Comfort wymyn look like this?

Attached: gook_surgery.png (1557x878, 1.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:

look like this.

Attached: IMG_0207.jpg (306x480, 34K)

kek and saved based meme

how many statues are there?

Attached: soc1708150024-p3.jpg (600x382, 53K)

You people are sick. Mocking such a tragic event signalled by one of the most heinous of crimes shows your dubious morals.

imagine devoting your whole life into making cumslut statues

Attached: 1565942498289.jpg (251x242, 15K)

can anyone give me a backstory?

This, whoredom is a dignified profession that should be respected.

>You people are sick. Mocking such a tragic event signalled by one of the most heinous of crimes shows your dubious morals.

Attached: average_Korean_poster_.png (644x800, 174K)

they are volunteer whore.
they got big money.

>You people are sick. Mocking such a tragic event signalled by one of the most heinous of crimes shows your dubious morals.

Attached: 1566408588999.jpg (445x506, 31K)

>You people are sick. Mocking such a tragic event signalled by one of the most heinous of crimes shows your dubious morals.

Attached: 1556395809437.png (216x212, 18K)

Cringe and bluepilled. Get on her level.

Attached: KOREAN_ETERNALLY_BTFO.png (1440x900, 407K)

Here we go again, lads

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Reminder that Koreans are most delusional people

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someone explain me me to me

Korea always ask for more and more money for their professional prostitute, even after Japan apology for the war and paid money in advance times after times

While they themselves rape poor and pure hard working Viet villagers and never dare to admit and paying 1 cent to victim family even to this day.

Koreans hate the fact that they prostituted themselves to the Japs in WWII

But NONE of them will ever talk about how SK's economy literally floated on prostitution during the post Korean War years for decades (almost 40% of the economy was prostitution) Or the fact that SK is a Japanese economic vassal today

>You people are sick. Mocking such a tragic event signalled by one of the most heinous of crimes shows your dubious morals.

Attached: EALFb2VWwAAspto.png (1040x1200, 124K)

Attached: (you).png (625x773, 143K)

hello and welcome to Jow Forums. please leave your morals at the door.

She's legendary. Unironically /OurGirl/.

Attached: M5Osne5.gif (400x225, 1.84M)

Ex Dee