

Attached: Holy_Roman_Empire_2.0.png (1802x2213, 350K)



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Literally why. Helsinki was a backwater fishing village founded by Vasa that was abandoned immediately after Sweden acquired Tallinn. It bore no relevance to the Kingdom of Sweden, it only became relevant under Russia. It should be Åbo instead.


Vyborg was Finland's capital under the Swedish empire.

I always thought Sweden were the weakest and most irrelevant of the Nordcucks growing up. Quite a surprise to find out you guys were actually not bad and had a backbone once upon a time

>tfw Tröndelag
>tfw I could've been Swedish
Thank god

>swedes in charge of knowing their history
"Finland" didn't have a capital under the Swedish empire. Post 1634 Finland was divided into multiple counties with different centers of administration. Åbo however was the richest city in Finland and one of the richest cities in the empire (Stockholm-Turku-Tallinn triangle was the economic heart of the empire) so it should be represented.

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Do you think that Trondelag would even be Swedish if we kept it? We would just have a Norwegian minority.

Jamtland 2 then

Never again, hopefully.

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Still couldn't handle a little fire

Why not? Sweden never tried to kill your culture off with extermination, (Russian lies to subdue you to their empire) think about it logically, you were a part of the Empire for over 600 years. Don't you think your language would be gone if we actively tried to hurt you?

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The great fire of Turku was a set up by Tampere

erasing finnish culture is good tho. why didn't you do it?

Russia was better during the best times, far worse during the worst times. Sweden was in general okay, but didn't promote the language (like Russia did) and also couldn't defend Finland anymore which is pretty significant. But yeah, Sweden was in general atypically nice to Finland even considering Finland as a core part of Sweden unlike the later territories (Estonia, Pomerania etc).

>think about it logically
I can never NOT see this picture in my head every time I hear/read those words

Attached: think about it.jpg (243x300, 15K)

Apu and Spurdo Spärde

Jamtland is Norwegian in origin, then those damn sw*des took them. Ugh... What could've been...

What could have been....

Attached: Swedish - Lithuanian commonwealth.png (1200x917, 185K)

Post greater Norway

Pretty sure there's no difference m8

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>Don't you think your language would be gone if we actively tried to hurt you?
You tried. Also I would never want to be in a same country with swedes, you have a huge superiority complex.

>tfw I could have been norwegian

Attached: Jesus dude.jpg (1024x1024, 170K)

Also Finland had own army and parliament in russian empire

didn't last long enough

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Wasn't this a likely scenario once?

Not really there were Russians stationed here

I'm sure Russia actually did try to kill your culture of towards the end

Queen Kristina actually made finnish culture and language illegal before she abdicated, converted to fake christianity and moved to r*me.

You killed our old culture and beliefs with northern crusades. The only difference between our ""cultures"" now is that we don't jump around a cock pole during midsummer

Sorry but we never had a great empire, we were under the rule of king Sverri in föroyarsveldið
Yes there is
Nice try Sven but you aint no Svein, get out of rightful faroese lands now

Our peak russian population never went over 2-5% while swedes were over 20% in some areas. You were worse.


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Would guaranteed have been the case if fennoswedes didn't take care of this situation

Attached: finlandia.jpg (342x542, 42K)

Lol, in russian empire we actually didn`t tried even to make russian language one of official in finland /_/ We saved finnish autonomy

It was supposed to be a result of Union of Kedainiai, but Poles ruined it.

Just like they cockblocked us to becoming kingdom one time.

Attached: lithuania swedish.png (709x689, 72K)

Worst monarch ever.

I've seen several pics of Greater Norway from the Norwegian autist on /skandi/. I know it exists

>Sweden full of slaves

Meme history. The Swedes did fuck all after the crusades besides sending some nobles to sit in Turku castle. Protestant autism killed all folk traditions from all over Europe.

Attached: sweden_Lithuania.png (934x2879, 143K)

That's föroyarsveldið, we were a part of the faroese kingdom.

Our peak Russian population(pre-Soviet collapse) was like 1% after their civil war and many of them fucked off to France or other places

dont even utter that whores name, unironically makes me seething.
You probably did dance around a gigantic cock before we removed that part of your culture, since it's not a christian tradition in the slightest here, never has been.

That's only because the Russians counted it different. Finns who spoke Russian weren't considered Russians (this was done to ensure no hysteria) while finns who spoke swedish were categorized as swedes (fenno-swedes) because we were honest


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Slavs didn't have much power though, it there was only a handful of slavic nobles.

Official language was latin, we probably would've adapted Swedish instead in a scenario like this though.

Attached: swedish lithuanian imperialism.png (820x710, 54K)

Kr*stina was no swede.
That was only to remove paganism. And we only did this because southrons forced us.

