How are skull seen in your countries ?

How are skull seen in your countries ?

In france we see them as a great way to fight white men turning into nazism in their early 20s

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I actually really like his video unironcially. He btfos pol tards all the time

3 arrows is better as he goes more in depth but shaun is pretty good if you're into his slow style and sleepy voice

Love Shaun's voice and intellect.

>makes 46th video about TheRightGamer92
>setup his patreon to "per month" instead of "per video" so he can live while working an hour a week
he's going to save the left

>Claim political correctness is good for young white men, when it obviously isnt
>w-wait white men noo dont radicalize
He'll get what's coming for him

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No idea who this guy is but his Twitter sucks shit. Unsurprised to see he’s a political Youtuber since such people are as a rule the most insufferable dorks alive.

The virgin breadtuber versus the chad FYAD slur sayer

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Can't stand him but some of his points are valid

W-what are you on about ?

any retard who says political correctness is good deserves the oven

>He'll get what's coming for him
>any retard who says political correctness is good deserves the oven

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How does skulls combat nazism?


Intellectual conversations are gay as fuck, why listen to some dork I could strangle to death with a single hand. Meanwhile TGO is mogging most living men in the world even if his face is a bit weird.

Watched his video on transexuals. I do not get how people don't think it's a mental illness to be born the wrong gender.

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someone explain please

france build a secret skeleton army at the german border before WW2 but we went through belgium and they got btfo

>I watch youtube politics.

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not an argument

it all depends on who owns the institutions

Huh? What isn't


mentally ill gay

>mentally ill gay

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I like his anti-monarchist views. The only think I know about him and all the western politics youtubers. Fuck all monarchies I hate them all.

got me good

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Dishonest motherfucker
I tried watching one of his video response to stefan Molyneux, I stopped at the 5minute mark when he framed molydude as a sicko for explaining his views on relationship through critique of trending movies.

Molydude is a retard, but if you need to be dishonest to prove that, your also a retard.
Retarded retard

>watching political youtubers
you're all fags

How was it dishonest?

t. thinks he can be apolitical himself

>>and if you watched frozen and came away talking about human fertilization and the sexual marketplace... well, you know... you definitely took a wrong turn somewhere

Literally "dude turn your brain off, lmao, it's just a movie made by a mega corporation that own half of the planet" but also making fun of your opponent without addressing his point.
Starting your big brain response with that move is dishonest

t. watches political YOUTUBERS
read a book or something

Watch real politics, kid.

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Seems like you missed the point. Apart from making fun of ol' Stefan it was to illustrate that the old bloke watches everything trough very narrow lens. That is, anti-wellfare and/or anti-single moms.

What book? Das Kapital?

sure why not
i'm not anti-communist, i'm anti-faggysocialmediastars

>Response video

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