>There isn't a single federal law for mandated breaks
The absolute state

you need a better job bro. And if you can't get a better job the problem is in you - you're of no value in modern society then.

I'd gladly swap countries with you.

Work is time consuming, but how do NEETs cope with the loneliness?

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Loneliness is the best feeling in the world. The better question is, how can anyone stand being next to someone for more than 10 minutes. People by default are annoying to be with.

that sucks for you man

i don't know lad, 6 hours seem much more reasonable.

I don't like my boss as much as I like myself, my family and my friends.
Did you know that production has been increasing for the past decades while wages have not increased and hours have not decreased in relation?

Weird that. Where is our production going? They told me innovation and education would mean a lazier life.

>how do NEETs cope with the loneliness?
NEET for life here, I have several NEET friends.

Get a better job. You’re in America. I work one day a week from home and every other day I’m only in the office from like 9-4. I’m salaried but it works out to be like $40 an hour per 40 hour week. Except I only work like 30 hours a week.

>3 weeks
People in the military get more vacation than that

Can anyone be a NEET in Croatia and get $2K NEET bucks there?

You're just really really insecure and boring I think. And easily offended and soft. People are a joy to have around often. Makes you really enjoy your private too

>can take breaks whenever I want
I'm not head down working for 7 or 8 hours straight, my dude.

Sounds fucked, no wonder kids and teens in your cunt all want to become Vloggers and YouTube stars. I work a 40h week boring desk job and even there I feel so done when coming home, I can't even begin to imagine what regular 50h weeks must feel like, especially with jobs you hate.

Some people don't like being social. I don't. I prefer to be alone but I have to work 8 hours/day with other people..

My dad has taken about 10 days of vacation over the past 5 years at work, because he fears that if he uses his vacation time, he won't be promoted

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I have to deal with people everyday and it's a drag having to socialize to get anything done. It's a reason why I live by myself at 30 and don't plan on changing that anytime soon. Interaction online is fine but anything more is time consuming.

Your logic would work if humanity was like the Borg from Star Trek (or I guess strict communism). But it's not- We compete against each other and spend more and more resources on that; there's suply and demand, and in this world of capitalism your logic is flawed.

That's fucked up. Here you are forced to take your vacation days. Doesn't matter if you are the new guy or the old senior, everyone must take their vacation days.

Sure, I also don't live the rest of my life not thinking about the job sometimes either. In fact during my free time, I often gain skills and knowledge to be applied on my job. Heck, I even studied for decades before that so that I could apply in my jobs.

On paper though, I think 6 hours is quite okay for me to leave my hobbies, my family and my friends.

I'm living in a hotel monday to friday and my goal is to find a regular job that doesn't require me to "travel"
I like travelling but not going to the same city 5 days a week

yes, user, that's exactly how it is.

>all these people focusing on finding a good job instead of making their own business
What the fuck happened to you zoomers? There are loads of legitimate business opportunities out there and you're here thinking of working for other people?

>be nigerian
>not be poor
>why people say nigerians are poor >:(
Just because you got lucky doesn't mean half of your country isn't slaving away with no paid leave/sick days, americano