Which state would be the best to settle in as an immigrant

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IL is pretty good, taxes are high for my taste but for a european it probably wouldn't be bad

Yes Tyrone.
There are only 500 murders in Chicago each year but Illinois is wonderful.


chicago is one city in IL dumb jew

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One city with 50% of the population of the state you dumb white trash cleetus.

Chicago is one city you idiot, got cousins in Illinois

The northeast is the best part of america easily

how is that relevant? nobody is forced to live in chicago and even if you choose to, the north side is nothing like the south side

What are they doing there?

Please come to Maryland


Yes , only the worst city in America, baltimore is there.

Have relatives there too lmao

illinois is bankrupt though

its still a nice place to live

One of the best hospitals in the country is located in Baltimore you dumb jew
Besides, it's not like Baltimore is the only city in Maryland

just go to california or nyc and stay out of the other parts

DC suburbs are rich as fuck an the southern,and western parts are quite tranquil and nice


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stay in the blue and you're good

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Only filled with africans and ton of a crime.
Fuck off tyrone

Fuck Illinois, people are leaving by the millions.
Everyone I talk to has a plan to get out

what's wrong with minnesota

youre very ignorant of how good the quality of life is in some parts of the country

You are putting Texas and Arizona in blue you idiot?

They are filled with africnas, mexicans, arabs and pakis

I left over 5 years ago, I heard they are raising property taxes where I lived

Filled with somalian rapefugees in niggeraopolis

I was on a roadtrip through USA and visited Maryland.
When I was eating at Denny's one evening the waitress asked me where I was from because she could not locate the accent. I explaied that I was from Sweden and was visiting.
She said "Why Maryland? There's nothing here" and was completely dumbfounded as to why anyone would ever come to Maryland.

Honestly she was right. There is nothing in Maryland.

As an irish immigrant Massachusetts.
As any immigrant any of the coastal states

eh nothing I guess, strange amount of somali's and arabs compared to white pop. also northern california is pretty based

texas has good bbq and cheap property, northern az is very pretty. yeah a few more browns than I prefer but no need for ccw is nice

Massachusetts is probably up there, you get some free health care, taxes are high but wages are good and unemployment is low

How was the trip in general?

Amazing, best time of my life
Visited 30 states, drove 20000km (12500 miles)

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Massachusetts seems nice

It's just Minneapolis and St. Cloud. Somali ground zero and soi capital of the upper midwest.

how old are you sven
And did you do the trip with a woman?

i hear irish people are treated like blacks in US

I'm 22 now, 21 when I did the trip
Nah, I did 1 month alone, 1,5 months with my mate and the last 2,5 weeks I hung out with my girl friends in LA

>There is nothing in Maryland
That's bullshit and you know it
>t. flyover


Isn't Baltimore the highest murder rate? I always thought of Maryland as a shithole

Knackers maybe

Stay away from Baltimore and you'll have a good time

What are knackers?

yeah there's the small white neighbourhoods in the north (Hampden & Roland Park) and then the rest is a warzone

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>That's bullshit and you know it
Okay yeah, I visited this island where there's wild horses that shit on the beach
I didn't visit Baltimore though but it struck me as pretty boring

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Yeah, there's not much of interest in Baltimore aside from Johns Hopkins

Irish traveler


How would a damn polack like you know what's going on there muhammad?


I meant the entire state, sorry bro.


hope u realize chiraq and illinois isnt the same

Chicagoland is huge.

American cities have crime, stop being surprised about it

And not the only part Illinois, as has been restated again and again ITT

and is, like we have all said, not the same thing as the rest of illinois.

Utah. Mormons are very welcoming of outsiders because they see them as a new person to invite to church. Also, Utah has an extremely high quality of life and standard of living. The downside is it's expensive

What a stupid fucking post. Get lost Finnish retard, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Illinois is sleepy and boring outside of Chicago

Truth. Currently on a 4 hour bus from central to north Illinois.

this only raises a lot of questions
are you only capable of thinking in cities?

Hear that it’s beautiful

Absolutely! I can get in my car and drive in any direction and hit mountains to go hiking in, camping, there's lakes, and the southern part of the state is full of arguably the most beautiful national parks in not only the US, but possibly the world

So just like Israel. What's your problem?

yall ready know

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Yeah I’m avoiding that state like it’s nuclear waste

where will I get the least hate if I look like Joji?
