Why are asians like this?

why are asians like this?

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>Why yes, i only date 5'2 asians
why are white women like this?

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yeah, I'm thinking based

I want to put a white baby inside an Asian woman

Lots of women are like this it ain’t just asians.

I’ve seen white women who want mixed race xhildern

Black Women who get excited about having mixed race childern

And Latinas who are thrilled by having a daughter who is two shades lighter then her. This shit ain’t new

chinese airliner advertisement

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blue eyes are creepy

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I mean, she got what she wanted.

kid still looks oriental with light hair

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Everyone is like this. Breeding with different races satisfies the most primal of urges. I would never marry a person that's not Polish though.

They are self-haters


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Asian babies are cute Tbh

no they’re not


All babies have blue eyes...



Yes they are. I bet you were a very cute baby, desu.

Same here bub.


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Women are hypergamous. They want to breed with whoever they think is top dog, even if said individual is fat, ugly, short, shitty personality, etc.

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yellow roasties are mentally unhinged

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imagine having yellow fever so bad you date a 2/10 Asian chick when you are a 7.5/10 white man in facial aesthetics. He must be a midget or something.

>I want to put a white baby inside an Asian woman

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thats quite rich coming from you

Not really. Also that guy on the left is half white.

>thats quite rich coming from you

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Yellow fever fags are faceblind.

thats not even me you psycho

>thats not even me you psycho

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hes probably standing up in that picture, hes 4 foot

yellow fever is a mental illness

you will run out of images of me eventually

Where can one find white women like that? Sounds like a neckbeard dream.

you were drooling over some tranny I posted

i don't think it's possible for a white guy to get a pretty asian girl.

>complete with a set of blue eyes
Why is this so funny

soon, fren...we just need to focus on our dreams to let them become reality

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The eyes turned brown later and she backtracked.

you will run out of air (and IP addresses to shitpost on Jow Forums hopefully) eventually

who did she steal that baby from

What do they look like before surgery and make-up?

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Why does that happen?

Asians make the cutest babies, just accept it

yes, we will make it :)

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