Is it over for Asian men?
Is it over for Asian men?
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only for the whiny Reddit ones
Why are asians are the only people Jow Forums can be racebaited with?
Listen I really just want these r/aznidentity incels off this board. Posts like this invite them
>Post this in Asianmasculinity
>starts WW3
self-loathing is pathetic, fuck those hoes
How would she explain this post to her asian looking hapa son?
Am/Wf spammer in 3 2 1....
no one likes to see their women being fucked by men of another race
in the past this likely meant you got conquered, so it is an evolutionary trait to dislike it
Wow! Do birds really do that? I thought they were heartless reptiles.
my coworker was an old asian man and he would always talk shit to the Mexicans at work. he wpuld say stuff like "I terr my daughter, never marry mexican, they beat you. Marry white man instead they treat you right" he was a funny guy.
Only for "Asian"-Americans
Whites don't really exist in daily life here.
is she even asian?
It proves his point it’s a flip American.
Obviously if you live in an Asian majority country this type of stuff doesn’t impact you as much
Asian BVLLs should just get thicc latinas
my ex told me she only dated white guys, she was a shallow bitch
My ex told me she loved white men but she had to date down because they few she meet had gfs
we can and do
feelsm good desu
All Asian men should be forced to crossdress.
>Be Asian male from shithold country
>Immigrate to west for better opportunity
>Earn more money you've ever earned and raise family
>Your daughter becomes self hating white dick lover and your son a reddit incel
Yes but i doubt flips are flpping out over the handful of girls in their country going for wreckless wh*tes
Teaches you for chasing money.
Less money less problems.
basically what happened to my exs dad. her brother was a severe incel and she was a major feminist who hated white men but could stop fucking them
>Gf told me she thought shed never date indians till she started falling for me.
Honestly dont put much credence on shit women say. Many people speak without thinking. Many people are completely inconsistent.
Actions speak louder than words
could not stop fucking them
I remember trying to tell some friends that
They ignored me lol and now some are in the US, UK and Ireland
Poo is mightier than the sword
This, women are very inconsistent in what they want. For example, the ones who whine about toxic masculinity still only get fucked by me joins chads
why do you faggots block the info
yes but i think she got surgery done and now looks kinda like a hapa
then you wouldn't see her ugly mug, and the implied insult to asian men loses its sting.
self hate is cringe as fuck lmao
It's because OP is a redditor and they do that on reddit.
Sound like shallow roasties desu