Fenno-Swedes were invented during the Czarist era as a reaction to Finnish romanticism

> wamen

Worthless then, worthless now.

>During deluge, only Polish territories were raided and burned
Based and friendshippilled

Attached: Swedish Lithuanian relations.png (953x573, 28K)

>it's another episode of swede pulling out "historical facts" from his ass

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Ethnic categorization didn't come up until the 19th century. Sweden was a estate-class -society before that. Finnish peasants had more in common with Swedish peasants than Swedish nobility had with Swedish peasants. "Fennoswedish" is a modern identity invented in the 19th century.

Imagine the basedness

Attached: Pheww.png (888x894, 520K)

>"Fennoswedish" is a modern identity invented in the 19th century.
Also the vast majority of Swedish speakers in Finland changed to Finnish during the language strife. Only the autistic racist ones stayed with Swedish.

Explain further

Also nice quads

Is post-imperialist swedish imperialism still possible?
I'd love to have the entire baltic annexed by us.

You need to polish your history knowledge a bit

Attached: Gustav Vasa.jpg (390x404, 175K)

What does language have to do with anything?Slaves don't magically become Swedish by speaking the language.

Look inwards not outwards

Attached: Gustav Vasa och Dalakarlarna.jpg (729x800, 137K)

The southern wealthy Swedish-speaking population (ex nobility and merchants) wanted to create a unified identity with the rural peasant Swedish speakers from Österbötten, thus the Fennoswedish identity.

>Is post-imperialist swedish imperialism still possible?
Maybe you should clean your own country before thinking about such things

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It is happening though, lol
Even our president is Swedish

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This is also why all the "good" fennoswedes live in the South, while the ones in the north are alternative medicine using and vaccination denying fishers.


Attached: föroyaveldið.png (1219x659, 22K)

based 日本

Well, who cares about slavic minorities though?
Ruthenians were pretty loyal to the state.
If it would adopt language, and would be loyal, why is it a problem?

Quick someone give me a good reason as an American to blindly hate Sweden

Based Sverri

They're pretty much better than you in any way? So the usual new world cope?

There was attempt in XX century as well by Swedes and Lithuanians to make one state
>he Baltoscandian Confederation or Baltoscandia is a geopolitical concept of a Baltic–Scandinavian union (consisting of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania).[1] The idea was proposed by a Swedish professor Sten de Geer (1886–1933) in the journal Geografiska Annaler in 1928 and further developed by Professor Kazys Pakštas [lt; ru][2] (1893–1960), a Lithuanian scientist in the field of geography and geopolitics.

Attached: baltoscandia bigger economies.jpg (6300x3095, 2.8M)

The guy(Axel Olof Freudenthal) who invented the ultraracist party that speaks Swedish did it as a reaction to a Finnish minded person in his university frat giving a speech about how Swedish speakers need to be assimilated
In the end, nobody got what they wanted
We still have Swedish speakers but they are even further mutted with Finns than they were then

How about we let your ancestors starve and flee on a dangerous boat across the Atlantic before we become good enough to never let that happen again?

Fenno-swede hands typed this post

Wrong. Sweden is better than the U.S

Americans have been nicer to us. The swede always backstabs.

Attached: axel.png (800x986, 234K)

>Americans have been nicer to us
google china swedes LMAO

We gave you tonnes of weapons and food during the winter war.

After the Åland/Ahvenanmaa incident Swedes have been nice to us. Don't mix Swedes and Fennoswedes.

>one slur is worse than literally trying to kill your culture and language

>>one slur is worse than literally trying to kill your culture and language
Swedes never did this. Fennoswedes tried to do it for a while.

Only because you did not want Russia as a neighbour. You only see us as a buffer state.

Do you have proof of this?

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Swedes created fennoswedes.

>losing your empire status
lmao kek

Its really insulting that you say this

Not really. It's important to remember that the majority of Swedish speaking Finns chose the Finnish identity instead of the Fennoswedish identity. Fennoswedes were the extremely autistic 1/3 of the Swedish speaking Finns and their autism can't really be blamed on the Swedes who had nothing to do with their formation.

They also created Savonians by giving them the unsettled Tavastian hunting lands

Because it's true?

>Swedish speaking Finns and their autism can't really be blamed on the Swedes who had nothing to do with their formation.
If swedes never came here we would not have fenno-swedes, simple as.

Now that is a crime that cannot be forgiven. Thankfully they moved some of them to Sweden.

I see your discussion in this thread and wanted to point out that Finland Swedes are not that bad. I have met many of them when sailing in the archipelago. They're quite nice and pleasant folk I must say.

Its far from the truth. The turmoil and dissatisfaction from the citizens and the debate in parliament were significant.
But, muh ebil swedes, amright?

>If swedes never came here we would not have fenno-swedes, simple as.
But most of those Swedes became Finnish. Simple as.

were in this together